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uint paramErrorIndex;
uint returnCode = NetUseAdd(null, 2, ref useInfo, out paramErrorIndex);
if (returnCode != 0)
throw new Win32Exception((int)returnCode);
Alternative Managed API:
The NetUseAdd function establishes a connection between the local computer and a remote server. You can specify a local drive letter or a printer device to connect. If you do not specify a local drive letter or printer device, the function authenticates the client with the server for future connections.
5/8/2009 2:10:37 PM - Christian Rodemeyer-
The WNetAddConnection2 function makes a connection to a network resource. The function can redirect a local device to the network resource.
9/5/2012 10:52:40 PM - -
TODO - a short description
11/1/2010 9:34:42 AM -
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