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IUIFramework (Interfaces)
The IUIFramework interface is implemented by the Windows Ribbon (Ribbon) framework and defines the methods that provide the core functionality for the framework.

C# Definition:

// Windows Ribbon Application interface
public interface IUIFramework
     // Connects the framework and the application
     HRESULT Initialize(IntPtr frameWnd, IUIApplication application);

     // Releases all framework objects
     HRESULT Destroy();

     // Loads and instantiates the views and commands specified in markup
     HRESULT LoadUI(IntPtr instance, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string resourceName);

     // Retrieves a pointer to a view object
     HRESULT GetView(UInt32 viewId, Guid riid, [Out(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object /* [out, iid_is(riid), annotation("__deref_out")] void** */ ppv);

     // Retrieves the current value of a property
     HRESULT GetUICommandProperty(UInt32 commandId, [In] ref PropertyKey key, out PropVariant value);

     // Immediately sets the value of a property
     HRESULT SetUICommandProperty(UInt32 commandId, [In] ref PropertyKey key, [In] ref PropVariant value);

     // Asks the framework to retrieve the new value of a property at the next update cycle
     HRESULT InvalidateUICommand(UInt32 commandId, UI_Invalidations flags, [In] ref PropertyKey key);

     // Flush all the pending UI command updates
     HRESULT FlushPendingInvalidations();

     // Asks the framework to switch to the list of modes specified and adjust visibility of controls accordingly
     HRESULT SetModes(Int32 iModes);




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