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Public Enum ACCESS_MASK : Uint32


Enum CLSCTX As Integer '(or UInt32 if using .NET 2.0)


Enum HRESULT As UInt32


Enum SHChangeNotifyEventID As UInt32


Private Enum SHChangeNotifyFlags As UInt32


Public Enum SHCNE As UInt32



static extern NTSTATUS NtAllocateVirtualMemory(IntPtr ProcessHandle, ref IntPtr BaseAddress, UInt32 ZeroBits, ref UInt32 RegionSize, UInt32 AllocationType, UInt32 Protect);


def NtAllocateVirtualMemory(ProcessHandle as IntPtr, ref BaseAddress as IntPtr, ZeroBits as UInt32, ref RegionSize as UInt32, AllocationType as UInt32, Protect as UInt32) as NTSTATUS:


def NtClose(hObject as IntPtr) as UInt32:


UInt32 FILE_OPEN = 0x1;


UInt32 FILE_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID = 0x2000;








                IntPtr.Zero, System.Convert.ToUInt32(0));


static extern UInt32 NtCreateSection(


    UInt32 DesiredAccess,


    ref UInt32 MaximumSize,


    UInt32 SectionPageProtection,


    UInt32 AllocationAttributes,


def NtCreateSection(ref SectionHandle as IntPtr, DesiredAccess as UInt32, ObjectAttributes as IntPtr, ref MaximumSize as LARGE_INTEGER, SectionPageProtection as UInt32, AllocationAttributes as UInt32, FileHandle as IntPtr) as UInt32:


     [FieldOffset(0)]LowPart as UInt32


     [FieldOffset(4)]HighPart as UInt32


static extern NTSTATUS NtCreateThreadEx(ref IntPtr threadHandle, UInt32 desiredAccess, IntPtr objectAttributes, IntPtr processHandle, IntPtr startAddress, IntPtr parameter, bool inCreateSuspended, Int32 stackZeroBits, Int32 sizeOfStack, Int32 maximumStackSize, IntPtr attributeList);


     desiredAccess as UInt32,


     attributeList as IntPtr) as UInt32:


static extern UInt32 NtCreateUserProcess(ref IntPtr ProcessHandle, ref IntPtr ThreadHandle, AccessMask ProcessDesiredAccess, AccessMask ThreadDesiredAccess, IntPtr ProcessObjectAttributes, IntPtr ThreadObjectAttributes, UInt32 ProcessFlags, UInt32 ThreadFlags, IntPtr ProcessParameters, ref PS_CREATE_INFO CreateInfo, ref PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST AttributeList);


     ProcessFlags as UInt32,


     ThreadFlags as UInt32,


     ref AttributeList as PS_ATTRIBUTE_LIST) as UInt32:


     InitFlags as UInt32


     AdditionalFileAccess as UInt32


def NtGetContextThread(ThreadHandle as IntPtr, ref lpContext as Context) as UInt32:


def NtGetContextThread(ThreadHandle as IntPtr, lpContext as IntPtr) as UInt32:


     ref ViewSize as UInt32,


     InheritDisposition as UInt32,


     AllocationType as UInt32,


     Win32Protect as UInt32) as UInt32:


static extern NTSTATUS NtOpenProcess(ref IntPtr ProcessHandle, UInt32 AccessMask, ref OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes, ref CLIENT_ID ClientId);


def NtOpenProcess(ref ProcessHandle as IntPtr, AccessMask as UInt32, ref ObjectAttributes as OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES, ref ClientId as CLIENT_ID) as UInt32:


static extern NTSTATUS NtProtectVirtualMemory(IntPtr ProcessHandle, ref IntPtr BaseAddress, ref UInt32 NumberOfBytesToProtect, UInt32 NewAccessProtection, ref UInt32 OldAccessProtection);


def NtProtectVirtualMemory(ProcessHandle as IntPtr, ref BaseAddress as IntPtr, ref NumberOfBytesToProtect as UInt32, NewAccessProtection as UInt32, ref OldAccessProtection as UInt32) as NTSTATUS:


     processInformationLength as UInt32,


     ref returnLength as UInt32) as UInt32:






        result = (UInt32)NativeMethods.NtQuerySystemInformation(NativeMethods.SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS.SystemMemoryListInformation, buff, result, out returnSize);


