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SQLGetInstalledDrivers (odbccp32)
SQLGetInstalledDrivers reads the [ODBC Drivers] section of the system information and returns a list of descriptions of the installed drivers.

C# Signature:

[DllImport("odbccp32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
public static extern bool SQLGetInstalledDrivers(
            [Out] char[]            lpszBuf,
            int                cbBufMax,
            ref int                pcbBufOut);

VB Signature:

Declare Function SQLGetInstalledDrivers Lib "odbccp32.dll" (TODO) As TODO

User-Defined Types:



Use the following managed function to get the desired values from the method:

[ DllImport("odbccp32", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]

public static extern SQL_RETURN_CODE    SQLInstallerError(
    int        iError,
    ref int        pfErrorCode,
    StringBuilder    lpszErrorMsg,
    int        cbErrorMsgMax,
    ref int        pcbErrorMsg);

public enum SQL_RETURN_CODE : int
    SQL_ERROR            = -1,
    SQL_INVALID_HANDLE        = -2,
    SQL_SUCCESS        = 0,
    SQL_NEED_DATA        = 99,
    SQL_NO_DATA        = 100


public string[]        ManagedSQLGetInstalledDrivers()
    //char[]        buff        = new char[500] ;
    char[]        buff        = new char[50000] ;
    int        actualLength    = 0 ;
    bool        success        = true ;
    ArrayList        toReturn        = new ArrayList() ;

    success    = SQLGetInstalledDrivers(   buff,
                    ref actualLength ) ;

//The function doesn't actually work this way and will truncate the list of drivers. buffer needs to be larger



    while( success && actualLength > 0 &&
        actualLength == (buff.Length - 1)        &&
        buff.Length < Math.Pow( 2, 30 ) /* sanity limit */ )
        // The managed buffer needs to be bigger
        buff = new char[ buff.Length * 2 ] ;

        success    = SQLGetInstalledDrivers(    buff,                                    buff.Length,
                        ref actualLength ) ;


    if ( !success )
        StringBuilder    errorMesg        = new StringBuilder( 512 ) ;
        int                errorCode        = 0 ;
        int                resizeErrorMesg    = 0 ;

        // Get the error message
        SQL_RETURN_CODE    retCode    = SQLInstallerError(    
1,                             ref errorCode,
                            ref resizeErrorMesg ) ;

        if ( retCode == SQL_RETURN_CODE.SQL_SUCCESS )
            // Resize the error
            errorMesg.Length    = resizeErrorMesg ;

            throw new ApplicationException(
                "({0}) An error occured while attempting to call " +
                "SQLGetInstalledDriers: {1}",
                errorMesg ) ) ;
            throw new ApplicationException(
            "An error occured while attempting to call " +
            "SQLGetInstalledDriers" ) ) ;
        // Break the bufer into subcomponents
        for( int start = 0, end = Array.IndexOf( buff, '\0', start, (actualLength - 1)) ;
            start < (actualLength - 1) ;
            start = end + 1, end = Array.IndexOf( buff, '\0', start, (actualLength - 1) - end ) )
            toReturn.Add( new string( buff, start, end - start ) ) ;

    return (string[])toReturn.ToArray( typeof(string) ) ;

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