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opengl32 down load (opengl32)
Here is the entire OpenGL32.dll and Glu32.dll C# Library interfaces

C# Signature:

    #region The OpenGL constant definitions.
    public enum OpenGLVersionIdentifier : uint
        GL_VERSION_1_1 = 1,
    public enum AccumOp : uint
        GL_ACCUM = 0x0100,
        GL_LOAD = 0x0101,
        GL_RETURN = 0x0102,
        GL_MULT = 0x0103,
        GL_ADD = 0x0104,
    public enum AlphaFunctions : uint
        GL_NEVER = 0x0200,
        GL_LESS = 0x0201,
        GL_EQUAL = 0x0202,
        GL_LEQUAL = 0x0203,
        GL_GREATER = 0x0204,
        GL_NOTEQUAL = 0x0205,
        GL_GEQUAL = 0x0206,
        GL_ALWAYS = 0x0207,
    public enum AttribMask : uint
        GL_CURRENT_BIT = 0x00000001,
        GL_POINT_BIT = 0x00000002,
        GL_LINE_BIT = 0x00000004,
        GL_POLYGON_BIT = 0x00000008,
        GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE_BIT = 0x00000010,
        GL_PIXEL_MODE_BIT = 0x00000020,
        GL_LIGHTING_BIT = 0x00000040,
        GL_FOG_BIT = 0x00000080,
        GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000100,
        GL_ACCUM_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000200,
        GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000400,
        GL_VIEWPORT_BIT = 0x00000800,
        GL_TRANSFORM_BIT = 0x00001000,
        GL_ENABLE_BIT = 0x00002000,
        GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00004000,
        GL_HINT_BIT = 0x00008000,
        GL_EVAL_BIT = 0x00010000,
        GL_LIST_BIT = 0x00020000,
        GL_TEXTURE_BIT = 0x00040000,
        GL_SCISSOR_BIT = 0x00080000,
        GL_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS = 0x000fffff,
    public enum BeginMode : uint
        GL_POINTS = 0x0000,
        GL_LINES = 0x0001,
        GL_LINE_LOOP = 0x0002,
        GL_LINE_STRIP = 0x0003,
        GL_TRIANGLES = 0x0004,
        GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0x0005,
        GL_TRIANGLE_FAN = 0x0006,
        GL_QUADS = 0x0007,
        GL_QUAD_STRIP = 0x0008,
        GL_POLYGON = 0x0009,
    public enum BlendingFactorDest : uint
        GL_ZERO = 0,
        GL_ONE = 1,
        GL_SRC_COLOR = 0x0300,
        GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = 0x0301,
        GL_SRC_ALPHA = 0x0302,
        GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = 0x0303,
        GL_DST_ALPHA = 0x0304,
        GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = 0x0305,
    public enum BlendingFactorSrc : uint
        GL_DST_COLOR = 0x0306,
        GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = 0x0307,
        GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = 0x0308,
    public enum GL_Boolean : uint
        GL_TRUE = 1,
        GL_FALSE = 0,
    public enum ClipPlaneName : uint
        GL_CLIP_PLANE0 = 0x3000,
        GL_CLIP_PLANE1 = 0x3001,
        GL_CLIP_PLANE2 = 0x3002,
        GL_CLIP_PLANE3 = 0x3003,
        GL_CLIP_PLANE4 = 0x3004,
        GL_CLIP_PLANE5 = 0x3005,
    public enum DataType : uint
        GL_BYTE = 0x1400,
        GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401,
        GL_SHORT = 0x1402,
        GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT = 0x1403,
        GL_INT = 0x1404,
        GL_UNSIGNED_INT = 0x1405,
        GL_FLOAT = 0x1406,
        GL_2_BYTES = 0x1407,
        GL_3_BYTES = 0x1408,
        GL_4_BYTES = 0x1409,
        GL_DOUBLE = 0x140A,
    public enum DrawBufferMode : uint
        GL_NONE = 0,
        GL_FRONT_LEFT = 0x0400,
        GL_FRONT_RIGHT = 0x0401,
        GL_BACK_LEFT = 0x0402,
        GL_BACK_RIGHT = 0x0403,
        GL_FRONT = 0x0404,
        GL_BACK = 0x0405,
        GL_LEFT = 0x0406,
        GL_RIGHT = 0x0407,
        GL_FRONT_AND_BACK = 0x0408,
        GL_AUX0 = 0x0409,
        GL_AUX1 = 0x040A,
        GL_AUX2 = 0x040B,
        GL_AUX3 = 0x040C,
    public enum ErrorCode : uint
        GL_NO_ERROR = 0,
        GL_INVALID_ENUM = 0x0500,
        GL_INVALID_VALUE = 0x0501,
        GL_INVALID_OPERATION = 0x0502,
        GL_STACK_OVERFLOW = 0x0503,
        GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW = 0x0504,
        GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x0505,
    public enum FeedBackMode : uint
        GL_2D = 0x0600,
        GL_3D = 0x0601,
        GL_4D_COLOR = 0x0602,
        GL_3D_COLOR_TEXTURE = 0x0603,
        GL_4D_COLOR_TEXTURE = 0x0604,
    public enum FeedBackToken : uint
        GL_PASS_THROUGH_TOKEN = 0x0700,
        GL_POINT_TOKEN = 0x0701,
        GL_LINE_TOKEN = 0x0702,
        GL_POLYGON_TOKEN = 0x0703,
        GL_BITMAP_TOKEN = 0x0704,
        GL_DRAW_PIXEL_TOKEN = 0x0705,
        GL_COPY_PIXEL_TOKEN = 0x0706,
        GL_LINE_RESET_TOKEN = 0x0707,
    public enum FogMode : uint
        GL_EXP = 0x0800,
        GL_EXP2 = 0x0801,
    public enum FrontFaceDirection : uint
        GL_CW = 0x0900,
        GL_CCW = 0x0901,
    public enum GetMapTarget : uint
        GL_COEFF = 0x0A00,
        GL_ORDER = 0x0A01,
        GL_DOMAIN = 0x0A02,
    public enum GetTarget : uint
        GL_CURRENT_COLOR = 0x0B00,
        GL_CURRENT_INDEX = 0x0B01,
        GL_CURRENT_NORMAL = 0x0B02,
        GL_POINT_SMOOTH = 0x0B10,
        GL_POINT_SIZE = 0x0B11,
        GL_POINT_SIZE_RANGE = 0x0B12,
        GL_LINE_SMOOTH = 0x0B20,
        GL_LINE_WIDTH = 0x0B21,
        GL_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE = 0x0B22,
        GL_LINE_STIPPLE = 0x0B24,
        GL_LINE_STIPPLE_REPEAT = 0x0B26,
        GL_LIST_MODE = 0x0B30,
        GL_MAX_LIST_NESTING = 0x0B31,
        GL_LIST_BASE = 0x0B32,
        GL_LIST_INDEX = 0x0B33,
        GL_POLYGON_MODE = 0x0B40,
        GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH = 0x0B41,
        GL_POLYGON_STIPPLE = 0x0B42,
        GL_EDGE_FLAG = 0x0B43,