     MemoryInformationLength as UInt32,


     ref ReturnLength as UInt32) as UInt32:


static extern NtStatus NtReadVirtualMemory(IntPtr ProcessHandle, IntPtr BaseAddress, byte[] Buffer, UInt32 NumberOfBytesToRead, ref UInt32 NumberOfBytesRead);


def NtReadVirtualMemory(ProcessHandle as IntPtr, BaseAddress as IntPtr, Buffer as (byte), NumberOfBytesToRead as UInt32, ref NumberOfBytesRead as UInt32) as UInt32:


def NtResumeThread(ThreadHandle as IntPtr, ref SuspendCount as UInt32) as UInt32:


def NtSetContextThread(ThreadHandle as IntPtr, ref lpContext as Context) as UInt32:


def NtSetContextThread(ThreadHandle as IntPtr, lpContext as IntPtr) as UInt32:


static extern UInt32 NtSetSystemInformation(NtSystemInformation.SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS InfoClass, IntPtr Info, UInt32 Length);


public static void SetSystemInformation(NtSystemInformation.SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS InfoClass, IntPtr Info, UInt32 Length)




def NtTerminateProcess(ProcessHandle as IntPtr, ExitStatus as UInt32) as UInt32:


def NtTerminateThread(ThreadHandle as IntPtr, ExitStatus as UInt32) as UInt32:


     ProcessBasicInformation as UInt32,


     ProcessInformationLength as UInt32,


     ref ReturnLength as UInt32) as UInt32:


     ref ReturnLength as UInt64) as UInt32:


     ref NumberOfBytesWritten as UInt64) as UInt32:


static extern NTSTATUS NtWriteVirtualMemory(IntPtr ProcessHandle, IntPtr BaseAddress, byte[] Buffer, UInt32 NumberOfBytesToWrite, ref UInt32 NumberOfBytesWritten);


def NtWriteVirtualMemory(ProcessHandle as IntPtr, BaseAddress as IntPtr, Buffer as (byte), NumberOfBytesToWrite as UInt32, ref NumberOfBytesWritten as UInt32) as UInt32:


    Flags as UInt32


    ) as UInt32


   public UInt32[] SubAuthority;


     this.SubAuthority = new UInt32[subAuthorityCount];


    public UInt32 ZeroPageCount; // Size=4 Offset=0


    public UInt32 FreePageCount; // Size=4 Offset=4


    public UInt32 ModifiedPageCount; // Size=4 Offset=8


    public UInt32 ModifiedNoWritePageCount; // Size=4 Offset=12


    public UInt32 BadPageCount; // Size=4 Offset=16


    public UInt32[] PageCountByPriority; // Size=32 Offset=20


    public UInt32[] RepurposedPagesByPriority; // Size=32 Offset=52


    public UInt32 ModifiedPageCountPageFile; // Size=4 Offset=84






        result = (UInt32)NativeMethods.NtQuerySystemInformation(NativeMethods.SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS.SystemMemoryListInformation, buff, result, out returnSize);


static extern UInt32 ZwQueryInformationProcess(


    UInt32 ProcInfoLen,


    ref UInt32 retlen);


    ProcInfoLen as UInt32,


    ref retlen as UInt32) as UInt32:



        UInt32 StructSize = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WinTrustFileInfo));


        UInt32 StructSize = (UInt32)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WinTrustData));



        Dim cbSize As UInt32


        Dim fFlags As UInt32



      Sub NewWindow3(<In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)> ByRef ppDisp As Object, <In, Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> ByRef Cancel As Boolean, ByVal dwFlags As UInt32, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> ByVal bstrUrlContext As String, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> ByVal bstrUrl As String)


    Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef pdbi As DESKBANDINFO)


    Public Overridable Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef dbi As DESKBANDINFO) Implements IDeskBand.GetBandInfo, IDeskBand2.GetBandInfo


    Public Overridable Sub CloseDW(dwReserved As UInt32) Implements IDeskBand.CloseDW, IDockingWindow.CloseDW


    Public dwMask As UInt32


    Sub CloseDW(<[In]> dwReserved As UInt32)


    Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef pdbi As DESKBANDINFO)


    Sub CloseDW(<[In]()> dwReserved As UInt32)


    Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef pdbi As DESKBANDINFO)


    Public message As UInt32


    Public wParam As UInt32


    Public time As UInt32


    Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef pdbi As DESKBANDINFO)


    Public Overridable Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef dbi As DESKBANDINFO) Implements IDeskBand.GetBandInfo, IDeskBand2.GetBandInfo


    Public Overridable Sub CloseDW(dwReserved As UInt32) Implements IDeskBand.CloseDW, IDockingWindow.CloseDW


    Public dwMask As UInt32


    Sub CloseDW(<[In]> dwReserved As UInt32)


    Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef pdbi As DESKBANDINFO)


    Sub CloseDW(<[In]()> dwReserved As UInt32)


    Sub GetBandInfo(dwBandID As UInt32, dwViewMode As UInt32, ByRef pdbi As DESKBANDINFO)


    Public message As UInt32


    Public wParam As UInt32


    Public time As UInt32


   Sub GetOverrideKeyPath(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> ByRef pchKey As String, dw As UInt32)


