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Call the function with packageFamilyName = NULL to get the required buffer size.
Sample Code:
var packageId = new PACKAGE_ID { name = "Package Name", publisher = "CN=MyPublisher" };
uint packageFamilyNameLength = 0;
//First get the length of the Package Name -> Pass NULL as Output Buffer
if ( PackageFamilyNameFromId( packageId, ref packageFamilyNameLength, null ) == 122 ) //ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER
var packageFamilyNameBuilder = new StringBuilder((int)packageFamilyNameLength);
if ( PackageFamilyNameFromId( packageId, ref packageFamilyNameLength, packageFamilyNameBuilder ) == 0 )
Console.WriteLine( "Package Family Name: " + packageFamilyNameBuilder.ToString() );
Represents package identification information, such as name, version, and publisher.
2/1/2016 11:46:07 AM - -
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