        GL_CULL_FACE = 0x0B44,
        GL_CULL_FACE_MODE = 0x0B45,
        GL_FRONT_FACE = 0x0B46,
        GL_LIGHTING = 0x0B50,
        GL_LIGHT_MODEL_TWO_SIDE = 0x0B52,
        GL_LIGHT_MODEL_AMBIENT = 0x0B53,
        GL_SHADE_MODEL = 0x0B54,
        GL_COLOR_MATERIAL_FACE = 0x0B55,
        GL_COLOR_MATERIAL = 0x0B57,
        GL_FOG = 0x0B60,
        GL_FOG_INDEX = 0x0B61,
        GL_FOG_DENSITY = 0x0B62,
        GL_FOG_START = 0x0B63,
        GL_FOG_END = 0x0B64,
        GL_FOG_MODE = 0x0B65,
        GL_FOG_COLOR = 0x0B66,
        GL_DEPTH_RANGE = 0x0B70,
        GL_DEPTH_TEST = 0x0B71,
        GL_DEPTH_WRITEMASK = 0x0B72,
        GL_DEPTH_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B73,
        GL_DEPTH_FUNC = 0x0B74,
        GL_ACCUM_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B80,
        GL_STENCIL_TEST = 0x0B90,
        GL_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0B91,
        GL_STENCIL_FUNC = 0x0B92,
        GL_STENCIL_VALUE_MASK = 0x0B93,
        GL_STENCIL_FAIL = 0x0B94,
        GL_STENCIL_REF = 0x0B97,
        GL_STENCIL_WRITEMASK = 0x0B98,
        GL_MATRIX_MODE = 0x0BA0,
        GL_NORMALIZE = 0x0BA1,
        GL_VIEWPORT = 0x0BA2,
        GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX = 0x0BA8,
        GL_ALPHA_TEST = 0x0BC0,
        GL_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC = 0x0BC1,
        GL_ALPHA_TEST_REF = 0x0BC2,
        GL_DITHER = 0x0BD0,
        GL_BLEND_DST = 0x0BE0,
        GL_BLEND_SRC = 0x0BE1,
        GL_BLEND = 0x0BE2,
        GL_LOGIC_OP_MODE = 0x0BF0,
        GL_INDEX_LOGIC_OP = 0x0BF1,
        GL_COLOR_LOGIC_OP = 0x0BF2,
        GL_AUX_BUFFERS = 0x0C00,
        GL_DRAW_BUFFER = 0x0C01,
        GL_READ_BUFFER = 0x0C02,
        GL_SCISSOR_BOX = 0x0C10,
        GL_SCISSOR_TEST = 0x0C11,
        GL_INDEX_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0C20,
        GL_INDEX_WRITEMASK = 0x0C21,
        GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE = 0x0C22,
        GL_COLOR_WRITEMASK = 0x0C23,
        GL_INDEX_MODE = 0x0C30,
        GL_RGBA_MODE = 0x0C31,
        GL_DOUBLEBUFFER = 0x0C32,
        GL_STEREO = 0x0C33,
        GL_RENDER_MODE = 0x0C40,
        GL_POINT_SMOOTH_HINT = 0x0C51,
        GL_LINE_SMOOTH_HINT = 0x0C52,
        GL_POLYGON_SMOOTH_HINT = 0x0C53,
        GL_FOG_HINT = 0x0C54,
        GL_TEXTURE_GEN_S = 0x0C60,
        GL_TEXTURE_GEN_T = 0x0C61,
        GL_TEXTURE_GEN_R = 0x0C62,
        GL_TEXTURE_GEN_Q = 0x0C63,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I = 0x0C70,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S = 0x0C71,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R = 0x0C72,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G = 0x0C73,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B = 0x0C74,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A = 0x0C75,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R = 0x0C76,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G = 0x0C77,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B = 0x0C78,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A = 0x0C79,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_I_SIZE = 0x0CB0,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_S_TO_S_SIZE = 0x0CB1,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_R_SIZE = 0x0CB2,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_G_SIZE = 0x0CB3,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_B_SIZE = 0x0CB4,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_I_TO_A_SIZE = 0x0CB5,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_R_TO_R_SIZE = 0x0CB6,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_G_TO_G_SIZE = 0x0CB7,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_B_TO_B_SIZE = 0x0CB8,
        GL_PIXEL_MAP_A_TO_A_SIZE = 0x0CB9,
        GL_UNPACK_SWAP_BYTES = 0x0CF0,
        GL_UNPACK_LSB_FIRST = 0x0CF1,
        GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH = 0x0CF2,
        GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS = 0x0CF3,
        GL_PACK_SWAP_BYTES = 0x0D00,
        GL_PACK_LSB_FIRST = 0x0D01,
        GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH = 0x0D02,
        GL_PACK_SKIP_ROWS = 0x0D03,
        GL_PACK_SKIP_PIXELS = 0x0D04,
        GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT = 0x0D05,
        GL_MAP_COLOR = 0x0D10,
        GL_MAP_STENCIL = 0x0D11,
        GL_INDEX_SHIFT = 0x0D12,
        GL_INDEX_OFFSET = 0x0D13,
        GL_RED_SCALE = 0x0D14,
        GL_RED_BIAS = 0x0D15,
        GL_ZOOM_X = 0x0D16,
        GL_ZOOM_Y = 0x0D17,
        GL_GREEN_SCALE = 0x0D18,
        GL_GREEN_BIAS = 0x0D19,
        GL_BLUE_SCALE = 0x0D1A,
        GL_BLUE_BIAS = 0x0D1B,
        GL_ALPHA_SCALE = 0x0D1C,
        GL_ALPHA_BIAS = 0x0D1D,
        GL_DEPTH_SCALE = 0x0D1E,
        GL_DEPTH_BIAS = 0x0D1F,
        GL_MAX_EVAL_ORDER = 0x0D30,
        GL_MAX_LIGHTS = 0x0D31,
        GL_MAX_CLIP_PLANES = 0x0D32,
        GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 0x0D33,
        GL_MAX_PIXEL_MAP_TABLE = 0x0D34,
        GL_MAX_NAME_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D37,
        GL_MAX_VIEWPORT_DIMS = 0x0D3A,
        GL_SUBPIXEL_BITS = 0x0D50,
        GL_INDEX_BITS = 0x0D51,
        GL_RED_BITS = 0x0D52,
        GL_GREEN_BITS = 0x0D53,
        GL_BLUE_BITS = 0x0D54,
        GL_ALPHA_BITS = 0x0D55,
        GL_DEPTH_BITS = 0x0D56,
        GL_STENCIL_BITS = 0x0D57,
        GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS = 0x0D58,
        GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS = 0x0D59,
        GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS = 0x0D5A,
        GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS = 0x0D5B,
        GL_NAME_STACK_DEPTH = 0x0D70,
        GL_AUTO_NORMAL = 0x0D80,