    Sub GetBindInfo(<Out()> ByRef grfBINDF As UInt32, <[In](), Out()> ByRef pbindinfo As BINDINFO)


    Sub GetBindString(ByVal ulStringType As UInt32, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByRef ppwzStr As String, ByVal cEl As UInt32, ByRef pcElFetched As UInt32)


    Sub ReportProgress(ByVal ulStatusCode As UInt32, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByVal szStatusText As String)


    Sub ReportData(ByVal grfBSCF As BSCF, ByVal ulProgress As UInt32, ByVal ulProgressMax As UInt32)


    Sub ReportResult(ByVal hrResult As Integer, ByVal dwError As UInt32, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByVal szResult As String)


    Sub ReportProgress(ByVal ulStatusCode As UInt32, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByVal szStatusText As String)


    Sub ReportData(ByVal grfBSCF As BSCF, ByVal ulProgress As UInt32, ByVal ulProgressMax As UInt32)


    Sub ReportResult(ByVal hrResult As Integer, ByVal dwError As UInt32, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> ByVal szResult As String)


           ref UInt32 pdwZone, UInt32 dwFlags);


            ref UInt32  pcbSecurityId, uint dwReserved);


               UInt32 dwAction, out byte pPolicy, UInt32 cbPolicy,


               byte pContext, UInt32 cbContext, UInt32 dwFlags,


               UInt32 dwReserved);


            ref Guid guidKey, ref byte ppPolicy, ref UInt32 pcbPolicy,


            ref byte pContext, UInt32 cbContext, UInt32 dwReserved);


  int SetZoneMapping(UInt32 dwZone,


             UInt32 dwFlags);


  int GetZoneMappings(UInt32 dwZone, out UCOMIEnumString ppenumString,


              UInt32 dwFlags);


             out UInt32 pdwZone, UInt32 dwFlags);


              ref UInt32  pcbSecurityId, uint dwReserved);


             UInt32 dwAction, out byte pPolicy, UInt32 cbPolicy,


             byte pContext, UInt32 cbContext, UInt32 dwFlags,


             UInt32 dwReserved);


              ref Guid guidKey, ref byte ppPolicy, ref UInt32 pcbPolicy,


              ref byte pContext, UInt32 cbContext, UInt32 dwReserved);


    int SetZoneMapping(UInt32 dwZone,


               UInt32 dwFlags);


    int GetZoneMappings(UInt32 dwZone, out UCOMIEnumString ppenumString,


            UInt32 dwFlags);


       ByRef pdwZone As UInt32, ByVal dwFlags As UInt32) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer


        ByRef pcbSecurityId As UInt32, ByVal dwReserved As UInt32) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer


           ByVal dwAction As UInt32, <[Out]()> ByVal pPolicy As Byte, ByVal cbPolicy As UInt32,


           ByVal pContext As Byte, ByVal cbContext As UInt32, ByVal dwFlags As UInt32,


           ByVal dwReserved As UInt32) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer


        ByRef guidKey As Guid, ByRef ppPolicy As Byte, ByRef pcbPolicy As UInt32,


        ByRef pContext As Byte, ByVal cbContext As UInt32, ByVal dwReserved As UInt32) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer


    Function SetZoneMapping(ByVal dwZone As UInt32,


         ByVal dwFlags As UInt32) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer


    Function GetZoneMappings(ByVal dwZone As UInt32, <[Out]()> ByVal ppenumString As IEnumString,


        ByVal dwFlags As UInt32) As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)> Integer 'As UCOMIEnumString


    void ReadAt(long ulOffset, System.IntPtr pv, int cb, out System.UInt32 pcbRead);


    void WriteAt(long ulOffset, System.IntPtr pv, int cb, out System.UInt32 pcbWritten);


    UInt32 cbRead;


        [In] UInt32 cb);


        [In] UInt32 cb);


    UInt32 GetSize(


    <Runtime.InteropServices.PreserveSig()> Function Alloc(ByVal cb As UInt32) As IntPtr


    <Runtime.InteropServices.PreserveSig()> Function Realloc(ByVal pv As IntPtr, ByVal cb As UInt32) As IntPtr


    <Runtime.InteropServices.PreserveSig()> Function GetSize(ByVal pv As IntPtr) As UInt32


        metaDataAssemblyImport.GetAssemblyRefProps(assemblyRefs[index], IntPtr.Zero, out cbPublicKeyOrToken, szName, Convert.ToUInt32(szName.Capacity), out chName, out aData, IntPtr.Zero, out cbHashValue, out dwAssemblyFlags);


        UInt32 cCmds,


        //public UInt32 cmdID;


        public UInt32 cmdtextf;


        public UInt32 cwActual;


        public UInt32 cwBuf;


                UInt32 vaIn;


                    vaIn = Convert.ToUInt32(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(value));


