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CreatePopupMenu (user32)

C# Signature:

static extern IntPtr CreatePopupMenu();

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Sample Code:

        internal static extern uint CreatePopupMenu();

int IContextMenu.QueryContextMenu(uint hMenu, uint iMenu, int idCmdFirst, int idCmdLast, uint uFlags)

            // Create the popup to insert
            uint hmnuPopup = Helpers.CreatePopupMenu();

            int id = 1;
            if ( (uFlags & 0xf) == 0 || (uFlags & (uint)CMF.CMF_EXPLORE) != 0)
                uint nselected = Helpers.DragQueryFile(m_hDrop, 0xffffffff, null, 0);
                if (nselected == 1)
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024);
                    Helpers.DragQueryFile(m_hDrop, 0, sb, sb.Capacity + 1);
                    m_fileName = sb.ToString();

                    // Populate the popup menu with file-specific items
                    id = PopulateMenu(hmnuPopup, idCmdFirst+ id);

                // Add the popup to the context menu
                MENUITEMINFO mii = new MENUITEMINFO();
                mii.cbSize = 48;
                mii.fMask = (uint) MIIM.TYPE | (uint)MIIM.STATE | (uint) MIIM.SUBMENU;
                mii.hSubMenu = (int) hmnuPopup;
                mii.fType = (uint) MF.STRING;
                mii.dwTypeData = "Actions";
                mii.fState = (uint) MF.ENABLED;
                Helpers.InsertMenuItem(hMenu, (uint)iMenu, 1, ref mii);

                // Add a separator
                MENUITEMINFO sep = new MENUITEMINFO();
                sep.cbSize = 48;
                sep.fMask = (uint )MIIM.TYPE;
                sep.fType = (uint) MF.SEPARATOR;
                Helpers.InsertMenuItem(hMenu, iMenu+1, 1, ref sep);

            return id;

void AddMenuItem(uint hMenu, string text, int id, uint position)

            MENUITEMINFO mii = new MENUITEMINFO();
            mii.cbSize = 48;
            mii.fMask = (uint)MIIM.ID | (uint)MIIM.TYPE | (uint)MIIM.STATE;
            mii.wID    = id;
            mii.fType = (uint)MF.STRING;
            mii.dwTypeData    = text;
            mii.fState = (uint)MF.ENABLED;
            Helpers.InsertMenuItem(hMenu, position, 1, ref mii);

int PopulateMenu(uint hMenu, int id)

            // Grab some info about the file
            bool done = ProcessBatchResults();

            if (done)
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Add", id, 0);
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Test", ++id, 1);
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Do", ++id, 2);
                // Uses 100-baed values to distinguish on the "done" status
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Commit", 100 + id, 0);
                AddMenuItem(hMenu, "Rollback", 100 + (++id), 1);

            return id++;

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