        GL_MAP1_COLOR_4 = 0x0D90,
        GL_MAP1_INDEX = 0x0D91,
        GL_MAP1_NORMAL = 0x0D92,
        GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_1 = 0x0D93,
        GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_2 = 0x0D94,
        GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_3 = 0x0D95,
        GL_MAP1_TEXTURE_COORD_4 = 0x0D96,
        GL_MAP1_VERTEX_3 = 0x0D97,
        GL_MAP1_VERTEX_4 = 0x0D98,
        GL_MAP2_COLOR_4 = 0x0DB0,
        GL_MAP2_INDEX = 0x0DB1,
        GL_MAP2_NORMAL = 0x0DB2,
        GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_1 = 0x0DB3,
        GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_2 = 0x0DB4,
        GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_3 = 0x0DB5,
        GL_MAP2_TEXTURE_COORD_4 = 0x0DB6,
        GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3 = 0x0DB7,
        GL_MAP2_VERTEX_4 = 0x0DB8,
        GL_MAP1_GRID_DOMAIN = 0x0DD0,
        GL_MAP1_GRID_SEGMENTS = 0x0DD1,
        GL_MAP2_GRID_DOMAIN = 0x0DD2,
        GL_MAP2_GRID_SEGMENTS = 0x0DD3,
        GL_TEXTURE_1D = 0x0DE0,
        GL_TEXTURE_2D = 0x0DE1,
    public enum GetTextureParameter : uint
        GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH = 0x1000,
        GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT = 0x1001,
        GL_TEXTURE_BORDER_COLOR = 0x1004,
        GL_TEXTURE_BORDER = 0x1005,
    public enum HintMode : uint
        GL_DONT_CARE = 0x1100,
        GL_FASTEST = 0x1101,
        GL_NICEST = 0x1102,
    public enum LightName : uint
        GL_LIGHT0 = 0x4000,
        GL_LIGHT1 = 0x4001,
        GL_LIGHT2 = 0x4002,
        GL_LIGHT3 = 0x4003,
        GL_LIGHT4 = 0x4004,
        GL_LIGHT5 = 0x4005,
        GL_LIGHT6 = 0x4006,
        GL_LIGHT7 = 0x4007,
    public enum LightParameter : uint
        GL_AMBIENT = 0x1200,
        GL_DIFFUSE = 0x1201,
        GL_SPECULAR = 0x1202,
        GL_POSITION = 0x1203,
        GL_SPOT_DIRECTION = 0x1204,
        GL_SPOT_EXPONENT = 0x1205,
        GL_SPOT_CUTOFF = 0x1206,
        GL_LINEAR_ATTENUATION = 0x1208,
    public enum ListMode : uint
        GL_COMPILE = 0x1300,
        GL_COMPILE_AND_EXECUTE = 0x1301,
    public enum LogicOp : uint
        GL_CLEAR = 0x1500,
        GL_AND = 0x1501,
        GL_AND_REVERSE = 0x1502,
        GL_COPY = 0x1503,
        GL_AND_INVERTED = 0x1504,
        GL_NOOP = 0x1505,
        GL_XOR = 0x1506,
        GL_OR = 0x1507,
        GL_NOR = 0x1508,
        GL_EQUIV = 0x1509,
        GL_INVERT = 0x150A,
        GL_OR_REVERSE = 0x150B,
        GL_COPY_INVERTED = 0x150C,
        GL_OR_INVERTED = 0x150D,
        GL_NAND = 0x150E,
        GL_SET = 0x150F,
    public enum MaterialParameter : uint
        GL_EMISSION = 0x1600,
        GL_SHININESS = 0x1601,
        GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE = 0x1602,
        GL_COLOR_INDEXES = 0x1603,
    public enum MatrixMode : uint
        GL_MODELVIEW = 0x1700,
        GL_PROJECTION = 0x1701,
        GL_TEXTURE = 0x1702,
    public enum PixelCopyType : uint
        GL_COLOR = 0x1800,
        GL_DEPTH = 0x1801,
        GL_STENCIL = 0x1802,
    public enum PixelFormat : uint
        GL_COLOR_INDEX = 0x1900,
        GL_STENCIL_INDEX = 0x1901,
        GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT = 0x1902,
        GL_RED = 0x1903,
        GL_GREEN = 0x1904,
        GL_BLUE = 0x1905,
        GL_ALPHA = 0x1906,
        GL_RGB = 0x1907,
        GL_RGBA = 0x1908,
        GL_LUMINANCE = 0x1909,
        GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA = 0x190A,
    public enum PixelType : uint
        GL_BITMAP = 0x1A00,
    public enum PolygonMode : uint
        GL_POINT = 0x1B00,
        GL_LINE = 0x1B01,
        GL_FILL = 0x1B02,
    public enum RenderingMode : uint
        GL_RENDER = 0x1C00,
        GL_FEEDBACK = 0x1C01,
        GL_SELECT = 0x1C02,
    public enum ShadingModel : uint
        GL_FLAT = 0x1D00,
        GL_SMOOTH = 0x1D01,
    public enum StencilOp : uint
        GL_KEEP = 0x1E00,
        GL_REPLACE = 0x1E01,
        GL_INCR = 0x1E02,
        GL_DECR = 0x1E03,
    public enum GL_StringName : uint
        GL_VENDOR = 0x1F00,
        GL_RENDERER = 0x1F01,
        GL_VERSION = 0x1F02,
        GL_EXTENSIONS = 0x1F03,
    public enum TextureCoordName : uint
        GL_S = 0x2000,
        GL_T = 0x2001,
        GL_R = 0x2002,
        GL_Q = 0x2003,
    public enum TextureEnvMode : uint
        GL_MODULATE = 0x2100,
        GL_DECAL = 0x2101,
    public enum TextureEnvParameter : uint
        GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE = 0x2200,
        GL_TEXTURE_ENV_COLOR = 0x2201,
    public enum TextureEnvTarget : uint
        GL_TEXTURE_ENV = 0x2300,
    public enum TextureGenMode : uint
        GL_EYE_LINEAR = 0x2400,
        GL_OBJECT_LINEAR = 0x2401,
        GL_SPHERE_MAP = 0x2402,
    public enum TextureGenParameter : uint
        GL_TEXTURE_GEN_MODE = 0x2500,
        GL_OBJECT_PLANE = 0x2501,
        GL_EYE_PLANE = 0x2502,
    public enum TextureMagFilter : uint
        GL_NEAREST = 0x2600,
        GL_LINEAR = 0x2601,
    public enum TextureMinFilter : uint
        GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST = 0x2701,
        GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 0x2702,
        GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR = 0x2703,
    public enum TextureParameterName : uint
        GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER = 0x2800,
        GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER = 0x2801,
        GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S = 0x2802,
        GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T = 0x2803,
    public enum TextureWrapMode : uint
        GL_CLAMP = 0x2900,
        GL_REPEAT = 0x2901,
    public enum ClientAttribMask : uint
