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netserverenum (netapi32)
C# Signature:
public static extern int NetServerEnum(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string servername,
int level,
out IntPtr bufptr,
int prefmaxlen,
out int entriesread,
out int totalentries,
int servertype,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string domain,
IntPtr resume_handle);
public static extern int NetApiBufferFree(IntPtr buffer);
VB Signature:
Private Declare Unicode Function NetServerEnum Lib "netapi32" _
(ByVal Servername As IntPtr, _
ByVal Level As Integer, _
ByRef bufptr As IntPtr, _
ByVal PrefMaxLen As Integer, _
ByRef entriesread As Integer, _
ByRef TotalEntries As Integer, _
ByVal serverType As Integer, _
ByVal Domain As IntPtr, _
ByVal ResumeHandle As IntPtr) As Integer
Tips & Tricks:
Please add some!
Sample Code:
Sample Class #1
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;
namespace Microsoft.Win32
internal static partial class NativeMethods
const int MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH = -1;
public enum ServerPlatform
DOS = 300,
OS2 = 400,
NT = 500,
OSF = 600,
VMS = 700
[DllImport("Netapi32", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute]
private static extern int NetServerEnum(
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string servernane, // must be null
int level,
out IntPtr bufptr,
int prefmaxlen,
out int entriesread,
out int totalentries,
ServerTypes servertype,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string domain, // null for login domain
IntPtr resume_handle // Must be IntPtr.Zero
private struct SERVER_INFO_100
public ServerPlatform sv100_platform_id;
public string sv100_name;
public struct NetworkComputerInfo // SERVER_INFO_101
ServerPlatform sv101_platform_id;
string sv101_name;
int sv101_version_major;
int sv101_version_minor;
ServerTypes sv101_type;
string sv101_comment;
public ServerPlatform Platform { get { return sv101_platform_id; } }
public string Name { get { return sv101_name; } }
public string Comment { get { return sv101_comment; } }
public ServerTypes ServerTypes { get { return sv101_type; } }
public Version Version { get { return new Version(sv101_version_major, sv101_version_minor); } }
int ret = NetServerEnum(null, 100, out bufptr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, serverTypes, domain, resumeHandle);
if (ret == 0)
return Array.ConvertAll<SERVER_INFO_100, string>(InteropUtil.ToArray<SERVER_INFO_100>(bufptr, entriesRead), si => si.sv100_name);
throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(ret);
int ret = NetServerEnum(null, 101, out bufptr, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, out entriesRead, out totalEntries, serverTypes, domain, resumeHandle);
if (ret == 0)
return InteropUtil.ToArray<NetworkComputerInfo>(bufptr, entriesRead);
throw new System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception(ret);
namespace System.Runtime.InteropServices
internal static class InteropUtil
public static T ToStructure<T>(IntPtr ptr)
return (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(T));
/// <summary>
/// Converts an <see cref="IntPtr"/> that points to a C-style array into a CLI array.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">Type of native structure used by the C-style array.</typeparam>
/// <param name="ptr">The <see cref="IntPtr"/> pointing to the native array.</param>
/// <param name="count">The number of items in the native array.</param>
/// <returns>An array of type <typeparamref name="T"/> containing the elements of the native array.</returns>
public static T[] ToArray<T>(IntPtr ptr, int count)
IntPtr tempPtr;
T[] ret = new T[count];
int stSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
tempPtr = new IntPtr(ptr.ToInt64() + (i * stSize));
ret[i] = ToStructure<T>(tempPtr);
return ret;
Sample Class #2
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Collections ;
public struct SERVER_INFO_101
public UInt32 sv101_platform_id;
public string sv101_name;
[MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.U4)] public UInt32 sv101_version_major;
[MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.U4)] public UInt32 sv101_version_minor;
[MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.U4)] public UInt32 sv101_type;
[MarshalAs(System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] public string sv101_comment;
public static extern int NetServerEnum( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string servername,
int level,
out IntPtr bufptr,
int prefmaxlen,
ref int entriesread,
ref int totalentries,
SV_101_TYPES servertype,
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string domain,
IntPtr resume_handle);
public static extern int
NetApiBufferFree(IntPtr buffer);
[DllImport ("Netapi32", CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
private static extern int NetMessageBufferSend(
string servername,
string msgname,
string fromname,
string buf,
int buflen);
public static int NetMessageSend(string serverName,string messageName,string fromName,string strMsgBuffer, int iMsgBufferLen)
return NetMessageBufferSend(serverName,messageName,fromName,strMsgBuffer,iMsgBufferLen*2);
public static ArrayList GetServerList( NetApi32.SV_101_TYPES ServerType)
int entriesread=0,totalentries=0;
ArrayList alServers = new ArrayList();
// Buffer to store the available servers
// Filled by the NetServerEnum function
IntPtr buf = new IntPtr();
SERVER_INFO_101 server;
int ret = NetServerEnum(null,101,out buf,-1,
ref entriesread,ref totalentries,
// if the function returned any data, fill the tree view
if( ret == ERROR_SUCCESS ||
entriesread > 0)
IntPtr ptr = buf;
for(int i=0; i<entriesread; i++)
// cast pointer to a SERVER_INFO_101 structure
server = (SERVER_INFO_101)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr,typeof(SERVER_INFO_101));
//Cast the pointer to a ulong so this addition will work on 32-bit or 64-bit systems.
ptr = (IntPtr)((ulong)ptr + (ulong)Marshal.SizeOf(server));
// add the machine name and comment to the arrayList.
//You could return the entire structure here if desired
alServers.Add( server);
// free the buffer
entriesread < totalentries &&
entriesread != 0
return alServers;
Alternative Managed API:
Do you know one? Please contribute it!
The System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator class is an alternative to this API, for enumerating SQL Servers on a network.
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