Desktop Functions: Smart Device Functions:
playsound (winmm)
C# Signature:
[DllImport("winmm.dll", SetLastError=true)] VB Signature:
<DllImport("winmm.dll", charset:=Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet.Auto)> _ Notes:
[Flags] Tips & Tricks:Standard names: SystemAsterisk - Asterisk Default - Default Beep EmptyRecycleBin - when recycle bin is emptied SystemExclamation - when windows shows a warning SystemExit - when Windows shuts down Maximize - when a program is maximized MenuCommand - when a menu item is clicked on MenuPopup - when a (sub)menu pops up Minimize - when a program is minimized to taskbar MailBeep - when email is received Open - when a program is opened SystemHand - when a critical stop occurs AppGPFault - when a program causes an error SystemQuestion - when a system question occurs RestoreDown - when a program is restored to normal size RestoreUp - when a program is restored to normal size from taskbar SystemStart - when Windows starts up Close - when program is closed Ringout - when (fax) call is made outbound and the line is ringing RingIn - incoming (fax) call Sample Code:
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