        GL_CLIENT_PIXEL_STORE_BIT = 0x00000001,
        GL_CLIENT_VERTEX_ARRAY_BIT = 0x00000002,
        GL_CLIENT_ALL_ATTRIB_BITS = 0xffffffff,
    public enum PolygonOffset : uint
        GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FACTOR = 0x8038,
        GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_LINE = 0x2A02,
        GL_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL = 0x8037,
    public enum Texture : uint
        GL_ALPHA4 = 0x803B,
        GL_ALPHA8 = 0x803C,
        GL_ALPHA12 = 0x803D,
        GL_ALPHA16 = 0x803E,
        GL_LUMINANCE4 = 0x803F,
        GL_LUMINANCE8 = 0x8040,
        GL_LUMINANCE12 = 0x8041,
        GL_LUMINANCE16 = 0x8042,
        GL_LUMINANCE4_ALPHA4 = 0x8043,
        GL_LUMINANCE6_ALPHA2 = 0x8044,
        GL_LUMINANCE8_ALPHA8 = 0x8045,
        GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA4 = 0x8046,
        GL_LUMINANCE12_ALPHA12 = 0x8047,
        GL_LUMINANCE16_ALPHA16 = 0x8048,
        GL_INTENSITY = 0x8049,
        GL_INTENSITY4 = 0x804A,
        GL_INTENSITY8 = 0x804B,
        GL_INTENSITY12 = 0x804C,
        GL_INTENSITY16 = 0x804D,
        GL_R3_G3_B2 = 0x2A10,
        GL_RGB4 = 0x804F,
        GL_RGB5 = 0x8050,
        GL_RGB8 = 0x8051,
        GL_RGB10 = 0x8052,
        GL_RGB12 = 0x8053,
        GL_RGB16 = 0x8054,
        GL_RGBA2 = 0x8055,
        GL_RGBA4 = 0x8056,
        GL_RGB5_A1 = 0x8057,
        GL_RGBA8 = 0x8058,
        GL_RGB10_A2 = 0x8059,
        GL_RGBA12 = 0x805A,
        GL_RGBA16 = 0x805B,
        GL_TEXTURE_RED_SIZE = 0x805C,
        GL_TEXTURE_GREEN_SIZE = 0x805D,
        GL_TEXTURE_BLUE_SIZE = 0x805E,
        GL_TEXTURE_ALPHA_SIZE = 0x805F,
        GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_1D = 0x8063,
        GL_PROXY_TEXTURE_2D = 0x8064,
    public enum TextureObject : uint
        GL_TEXTURE_PRIORITY = 0x8066,
        GL_TEXTURE_RESIDENT = 0x8067,
        GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_1D = 0x8068,
        GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D = 0x8069,
    public enum VertexArray : uint
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY = 0x8074,
        GL_NORMAL_ARRAY = 0x8075,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY = 0x8076,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY = 0x8077,
        GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY = 0x8078,
        GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY = 0x8079,
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE = 0x807A,
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x807B,
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x807C,
        GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x807E,
        GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x807F,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE = 0x8081,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x8082,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x8083,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE = 0x8085,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE = 0x8086,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8090,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8091,
        GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_POINTER = 0x8093,
        GL_V2F = 0x2A20,
        GL_V3F = 0x2A21,
        GL_C4UB_V2F = 0x2A22,
        GL_C4UB_V3F = 0x2A23,
        GL_C3F_V3F = 0x2A24,
        GL_N3F_V3F = 0x2A25,
        GL_C4F_N3F_V3F = 0x2A26,
        GL_T2F_V3F = 0x2A27,
        GL_T4F_V4F = 0x2A28,
        GL_T2F_C4UB_V3F = 0x2A29,
        GL_T2F_C3F_V3F = 0x2A2A,
        GL_T2F_N3F_V3F = 0x2A2B,
        GL_T2F_C4F_N3F_V3F = 0x2A2C,
        GL_T4F_C4F_N3F_V4F = 0x2A2D,
    public enum Extensions : uint
        GL_EXT_vertex_array = 1,
        GL_EXT_bgra = 1,
        GL_EXT_paletted_texture = 1,
        GL_WIN_swap_hint = 1,
        GL_WIN_draw_range_elements = 1,
    public enum ExVertexArray : uint
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8074,
        GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8075,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8076,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8077,
        GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8078,
        GL_EDGE_FLAG_ARRAY_EXT = 0x8079,
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT = 0x807A,
        GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x807B,
        GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x807E,
        GL_NORMAL_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x8080,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_SIZE_EXT = 0x8081,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x8082,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x8083,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x8084,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_TYPE_EXT = 0x8085,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_STRIDE_EXT = 0x8086,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_COUNT_EXT = 0x8087,
        GL_COLOR_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x8090,
        GL_INDEX_ARRAY_POINTER_EXT = 0x8091,
        GL_DOUBLE_EXT = 1,/*DOUBLE*/
    public enum ExPalettedTexture : uint
        GL_COLOR_TABLE_WIDTH_EXT = 0x80D9,
        GL_COLOR_INDEX1_EXT = 0x80E2,
        GL_COLOR_INDEX2_EXT = 0x80E3,
        GL_COLOR_INDEX4_EXT = 0x80E4,
        GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT = 0x80E5,
        GL_COLOR_INDEX12_EXT = 0x80E6,
        GL_COLOR_INDEX16_EXT = 0x80E7,
    public enum WinDrawRangeElements : uint
    public enum WIN_phong_shading : uint
        GL_PHONG_WIN = 0x80EA,
        GL_PHONG_HINT_WIN = 0x80EB,
    public enum WIN_specular_fog : uint
    #region The GLU DLL Constant Definitions.
