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StrongNameSignatureVerification (mscorsn)
Verify a strong name/manifest against a public key blob

C# Signature:

/// <summary>

/// Verify a strong name/manifest against a public key blob

/// </summary>

/// <param name="wszFilePath">valid path to the PE file for the assembly</param>

/// <param name="dwInFlags">flags modifying behavior</param>

/// <param name="pdwOutFlags">[out] additional output info</param>


public static extern bool StrongNameSignatureVerification([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string wszFilePath, StrongNameInFlags dwInFlags, Out StrongNameOutFlags pdwOutFlags);

User-Defined Types:

/// <summary>

/// Flags for use with the verify routines

/// </summary>


public enum StrongNameInFlags : int


    /// <summary>verify even if the settings in the registry disable it</summary>
    ForceVerification    = 0x00000001,

    /// <summary>verification is the first (on entry to the cache)</summary>
    Install                = 0x00000002,

    /// <summary>cache protects assembly from all but admin access</summary>
    AdminAccess            = 0x00000004,

    /// <summary>cache protects user's assembly from other users</summary>
    UserAccess            = 0x00000008,

    /// <summary>cache provides no access restriction guarantees</summary>
    AllAccess            = 0x00000010


/// <summary>

/// Flags for use with the verify routines

/// </summary>


public enum StrongNameOutFlags : int


    /// <summary>set to false if verify succeeded due to registry settings</summary>
    WasVerified        = 0x00000001



This function is exported from mscorsn.dll in v1.0 and v1.1 of the .NET framework, but it will be moved to mscorwks.dll in v2.0. There is a shim in mscoree.dll which will redirect to the appropriate implementation dll, which has the same name.

Tips & Tricks:

StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx should generally be used instead of this API, since it provides a nicer wrapper, and StrongNameSignatureVerification does not provide extra user-accessable functionality.

Sample Code:

/// <summary>

/// Verify an assembly's strong name

/// </summary>

/// <param name="assembly">assembly to verify</param>

/// <param name="forceVerification">true to ignore the skip verify registry</param>

/// <returns>true if the assembly verifies, false otherwise</returns>

private static bool VerifyAssembly(string assembly, bool forceVerification)


    // make sure the assembly is there
        Console.WriteLine("'{0)' doesn't exist", assembly);
        return false;

    // do the verification
    StrongNameInFlags inFlags = StrongNameInFlags.Install | StrongNameInFlags.AllAccess;
        inFlags |= StrongNameInFlags.ForceVerification;

    StrongNameOutFlags outFlags;// = (StrongNameOutFlags)0;
    bool passedVerification = StrongName.Native.Verification.StrongNameSignatureVerification(assembly, inFlags, out outFlags);
    bool notForced = (outFlags & StrongNameOutFlags.WasVerified) == StrongNameOutFlags.WasVerified;

    if(passedVerification && notForced)
        Console.WriteLine("Signature of '{0}' verified", assembly);
    else if(passedVerification && !notForced)
        Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is delay signed", assembly);
        Console.WriteLine("Signature of '{0}' could not be verified", assembly);

    return passedVerification;


Alternative Managed API:

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