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<DllImport("shell32.dll", SetLastError:= True)>
Public Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(hOwner As IntPtr, _
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)>nFolder As CSIDL, _
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Struct)>ByRef ppidl As ITEMIDLIST) As Integer
End Function
VB Signature:
Public Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib "shell32.dll" _
(ByVal prmlngHwndOwner As Long, _
ByVal prmlngFolderID As CSIDL, _
prmtypItemIDList As ITEMIDLIST) As Long
public enum CSIDL
CSIDL_DESKTOP = 0x0000, // <desktop>
CSIDL_INTERNET = 0x0001, // Internet Explorer (icon on desktop)
CSIDL_PROGRAMS = 0x0002, // Start Menu\Programs
CSIDL_CONTROLS = 0x0003, // My Computer\Control Panel
CSIDL_PRINTERS = 0x0004, // My Computer\Printers
CSIDL_PERSONAL = 0x0005, // My Documents
CSIDL_FAVORITES = 0x0006, // <user name>\Favorites
CSIDL_STARTUP = 0x0007, // Start Menu\Programs\Startup
CSIDL_RECENT = 0x0008, // <user name>\Recent
CSIDL_SENDTO = 0x0009, // <user name>\SendTo
CSIDL_BITBUCKET = 0x000a, // <desktop>\Recycle Bin
CSIDL_STARTMENU = 0x000b, // <user name>\Start Menu
CSIDL_MYDOCUMENTS = 0x000c, // logical "My Documents" desktop icon
CSIDL_MYMUSIC = 0x000d, // "My Music" folder
CSIDL_MYVIDEO = 0x000e, // "My Videos" folder
CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0010, // <user name>\Desktop
CSIDL_DRIVES = 0x0011, // My Computer
CSIDL_NETWORK = 0x0012, // Network Neighborhood (My Network Places)
CSIDL_NETHOOD = 0x0013, // <user name>\nethood
CSIDL_FONTS = 0x0014, // windows\fonts
CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU = 0x0016, // All Users\Start Menu
CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS = 0X0017, // All Users\Start Menu\Programs
CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP = 0x0018, // All Users\Startup
CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY = 0x0019, // All Users\Desktop
CSIDL_APPDATA = 0x001a, // <user name>\Application Data
CSIDL_PRINTHOOD = 0x001b, // <user name>\PrintHood
CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA = 0x001c, // <user name>\Local Settings\Applicaiton Data (non roaming)
CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP = 0x001d, // non localized startup
CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP = 0x001e, // non localized common startup
CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA = 0x0023, // All Users\Application Data
CSIDL_WINDOWS = 0x0024, // GetWindowsDirectory()
CSIDL_SYSTEM = 0x0025, // GetSystemDirectory()
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = 0x0026, // C:\Program Files
CSIDL_MYPICTURES = 0x0027, // C:\Program Files\My Pictures
CSIDL_SYSTEMX86 = 0x0029, // x86 system directory on RISC
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILESX86 = 0x002a, // x86 C:\Program Files on RISC
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMON = 0x002b, // C:\Program Files\Common
CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES_COMMONX86 = 0x002c, // x86 Program Files\Common on RISC
CSIDL_COMMON_TEMPLATES = 0x002d, // All Users\Templates
CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS = 0x002e, // All Users\Documents
CSIDL_COMMON_ADMINTOOLS = 0x002f, // All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
CSIDL_ADMINTOOLS = 0x0030, // <user name>\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
CSIDL_CONNECTIONS = 0x0031, // Network and Dial-up Connections
CSIDL_COMMON_MUSIC = 0x0035, // All Users\My Music
CSIDL_COMMON_PICTURES = 0x0036, // All Users\My Pictures
CSIDL_COMMON_VIDEO = 0x0037, // All Users\My Video
CSIDL_CDBURN_AREA = 0x003b // USERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning
The SHGetSpecialFolderLocation API
2/7/2012 6:44:01 PM - -
ITEMIDLIST - Item ID List for [SHGetSpecialFolderLocation]
2/7/2012 6:53:37 PM - -
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