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<DllImport("rasapi32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Public Function RasGetEntryDialParams( _
ByVal lpszPhonebook As String, _
<[In](), Out()> ByRef lprasdialparams As RASDIALPARAMS, _
<Out()> ByRef lpfPassword As Boolean) As Integer
End Function
Declare Function RasGetEntryDialParams Lib "rasapi32.dll" (TODO) As TODO
// Only this sample works on my Windows 7 + dotNET4
[DllImport("rasapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
public static extern uint RasGetEntryDialParamsW(
string lpszPhonebook,
IntPtr lprasdialparams,
out bool lpfPassword);
Please add some!
public RASDIALPARAMS GetDialParams() {
var lpRasDialParams = new RASDIALPARAMS
szEntryName = "Some dial name"
The RasGetEntryDialParams function retrieves the connection information saved by the last successful call to the RasDial or RasSetEntryDialParams function for a specified phone-book entry.
10/9/2011 1:47:33 PM - -
The RasDialDlg function establishes a RAS connection using a specified phone-book entry and the credentials of the logged-on user. The function displays a stream of dialog boxes that indicate the state of the connection operation.
5/10/2010 8:00:51 AM - -
The RASDIALPARAMS structure contains parameters that are used by RasDial to establish a remote access connection.
3/11/2009 2:13:39 PM - PaulG-
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