    public enum Version : uint
        GLU_VERSION_1_1 = 1,
        GLU_VERSION_1_2 = 1,
    public enum Errors : uint
        GLU_INVALID_ENUM = 100900,
        GLU_INVALID_VALUE = 100901,
        GLU_OUT_OF_MEMORY = 100902,
    public enum GLU_StringName : uint
        GLU_VERSION = 100800,
        GLU_EXTENSIONS = 100801,
    public enum GLU_Boolean : uint
        GLU_TRUE = 1,
        GLU_FALSE = 0,
    public enum QuadricNormal : uint
        GLU_SMOOTH = 100000,
        GLU_FLAT = 100001,
        GLU_NONE = 100002,
    public enum QuadricDrawStyle : uint
        GLU_POINT = 100010,
        GLU_LINE = 100011,
        GLU_FILL = 100012,
        GLU_SILHOUETTE = 100013,
    public enum QuadricOrientation : uint
        GLU_OUTSIDE = 100020,
        GLU_INSIDE = 100021,
    public const double GLU_TESS_MAX_COORD = 1.0e150;
    public enum TessProperty : uint
        GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE = 100140,
        GLU_TESS_BOUNDARY_ONLY = 100141,
        GLU_TESS_TOLERANCE = 100142,
    public enum TessWinding : uint
        GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD = 100130,
        GLU_TESS_WINDING_NONZERO = 100131,
        GLU_TESS_WINDING_ABS_GEQ_TWO = 100134,
    public enum TessCallback : uint
        GLU_TESS_BEGIN = 100100,
        GLU_TESS_VERTEX = 100101,
        GLU_TESS_END = 100102,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR = 100103,
        GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG = 100104,
        GLU_TESS_COMBINE = 100105,
        GLU_TESS_BEGIN_DATA = 100106,
        GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA = 100107,
        GLU_TESS_END_DATA = 100108,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR_DATA = 100109,
        GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG_DATA = 100110,
        GLU_TESS_COMBINE_DATA = 100111,
    public enum TessError : uint
        GLU_TESS_ERROR1 = 100151,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR2 = 100152,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR3 = 100153,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR4 = 100154,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR5 = 100155,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR6 = 100156,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR7 = 100157,
        GLU_TESS_ERROR8 = 100158,
        GLU_TESS_COORD_TOO_LARGE = 100155,
    public enum NurbsProperty : uint
        GLU_AUTO_LOAD_MATRIX = 100200,
        GLU_CULLING = 100201,
        GLU_SAMPLING_TOLERANCE = 100203,
        GLU_DISPLAY_MODE = 100204,
        GLU_SAMPLING_METHOD = 100205,
        GLU_U_STEP = 100206,
        GLU_V_STEP = 100207,
    public enum NurbsSampling : uint
        GLU_PATH_LENGTH = 100215,
        GLU_PARAMETRIC_ERROR = 100216,
        GLU_DOMAIN_DISTANCE = 100217,
    public enum NurbsTrim : uint
        GLU_MAP1_TRIM_2 = 100210,
        GLU_MAP1_TRIM_3 = 100211,
    public enum NurbsOutline : uint
        GLU_OUTLINE_POLYGON = 100240,
        GLU_OUTLINE_PATCH = 100241,
    public enum NurbsCallback : uint
        GLU_ERROR = 100103,
    public enum NurbsError : uint
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR1 = 100251,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR2 = 100252,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR3 = 100253,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR4 = 100254,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR5 = 100255,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR6 = 100256,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR7 = 100257,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR8 = 100258,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR9 = 100259,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR10 = 100260,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR11 = 100261,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR12 = 100262,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR13 = 100263,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR14 = 100264,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR15 = 100265,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR16 = 100266,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR17 = 100267,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR18 = 100268,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR19 = 100269,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR20 = 100270,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR21 = 100271,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR22 = 100272,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR23 = 100273,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR24 = 100274,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR25 = 100275,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR26 = 100276,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR27 = 100277,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR28 = 100278,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR29 = 100279,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR30 = 100280,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR31 = 100281,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR32 = 100282,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR33 = 100283,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR34 = 100284,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR35 = 100285,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR36 = 100286,
        GLU_NURBS_ERROR37 = 100287,
    #region The OpenGL DLL Functions (Exactly the same naming).
