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NetFileEnum (netapi32)
C# Signature:
[DllImport("netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
static extern int NetFileEnum(
string servername,
string basepath,
string username,
int level,
ref IntPtr bufptr,
int prefmaxlen,
out int entriesread,
out int totalentries,
IntPtr resume_handle
VB Signature:
Declare Unicode Function NetFileEnum Lib "netapi32.dll" ( _
ByVal servername As String, _
ByVal basepath As String, _
ByVal username As String, _
ByVal level As Integer, _
ByRef bufptr As IntPtr, _
ByVal prefmaxlen As Integer, _
ByRef entriesread As Integer, _
ByRef totalentries As Integer, _
ByVal resume_handle As IntPtr) As Integer
Const MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH As Integer = -1
Dim dwIndex, dwStatus, dwReadEntries, dwTotalEntries As Integer
Dim pCurrent As FILE_INFO_3
Dim iPtr, pBuffer As IntPtr
dwStatus = NetFileEnum(TextBox1.Text, Nothing, Nothing, 3, pBuffer, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, dwReadEntries, dwTotalEntries, IntPtr.Zero)
if dwStatus = 0 then
For dwIndex = 0 To dwReadEntries - 1
The NetFileEnum function returns information about some or all open files on a server, depending on the parameters specified
12/9/2009 11:45:08 AM - -
The FILE_INFO_3 structure contains the identification number and other pertinent information about files, devices, and pipes.
10/21/2011 10:45:36 PM - -
Frees the memory allocated by network management functions.
6/21/2016 8:26:32 AM - -
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