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8/4/2022 12:42:08 AM - timur.kelman+pinvoke@gmail.com-
ByRef is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY REFERENCE. In other words, the pointer to the variable is passed and any change to its value made within the function or sub will change its value outside the function/sub.
4/25/2007 3:19:29 AM - anonymous
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM - josep1er@cmich.edu-
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10/23/2022 7:47:26 PM - gBqsPxAZ-
ByVal is a VB keyword that specifies a variable to be passed as a parameter BY VALUE. In other words, if the function or sub changes the value of the internal variable, it does not change the value of the external variable that was passed to it.
4/25/2007 3:19:55 AM - josep1er@cmich.edu-
The RECT structure defines the coordinates of the upper-left and lower-right corners of a rectangle.
6/3/2013 5:41:04 PM - dahminator-
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