    public static extern void glAccum(uint op, float value);
    public static extern void glAlphaFunc(uint func, float ref_notkeword);
    public static extern byte glAreTexturesResident(int n, uint[] textures, byte[] residences);
    public static extern void glArrayElement(int i);
    public static extern void glBegin(uint mode);
    public static extern void glBindTexture(uint target, uint texture);
    public static extern void glBitmap(int width, int height, float xorig, float yorig, float xmove, float ymove, byte[] bitmap);
    public static extern void glBlendFunc(uint sfactor, uint dfactor);
    public static extern void glCallList(uint list);
    public static extern void glCallLists(int n, uint type, IntPtr lists);
    public static extern void glCallLists(int n, uint type, uint[] lists);
    public static extern void glCallLists(int n, uint type, byte[] lists);
    public static extern void glClear(uint mask);
    public static extern void glClearAccum(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
    public static extern void glClearColor(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
    public static extern void glClearDepth(double depth);
    public static extern void glClearIndex(float c);
    public static extern void glClearStencil(int s);
    public static extern void glClipPlane(uint plane, double[] equation);
    public static extern void glColor3b(byte red, byte green, byte blue);
    public static extern void glColor3bv(byte[] v);
    public static extern void glColor3d(double red, double green, double blue);
    public static extern void glColor3dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glColor3f(float red, float green, float blue);
    public static extern void glColor3fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glColor3i(int red, int green, int blue);
    public static extern void glColor3iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glColor3s(short red, short green, short blue);
    public static extern void glColor3sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glColor3ub(byte red, byte green, byte blue);
    public static extern void glColor3ubv(byte[] v);
    public static extern void glColor3ui(uint red, uint green, uint blue);
    public static extern void glColor3uiv(uint[] v);
    public static extern void glColor3us(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue);
    public static extern void glColor3usv(ushort[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4b(byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4bv(byte[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4d(double red, double green, double blue, double alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4f(float red, float green, float blue, float alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4i(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4s(short red, short green, short blue, short alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4ub(byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4ubv(byte[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4ui(uint red, uint green, uint blue, uint alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4uiv(uint[] v);
    public static extern void glColor4us(ushort red, ushort green, ushort blue, ushort alpha);
    public static extern void glColor4usv(ushort[] v);
    public static extern void glColorMask(byte red, byte green, byte blue, byte alpha);
    public static extern void glColorMaterial(uint face, uint mode);
    public static extern void glColorPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, int[] pointer);
    public static extern void glCopyPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint type);
    public static extern void glCopyTexImage1D(uint target, int level, uint internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int border);
    public static extern void glCopyTexImage2D(uint target, int level, uint internalFormat, int x, int y, int width, int height, int border);
    public static extern void glCopyTexSubImage1D(uint target, int level, int xoffset, int x, int y, int width);
    public static extern void glCopyTexSubImage2D(uint target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int x, int y, int width, int height);
    public static extern void glCullFace(uint mode);
    public static extern void glDeleteLists(uint list, int range);
    public static extern void glDeleteTextures(int n, uint[] textures);
    public static extern void glDepthFunc(uint func);
    public static extern void glDepthMask(byte flag);
    public static extern void glDepthRange(double zNear, double zFar);
    public static extern void glDisable(uint cap);
    public static extern void glDisableClientState(uint array);
    public static extern void glDrawArrays(uint mode, int first, int count);
    public static extern void glDrawBuffer(uint mode);
    public static extern void glDrawElements(uint mode, int count, uint type, int[] indices);
    public static extern void glDrawPixels(int width, int height, uint format, uint type, float[] pixels);
    public static extern void glEdgeFlag(byte flag);
    public static extern void glEdgeFlagPointer(int stride, int[] pointer);
    public static extern void glEdgeFlagv(byte[] flag);
    public static extern void glEnable(uint cap);
    public static extern void glEnableClientState(uint array);
    public static extern void glEnd();
    public static extern void glEndList();
    public static extern void glEvalCoord1d(double u);
    public static extern void glEvalCoord1dv(double[] u);
    public static extern void glEvalCoord1f(float u);
    public static extern void glEvalCoord1fv(float[] u);
    public static extern void glEvalCoord2d(double u, double v);
    public static extern void glEvalCoord2dv(double[] u);
    public static extern void glEvalCoord2f(float u, float v);
    public static extern void glEvalCoord2fv(float[] u);
    public static extern void glEvalMesh1(uint mode, int i1, int i2);
    public static extern void glEvalMesh2(uint mode, int i1, int i2, int j1, int j2);
    public static extern void glEvalPoint1(int i);
    public static extern void glEvalPoint2(int i, int j);
    public static extern void glFeedbackBuffer(int size, uint type, float[] buffer);
    public static extern void glFinish();
    public static extern void glFlush();
    public static extern void glFogf(uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glFogfv(uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glFogi(uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glFogiv(uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glFrontFace(uint mode);
    public static extern void glFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar);
    public static extern uint glGenLists(int range);
    public static extern void glGenTextures(int n, uint[] textures);
    public static extern void glGetBooleanv(uint pname, byte[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetClipPlane(uint plane, double[] equation);
    public static extern void glGetDoublev(uint pname, double[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern uint glGetError();
    public static extern void glGetFloatv(uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetIntegerv(uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetLightfv(uint light, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetLightiv(uint light, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetMapdv(uint target, uint query, double[] v);
    public static extern void glGetMapfv(uint target, uint query, float[] v);
    public static extern void glGetMapiv(uint target, uint query, int[] v);
    public static extern void glGetMaterialfv(uint face, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetMaterialiv(uint face, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetPixelMapfv(uint map, float[] values);
    public static extern void glGetPixelMapuiv(uint map, uint[] values);
    public static extern void glGetPixelMapusv(uint map, ushort[] values);
    public static extern void glGetPointerv(uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetPolygonStipple(byte[] mask);
    public unsafe static extern sbyte* glGetString(uint name);
    public static extern void glGetTexEnvfv(uint target, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexEnviv(uint target, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexGendv(uint coord, uint pname, double[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexGenfv(uint coord, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexGeniv(uint coord, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexImage(uint target, int level, uint format, uint type, int[] pixels);
    public static extern void glGetTexLevelParameterfv(uint target, int level, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexLevelParameteriv(uint target, int level, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexParameterfv(uint target, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glGetTexParameteriv(uint target, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glHint(uint target, uint mode);
    public static extern void glIndexMask(uint mask);
    public static extern void glIndexPointer(uint type, int stride, int[] pointer);
    public static extern void glIndexd(double c);
    public static extern void glIndexdv(double[] c);
    public static extern void glIndexf(float c);
    public static extern void glIndexfv(float[] c);
    public static extern void glIndexi(int c);
    public static extern void glIndexiv(int[] c);
    public static extern void glIndexs(short c);
    public static extern void glIndexsv(short[] c);
    public static extern void glIndexub(byte c);
    public static extern void glIndexubv(byte[] c);
    public static extern void glInitNames();
    public static extern void glInterleavedArrays(uint format, int stride, int[] pointer);
    public static extern byte glIsEnabled(uint cap);
    public static extern byte glIsList(uint list);
    public static extern byte glIsTexture(uint texture);
    public static extern void glLightModelf(uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glLightModelfv(uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glLightModeli(uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glLightModeliv(uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glLightf(uint light, uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glLightfv(uint light, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glLighti(uint light, uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glLightiv(uint light, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glLineStipple(int factor, ushort pattern);
    public static extern void glLineWidth(float width);
    public static extern void glListBase(uint base_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glLoadIdentity();
    public static extern void glLoadMatrixd(double[] m);
    public static extern void glLoadMatrixf(float[] m);
    public static extern void glLoadName(uint name);
    public static extern void glLogicOp(uint opcode);
    public static extern void glMap1d(uint target, double u1, double u2, int stride, int order, double[] points);
    public static extern void glMap1f(uint target, float u1, float u2, int stride, int order, float[] points);
    public static extern void glMap2d(uint target, double u1, double u2, int ustride, int uorder, double v1, double v2, int vstride, int vorder, double[] points);
