@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: The NetFileEnum function returns information about some or all open files on a server, depending on the parameters specified !!!!C# Signature: [DllImport("netapi32.dll", SetLastError=true, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)] static extern int NetFileEnum( string servername, string basepath, string username, int level, ref IntPtr bufptr, int prefmaxlen, out int entriesread, out int totalentries, IntPtr resume_handle ); !!!!VB Signature: Declare Unicode Function NetFileEnum Lib "netapi32.dll" ( _ ByVal servername As String, _ ByVal basepath As String, _ ByVal username As String, _ ByVal level As Integer, _ ByRef bufptr As IntPtr, _ ByVal prefmaxlen As Integer, _ ByRef entriesread As Integer, _ ByRef totalentries As Integer, _ ByVal resume_handle As IntPtr) As Integer !!!!User-Defined Types: [FILE_INFO_3] !!!!Notes: Definition from the API 'NET_API_STATUS NetFileEnum( ' LPWSTR servername, ' LPWSTR basepath, ' LPWSTR username, ' DWORD level, ' LPBYTE* bufptr, ' DWORD prefmaxlen, ' LPDWORD entriesread, ' LPDWORD totalentries, ' PDWORD_PTR resume_handle '); !!!!Tips & Tricks: You must free the memory allocated to the bufptr with the NetApiBufferFree function !!!!C# Sample Code: const int MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH = -1; int dwReadEntries; int dwTotalEntries; IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero ; FILE_INFO_3 pCurrent = new FILE_INFO_3(); int dwStatus = NetFileEnum(null, null, null, 3, ref pBuffer, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, out dwReadEntries, out dwTotalEntries, IntPtr.Zero ); if (dwStatus == 0) { for (int dwIndex=0; dwIndex < dwReadEntries; dwIndex++) { IntPtr iPtr = new IntPtr(pBuffer.ToInt32() + (dwIndex * Marshal.SizeOf(pCurrent))); pCurrent = (FILE_INFO_3) Marshal.PtrToStructure(iPtr, typeof(FILE_INFO_3)); Console.WriteLine("dwIndex={0}", dwIndex); Console.WriteLine(" id={0}", pCurrent.fi3_id ); Console.WriteLine(" num_locks={0}", pCurrent.fi3_num_locks ); Console.WriteLine(" pathname={0}", pCurrent.fi3_pathname ); Console.WriteLine(" permission={0}", pCurrent.fi3_permission ); Console.WriteLine(" username={0}", pCurrent.fi3_username ); } NetApiBufferFree(pBuffer); } !!!!VB.Net Sample Code: Const MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH As Integer = -1 Dim dwIndex, dwStatus, dwReadEntries, dwTotalEntries As Integer Dim pCurrent As FILE_INFO_3 Dim iPtr, pBuffer As IntPtr dwStatus = NetFileEnum(TextBox1.Text, Nothing, Nothing, 3, pBuffer, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, dwReadEntries, dwTotalEntries, IntPtr.Zero) if dwStatus = 0 then For dwIndex = 0 To dwReadEntries - 1 iPtr = New IntPtr(pBuffer.ToInt32 + (dwIndex * Marshal.SizeOf(pCurrent))) pCurrent = CType(Marshal.PtrToStructure(iPtr, GetType(FILE_INFO_3)), FILE_INFO_3) Debug.WriteLine("dwIndex=" & dwIndex) Debug.WriteLine(" id: " & pCurrent.fi3_id) Debug.WriteLine(" num_locks: " & pCurrent.fi3_num_locks) Debug.WriteLine(" pathname: " & pCurrent.fi3_pathname) Debug.WriteLine(" permission: " & pCurrent.fi3_permission) Debug.WriteLine(" username: " & pCurrent.fi3_username) Next end if !!!!Alternative Managed API: Do you know one? Please contribute it! Documentation: NetFileEnum@msdn on MSDN
Edit netapi32.NetFileEnum
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