                UInt32 vaIn;


                    vaIn = Convert.ToUInt32(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(value));


                UInt32 vaIn;


                    vaIn = Convert.ToUInt32(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.ToOle(value));


    Sub GetCount(ByRef cProps As UInt32)


    Sub GetAt(ByVal iProp As UInt32, ByRef pkey As NativeMethods.PROPERTYKEY)


    void BrowseObject(IntPtr pidl, UInt32 wFlags);


    void GetViewStateStream(UInt32 grfMode, IntPtr ppStrm);


    void GetControlWindow(UInt32 id, out IntPtr lpIntPtr);


    void SendControlMsg(UInt32 id, UInt32 uMsg, UInt32 wParam, UInt32 lParam, IntPtr pret);


    void SetToolbarItems(IntPtr lpButtons, UInt32 nButtons, UInt32 uFlags);


    void ParseDisplayName(IntPtr hwnd, IntPtr pbc, String pszDisplayName, UInt32 pchEaten, out IntPtr ppidl, UInt32 pdwAttributes);


    void GetAttributesOf(UInt32 cidl, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 0)]IntPtr[] apidl, ref ESFGAO rgfInOut);


    void GetUIObjectOf(IntPtr hwndOwner, UInt32 cidl, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)]IntPtr[] apidl, [In] ref Guid riid, UInt32 rgfReserved, out IntPtr ppv);


    Sub GetAttributes(ByVal sfgaoMask As UInt32, ByRef psfgaoAttribs As UInt32)


    Sub Compare(ByVal psi As IShellItem, ByVal hint As UInt32, ByRef piOrder As Integer)


      Sub AddPropertySheetPages(<In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)> ByVal reserved As UInt32, <In> ByRef functionPointer As IntPtr, <In> ByVal lparam As IntPtr)


      Sub SelectItem(ByVal pidlItem As IntPtr, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U4)> ByVal flags As UInt32)


        [Out] out UInt32 phWnd);


     HRESULT OnViewChanged(UInt32 viewId,


     HRESULT OnCreateUICommand(UInt32 commandId,


     HRESULT OnDestroyUICommand(UInt32 commandId,


               UInt32 oldIndex, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] object oldItem,


               UInt32 newIndex, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] object newItem);


     HRESULT Execute(UInt32 commandId,              // the command that has been executed


     HRESULT UpdateProperty(UInt32 commandId,


     HRESULT GetView(UInt32 viewId, Guid riid, [Out(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] out object /* [out, iid_is(riid), annotation("__deref_out")] void** */ ppv);


     HRESULT GetUICommandProperty(UInt32 commandId, [In] ref PropertyKey key, out PropVariant value);


     HRESULT SetUICommandProperty(UInt32 commandId, [In] ref PropertyKey key, [In] ref PropVariant value);


     HRESULT InvalidateUICommand(UInt32 commandId, UI_Invalidations flags, [In] ref PropertyKey key);


     HRESULT GetHeight(out UInt32 cy);


    UInt32 AddRef();


    UInt32 Release();

60: IUri

        UInt32 GetPropertyBSTR([In]UriProperty uriProp, [Out]out string strProperty, [In]UInt32 dwFlags);


        UInt32 GetPropertyLength([In]UriProperty uriProp, [Out] out UInt32 pcPropLen, [In]UInt32 dwFlags);


        UInt32 GetPropertyDWORD([In]UriProperty uriProp, [Out] out UInt32 pcPropValue, [In]UInt32 dwFlags);


        UInt32 HasProperty([In]UriProperty uriProp, [Out] out bool fHasProperty);


        UInt32 GetAbsoluteUri([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sAbsoluteUri);


        UInt32 GetAuthority([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sAuthority);


        UInt32 GetDisplayUri([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sDisplayString);


        UInt32 GetDomain([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sDomain);


        UInt32 GetExtension([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sExtension);


        UInt32 GetFragment([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sFragment);


        UInt32 GetHost([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sHost);


        UInt32 GetPassword([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sPassword);


        UInt32 GetPath([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sPath);


        UInt32 GetPathAndQuery([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sPathAndQuery);


        UInt32 GetQuery([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sQuery);


        UInt32 GetRawUri([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sRawUri);


        UInt32 GetSchemeName([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sSchemeName);


        UInt32 GetUserInfo([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sUserInfo);


        UInt32 GetUserName([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)][Out] out string sUserName);


        UInt32 GetHostType([Out] uint dwHostType);


        UInt32 GetPort([Out] uint dwPort);


        UInt32 GetScheme([Out] uint dwScheme);


        UInt32  GetZone([Out] uint dwZone);


        UInt32 GetProperties([Out] uint dwFlags);


        UInt32 IsEqual([In]IUri pUri,[Out] bool fEqual);

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