    public static extern void glMap2f(uint target, float u1, float u2, int ustride, int uorder, float v1, float v2, int vstride, int vorder, float[] points);
    public static extern void glMapGrid1d(int un, double u1, double u2);
    public static extern void glMapGrid1f(int un, float u1, float u2);
    public static extern void glMapGrid2d(int un, double u1, double u2, int vn, double v1, double v2);
    public static extern void glMapGrid2f(int un, float u1, float u2, int vn, float v1, float v2);
    public static extern void glMaterialf(uint face, uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glMaterialfv(uint face, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glMateriali(uint face, uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glMaterialiv(uint face, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glMatrixMode(uint mode);
    public static extern void glMultMatrixd(double[] m);
    public static extern void glMultMatrixf(float[] m);
    public static extern void glNewList(uint list, uint mode);
    public static extern void glNormal3b(byte nx, byte ny, byte nz);
    public static extern void glNormal3bv(byte[] v);
    public static extern void glNormal3d(double nx, double ny, double nz);
    public static extern void glNormal3dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glNormal3f(float nx, float ny, float nz);
    public static extern void glNormal3fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glNormal3i(int nx, int ny, int nz);
    public static extern void glNormal3iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glNormal3s(short nx, short ny, short nz);
    public static extern void glNormal3sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glNormalPointer(uint type, int stride, float[] pointer);
    public static extern void glOrtho(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double zNear, double zFar);
    public static extern void glPassThrough(float token);
    public static extern void glPixelMapfv(uint map, int mapsize, float[] values);
    public static extern void glPixelMapuiv(uint map, int mapsize, uint[] values);
    public static extern void glPixelMapusv(uint map, int mapsize, ushort[] values);
    public static extern void glPixelStoref(uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glPixelStorei(uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glPixelTransferf(uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glPixelTransferi(uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glPixelZoom(float xfactor, float yfactor);
    public static extern void glPointSize(float size);
    public static extern void glPolygonMode(uint face, uint mode);
    public static extern void glPolygonOffset(float factor, float units);
    public static extern void glPolygonStipple(byte[] mask);
    public static extern void glPopAttrib();
    public static extern void glPopClientAttrib();
    public static extern void glPopMatrix();
    public static extern void glPopName();
    public static extern void glPrioritizeTextures(int n, uint[] textures, float[] priorities);
    public static extern void glPushAttrib(uint mask);
    public static extern void glPushClientAttrib(uint mask);
    public static extern void glPushMatrix();
    public static extern void glPushName(uint name);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2d(double x, double y);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2f(float x, float y);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2i(int x, int y);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2s(short x, short y);
    public static extern void glRasterPos2sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3d(double x, double y, double z);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3f(float x, float y, float z);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3i(int x, int y, int z);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3s(short x, short y, short z);
    public static extern void glRasterPos3sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4d(double x, double y, double z, double w);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4f(float x, float y, float z, float w);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4i(int x, int y, int z, int w);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4s(short x, short y, short z, short w);
    public static extern void glRasterPos4sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glReadBuffer(uint mode);
    public static extern void glReadPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels);
    public static extern void glReadPixels(int x, int y, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels);
    public static extern void glRectd(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
    public static extern void glRectdv(double[] v1, double[] v2);
    public static extern void glRectf(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
    public static extern void glRectfv(float[] v1, float[] v2);
    public static extern void glRecti(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
    public static extern void glRectiv(int[] v1, int[] v2);
    public static extern void glRects(short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2);
    public static extern void glRectsv(short[] v1, short[] v2);
    public static extern int glRenderMode(uint mode);
    public static extern void glRotated(double angle, double x, double y, double z);
    public static extern void glRotatef(float angle, float x, float y, float z);
    public static extern void glScaled(double x, double y, double z);
    public static extern void glScalef(float x, float y, float z);
    public static extern void glScissor(int x, int y, int width, int height);
    public static extern void glSelectBuffer(int size, uint[] buffer);
    public static extern void glShadeModel(uint mode);
    public static extern void glStencilFunc(uint func, int ref_notkeword, uint mask);
    public static extern void glStencilMask(uint mask);
    public static extern void glStencilOp(uint fail, uint zfail, uint zpass);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1d(double s);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1f(float s);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1i(int s);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1s(short s);
    public static extern void glTexCoord1sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2d(double s, double t);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2f(float s, float t);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2i(int s, int t);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2s(short s, short t);
    public static extern void glTexCoord2sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3d(double s, double t, double r);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3f(float s, float t, float r);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3i(int s, int t, int r);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3s(short s, short t, short r);
    public static extern void glTexCoord3sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4d(double s, double t, double r, double q);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4f(float s, float t, float r, float q);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4i(int s, int t, int r, int q);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4s(short s, short t, short r, short q);
    public static extern void glTexCoord4sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glTexCoordPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, float[] pointer);
    public static extern void glTexEnvf(uint target, uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glTexEnvfv(uint target, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glTexEnvi(uint target, uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glTexEnviv(uint target, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glTexGend(uint coord, uint pname, double param);
    public static extern void glTexGendv(uint coord, uint pname, double[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glTexGenf(uint coord, uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glTexGenfv(uint coord, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glTexGeni(uint coord, uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glTexGeniv(uint coord, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glTexImage1D(uint target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int border, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels);
    public static extern void glTexImage2D(uint target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int height, int border, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels);
    public static extern void glTexImage2D(uint target, int level, int internalformat, int width, int height, int border, uint format, uint type, IntPtr pixels);
    public static extern void glTexParameterf(uint target, uint pname, float param);
    public static extern void glTexParameterfv(uint target, uint pname, float[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glTexParameteri(uint target, uint pname, int param);
    public static extern void glTexParameteriv(uint target, uint pname, int[] params_notkeyword);
    public static extern void glTexSubImage1D(uint target, int level, int xoffset, int width, uint format, uint type, int[] pixels);
    public static extern void glTexSubImage2D(uint target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, byte[] pixels);
    public static extern void glTranslated(double x, double y, double z);
    public static extern void glTranslatef(float x, float y, float z);
    public static extern void glVertex2d(double x, double y);
    public static extern void glVertex2dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex2f(float x, float y);
    public static extern void glVertex2fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex2i(int x, int y);
    public static extern void glVertex2iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex2s(short x, short y);
    public static extern void glVertex2sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex3d(double x, double y, double z);
    public static extern void glVertex3dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex3f(float x, float y, float z);
    public static extern void glVertex3fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex3i(int x, int y, int z);
    public static extern void glVertex3iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex3s(short x, short y, short z);
    public static extern void glVertex3sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex4d(double x, double y, double z, double w);
    public static extern void glVertex4dv(double[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex4f(float x, float y, float z, float w);
    public static extern void glVertex4fv(float[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex4i(int x, int y, int z, int w);
    public static extern void glVertex4iv(int[] v);
    public static extern void glVertex4s(short x, short y, short z, short w);
    public static extern void glVertex4sv(short[] v);
    public static extern void glVertexPointer(int size, uint type, int stride, float[] pointer);
    public static extern void glViewport(int x, int y, int width, int height);
    #region The GLU DLL Functions (Exactly the same naming).
