Desktop Functions: Smart Device Functions:
wnetaddconnection2 (mpr)
The WNetAddConnection2 function supersedes the WNetAddConnection function. If you can pass a handle to a window that the provider of network resources can use as an owner window for dialog boxes, call the WNetAddConnection3 function instead. C# Signature:First you need a class for the Netresource structure
class NetResource [DllImport("mpr.dll",CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public static extern int WNetAddConnection2( NetResource netResource, string password, string Username, int Flag); VB .NET Signature:Can anybody translate C# to VB.NET User-Defined Types:None. Notes:C# Import by Ducky. C# Sample by Ducky Tips & Tricks:Please add some! Sample Code:C# Beispiel NetResource myNetResource = new NetResource(); myNetResource.dwScope = 2; myNetResource.dwType = 1 ; myNetResource.dwDisplayType = 3; myNetResource.dwUsage = 1; myNetResource.LocalName = "z:"; myNetResource.RemoteName = "\\\\\\testfreigabe"; myNetResource.Provider = null; int ret = WNetAddConnection2( myNetResource, "username","password",0); /* if no username and password are required, then replace "username" and "password" with NULL */ Alternative Managed API:TODO Please edit this page!Do you have...
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