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C# Signature:

  enum POWER_ACTION : uint
    PowerActionNone = 0,       // No system power action.
    PowerActionReserved,       // Reserved; do not use.
    PowerActionSleep,      // Sleep.
    PowerActionHibernate,      // Hibernate.
    PowerActionShutdown,       // Shutdown.
    PowerActionShutdownReset,  // Shutdown and reset.
    PowerActionShutdownOff,    // Shutdown and power off.
    PowerActionWarmEject,      // Warm eject.

  enum PowerActionFlags : uint
    POWER_ACTION_QUERY_ALLOWED = 0x00000001, // Broadcasts a PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event to each application to request permission to suspend operation.
    POWER_ACTION_UI_ALLOWED = 0x00000002, // Applications can prompt the user for directions on how to prepare for suspension. Sets bit 0 in the Flags parameter passed in the lParam parameter of
    POWER_ACTION_OVERRIDE_APPS = 0x00000004, // Ignores applications that do not respond to the PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event broadcast in the WM_POWERBROADCAST message.
    POWER_ACTION_LIGHTEST_FIRST = 0x10000000, // Uses the first lightest available sleep state.
    POWER_ACTION_LOCK_CONSOLE = 0x20000000, // Requires entry of the system password upon resume from one of the system standby states.
    POWER_ACTION_DISABLE_WAKES = 0x40000000, // Disables all wake events.
    POWER_ACTION_CRITICAL = 0x80000000, // Forces a critical suspension.

  enum PowerActionEventCode : uint
    POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_TEXT = 0x00000001, // User notified using the UI.
    POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_SOUND = 0x00000002, // User notified using sound.
    POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_EXEC = 0x00000004, // Specifies a program to be executed.
    POWER_USER_NOTIFY_BUTTON = 0x00000008, // Indicates that the power action is in response to a user power button press.
    POWER_USER_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN = 0x00000010, // Indicates a power action of shutdown/off.
    POWER_FORCE_TRIGGER_RESET = 0x80000000, // Clears a user power button press.

    PowerSystemUnspecified = 0,
    PowerSystemWorking = 1,
    PowerSystemSleeping1 = 2,
    PowerSystemSleeping2 = 3,
    PowerSystemSleeping3 = 4,
    PowerSystemHibernate = 5,
    PowerSystemShutdown = 6,
    PowerSystemMaximum = 7

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    public POWER_ACTION Action;
    public PowerActionFlags Flags;
    public PowerActionEventCode EventCode;

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
  struct SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL // SIZE MUST BE 24 bytes
    public byte Enable;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    public byte[] Spare;
    public uint BatteryLevel;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY PowerPolicy;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE MinSystemState;

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
  struct SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY // SIZE MUST BE 232 bytes
    public UInt32 Revision;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY PowerButton;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY SleepButton;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY LidClose;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE LidOpenWake;
    public UInt32 Reserved;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY Idle;
    public UInt32 IdleTimeout;
    public byte IdleSensitivity;
    public byte DynamicThrottle;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    public byte[] Spare2;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE MinSleep;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE MaxSleep;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE ReducedLatencySleep;
    public UInt32 WinLogonFlags;
    public UInt32 Spare3;
    public UInt32 DozeS4Timeout;
    public UInt32 BroadcastCapacityResolution;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
    public SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL[] DischargePolicy;
    public UInt32 VideoTimeout;
    public byte VideoDimDisplay;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
    public UInt32[] VideoReserved;
    public UInt32 SpindownTimeout;
    public byte OptimizeForPower;
    public byte FanThrottleTolerance;
    public byte ForcedThrottle;
    public byte MinThrottle;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY OverThrottled;

VB Signature:

Declare Function SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY Lib "powrprof.dll" (TODO) As TODO

User-Defined Types:


Alternative Managed API:

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Please make sure that the size of SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL is 24 bytes (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL))) and the size of SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY (Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY))) is 232 bytes. If the size is off, CallNtPowerInformation will return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (0xC000000D).

Tips & Tricks:

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Sample Code:

class changePowerSettings


  const uint STATUS_SUCCESS = 0;

  /// <summary>
  /// Indicates the specific power information to be set or retrieved. It used as a parameter in CallNtPowerInformation function.
  /// </summary>
  public enum POWER_INFORMATION_LEVEL : Int32
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL; otherwise, the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    ///The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a ULONGLONG that specifies the interrupt-time count, in 100-nanosecond units, at the last system sleep time.
    /// </summary>
    LastSleepTime = 15,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL; otherwise, the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a ULONGLONG that specifies the interrupt-time count, in 100-nanosecond units, at the last system wake time.
    /// </summary>
    LastWakeTime = 14,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL; otherwise the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives one PROCESSOR_POWER_INFORMATION structure for each processor that is installed on the system. Use the GetSystemInfo function to retrieve the number of processors.
    /// </summary>
    ProcessorInformation = 11,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL; otherwise, the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a SYSTEM_BATTERY_STATE structure containing information about the current system battery.
    /// </summary>
    SystemBatteryState = 5,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL; otherwise the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a ULONG value containing the system execution state buffer.
    /// <para> This value may contain any combination of the following values: ES_SYSTEM_REQUIRED, ES_DISPLAY_REQUIRED, or ES_USER_PRESENT.</para>
    /// For more information, see the SetThreadExecutionState function.
    /// </summary>
    SystemExecutionState = 16,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL, otherwise, the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a SYSTEM_POWER_CAPABILITIES structure containing the current system power capabilities.
    /// <para> This information represents the currently supported power capabilities. It may change as drivers are installed in the system.
    /// For example, installation of legacy device drivers that do not support power management disables all system sleep states.</para>
    /// </summary>
    SystemPowerCapabilities = 4,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL; otherwise, the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a SYSTEM_POWER_INFORMATION structure.
    /// <para> Applications can use this level to retrieve information about the idleness of the system.</para>
    /// </summary>
    SystemPowerInformation = 12,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> If lpInBuffer is not NULL, the function applies the SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY values passed in lpInBuffer to the current system power policy used while the system is running on AC (utility) power.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY structure containing the current system power policy used while the system is running on AC (utility) power.
    /// </summary>
    SystemPowerPolicyAc = 0,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> The lpInBuffer parameter must be NULL; otherwise, the function returns ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY structure containing the current system power policy used while the system is running on AC (utility) power.
    /// </summary>
    SystemPowerPolicyCurrent = 8,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> If lpInBuffer is not NULL, the function applies the SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY values passed in lpInBuffer to the current system power policy used while the system is running on battery power.</para>
    /// The lpOutputBuffer buffer receives a SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY structure containing the current system power policy used while the system is running on battery power.
    /// </summary>
    SystemPowerPolicyDc = 1,
    /// <summary>
    /// <para> If lpInBuffer is not NULL and the current user has sufficient privileges, the function commits or decommits the storage required to hold the hibernation image on the boot volume.</para>
    /// The lpInBuffer parameter must point to a BOOLEAN value indicating the desired request. If the value is TRUE, the hibernation file is reserved; if the value is FALSE, the hibernation file is removed.
    /// </summary>
    SystemReserveHiberFile = 10