    public static unsafe extern sbyte* gluErrorString(uint errCode);
    public static unsafe extern sbyte* gluGetString(int name);
    public static extern void gluOrtho2D(double left, double right, double bottom, double top);
    public static extern void gluPerspective(double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar);
    public static extern void gluPickMatrix(double x, double y, double width, double height, int[] viewport);
    public static extern void gluLookAt(double eyex, double eyey, double eyez, double centerx, double centery, double centerz, double upx, double upy, double upz);
    public static extern void gluProject(double objx, double objy, double objz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, double[] winx, double[] winy, double[] winz);
    public static extern void gluUnProject(double winx, double winy, double winz, double[] modelMatrix, double[] projMatrix, int[] viewport, ref double objx, ref double objy, ref double objz);
    public static extern void gluScaleImage(int format, int widthin, int heightin, int typein, int[] datain, int widthout, int heightout, int typeout, int[] dataout);
    public static extern void gluBuild1DMipmaps(uint target, uint components, int width, uint format, uint type, IntPtr data);
    public static extern void gluBuild2DMipmaps(uint target, uint components, int width, int height, uint format, uint type, IntPtr data);
    public static extern IntPtr gluNewQuadric();
    public static extern void gluDeleteQuadric(IntPtr state);
    public static extern void gluQuadricNormals(IntPtr quadObject, uint normals);
    public static extern void gluQuadricTexture(IntPtr quadObject, int textureCoords);
    public static extern void gluQuadricOrientation(IntPtr quadObject, int orientation);
    public static extern void gluQuadricDrawStyle(IntPtr quadObject, uint drawStyle);
    public static extern void gluCylinder(IntPtr qobj, double baseRadius, double topRadius, double height, int slices, int stacks);
    public static extern void gluDisk(IntPtr qobj, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, int slices, int loops);
    public static extern void gluPartialDisk(IntPtr qobj, double innerRadius, double outerRadius, int slices, int loops, double startAngle, double sweepAngle);
    public static extern void gluSphere(IntPtr qobj, double radius, int slices, int stacks);
    public static extern IntPtr gluNewTess();
    public static extern void gluDeleteTess(IntPtr tess);
    public static extern void gluTessBeginPolygon(IntPtr tess, IntPtr polygonData);
    public static extern void gluTessBeginContour(IntPtr tess);
    public static extern void gluTessVertex(IntPtr tess, double[] coords, double[] data);
    public static extern void gluTessEndContour(IntPtr tess);
    public static extern void gluTessEndPolygon(IntPtr tess);
    public static extern void gluTessProperty(IntPtr tess, int which, double value);
    public static extern void gluTessNormal(IntPtr tess, double x, double y, double z);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Begin callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.BeginData callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Combine callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.CombineData callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.EdgeFlag callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.EdgeFlagData callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.End callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.EndData callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Error callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.ErrorData callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.Vertex callback);
    //[DllImport("Glu32.dll")] public static extern void gluTessCallback(IntPtr tess, int which, SharpGL.Delegates.Tesselators.VertexData callback);
    public static extern void gluGetTessProperty(IntPtr tess, int which, double value);
    public static extern IntPtr gluNewNurbsRenderer();
    public static extern void gluDeleteNurbsRenderer(IntPtr nobj);
    public static extern void gluBeginSurface(IntPtr nobj);
    public static extern void gluBeginCurve(IntPtr nobj);
    public static extern void gluEndCurve(IntPtr nobj);
    public static extern void gluEndSurface(IntPtr nobj);
    public static extern void gluBeginTrim(IntPtr nobj);
    public static extern void gluEndTrim(IntPtr nobj);
    public static extern void gluPwlCurve(IntPtr nobj, int count, float array, int stride, uint type);
    public static extern void gluNurbsCurve(IntPtr nobj, int nknots, float[] knot, int stride, float[] ctlarray, int order, uint type);
    public static extern void gluNurbsSurface(IntPtr nobj, int sknot_count, float[] sknot, int tknot_count, float[] tknot, int s_stride, int t_stride, float[] ctlarray, int sorder, int torder, uint type);
    public static extern void gluLoadSamplingMatrices(IntPtr nobj, float[] modelMatrix, float[] projMatrix, int[] viewport);
    public static extern void gluNurbsProperty(IntPtr nobj, int property, float value);
    public static extern void gluGetNurbsProperty(IntPtr nobj, int property, float value);
    public static extern void IntPtrCallback(IntPtr nobj, int which, IntPtr Callback);

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Also, Dave talks a little about his SharpGL project at


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