Desktop Functions: Smart Device Functions:
printwindow (user32)
C# Signature:
[DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true)] VB Signature:
<DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _ User-Defined Types:None. Notes:This function is only available on Windows XP or higher. Windows 2000/9x/ME do not support it. Tips & Tricks:To capture only the client area of window, use PW_CLIENTONLY = 0x1 as nFlags Sample Code:Screenshotting a form to a Bitmap in C#:
Graphics g = form.CreateGraphics();
Me.AutoRedraw = True Alternative Managed API:Control.DrawToBitmap() Or call Control.InvokePaintBackground() followed by Control.InvokePaint(). The ManagedWindowsApi project ( provides a class ManagedWinapi.SystemWindow that has a Image property What if it doesn't work:This function might not work on some windows, like chrome browser as an example, in such scenarios another flag has to be used: #define PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT 0x00000002 Quote from was stuck for ages on this, then found that I can pass a parameter of PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT as the last parameter to PrintWindow. Googling that shows it's new in Windows 8.1 so presumably doesn't work on 7. It may be worth trying it though, Winuser.h defines it as #if(WIN32WINNT >= 0x0603) #define PW_RENDERFULLCONTENT 0x00000002 #endif /* WIN32WINNT >= 0x0603 */ Please edit this page!Do you have...
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