  enum POWER_ACTION : uint
    PowerActionNone = 0,       // No system power action.
    PowerActionReserved,       // Reserved; do not use.
    PowerActionSleep,      // Sleep.
    PowerActionHibernate,      // Hibernate.
    PowerActionShutdown,       // Shutdown.
    PowerActionShutdownReset,  // Shutdown and reset.
    PowerActionShutdownOff,    // Shutdown and power off.
    PowerActionWarmEject,      // Warm eject.

  enum PowerActionFlags : uint
    POWER_ACTION_QUERY_ALLOWED = 0x00000001, // Broadcasts a PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event to each application to request permission to suspend operation.
    POWER_ACTION_UI_ALLOWED = 0x00000002, // Applications can prompt the user for directions on how to prepare for suspension. Sets bit 0 in the Flags parameter passed in the lParam parameter of WM_POWERBROADCAST.
    POWER_ACTION_OVERRIDE_APPS = 0x00000004, // Ignores applications that do not respond to the PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event broadcast in the WM_POWERBROADCAST message.
    POWER_ACTION_LIGHTEST_FIRST = 0x10000000, // Uses the first lightest available sleep state.
    POWER_ACTION_LOCK_CONSOLE = 0x20000000, // Requires entry of the system password upon resume from one of the system standby states.
    POWER_ACTION_DISABLE_WAKES = 0x40000000, // Disables all wake events.
    POWER_ACTION_CRITICAL = 0x80000000, // Forces a critical suspension.

  enum PowerActionEventCode : uint
    POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_TEXT = 0x00000001, // User notified using the UI.
    POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_SOUND = 0x00000002, // User notified using sound.
    POWER_LEVEL_USER_NOTIFY_EXEC = 0x00000004, // Specifies a program to be executed.
    POWER_USER_NOTIFY_BUTTON = 0x00000008, // Indicates that the power action is in response to a user power button press.
    POWER_USER_NOTIFY_SHUTDOWN = 0x00000010, // Indicates a power action of shutdown/off.
    POWER_FORCE_TRIGGER_RESET = 0x80000000, // Clears a user power button press.

    PowerSystemUnspecified = 0,
    PowerSystemWorking = 1,
    PowerSystemSleeping1 = 2,
    PowerSystemSleeping2 = 3,
    PowerSystemSleeping3 = 4,
    PowerSystemHibernate = 5,
    PowerSystemShutdown = 6,
    PowerSystemMaximum = 7

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
    public POWER_ACTION Action;
    public PowerActionFlags Flags;
    public PowerActionEventCode EventCode;

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
  struct SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL // SIZE MUST BE 24 bytes
    public byte Enable;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    public byte[] Spare;
    public uint BatteryLevel;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY PowerPolicy;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE MinSystemState;

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
  struct SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY // SIZE MUST BE 232 bytes
    public UInt32 Revision;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY PowerButton;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY SleepButton;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY LidClose;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE LidOpenWake;
    public UInt32 Reserved;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY Idle;
    public UInt32 IdleTimeout;
    public byte IdleSensitivity;
    public byte DynamicThrottle;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    public byte[] Spare2;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE MinSleep;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE MaxSleep;
    public SYSTEM_POWER_STATE ReducedLatencySleep;
    public UInt32 WinLogonFlags;
    public UInt32 Spare3;
    public UInt32 DozeS4Timeout;
    public UInt32 BroadcastCapacityResolution;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
    public SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL[] DischargePolicy;
    public UInt32 VideoTimeout;
    public byte VideoDimDisplay;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 3)]
    public UInt32[] VideoReserved;
    public UInt32 SpindownTimeout;
    public byte OptimizeForPower;
    public byte FanThrottleTolerance;
    public byte ForcedThrottle;
    public byte MinThrottle;
    public POWER_ACTION_POLICY OverThrottled;

  static extern uint CallNtPowerInformation(
     int InformationLevel,
     [In] SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY[] lpInputBuffer,
     int nInputBufferSize,
     [Out] SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY[] lpOutputBuffer,
     int nOutputBufferSize

  public changePowerSettings()
    int splSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SYSTEM_POWER_LEVEL));
    int structureSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(SYSTEM_POWER_POLICY));
    uint retval = CallNtPowerInformation(
    if (retval == STATUS_SUCCESS)
      // do something



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