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GetCurrencyFormat (kernel32)
C# Signature:
static extern int GetCurrencyFormat(uint Locale, uint dwFlags, string lpValue,
[In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStruct)] lpFormat, IntPtr lpCurrencyStr, int cchCurrency);
User-Defined Types:
C# User-Defined Types
public class CURRENCYFMT
public UInt32 uiNumDigits;
public UInt32 uiLeadingZero;
public UInt32 uiGrouping;
public String lpDecimalSep;
public String lpThousandSep;
public UInt32 uiNegativeOrder;
public UInt32 uiPositiveOrder;
public String lpCurrencySymbol;
uiLeadingZero - If there is only a fractional part, is a zero placed in front of the decimal.
0 => False - Don't show the leading zero.
1 => True - Show the leading zero.
uiPositiveOrder - How to format the currency if it is positive
/// <summary>
/// Will convert a decimal to the specified currency format.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="numberToConvert">Must be a decimal number with no formatting. If there is formatting
/// on the number, it should be removed before calling this function.</param>
/// <returns>Null if there is an error, otherwise the number formatted as currency.</returns>
public string ConvertDecimalToCurrency(Decimal numberToConvert, CURRENCYFMT currencyFormat)
String sCurrency = null;
long lRet = 0;
//Find out the size of the converted string..
lRet = GetCurrencyFormat(0, 0, numberToConvert.ToString(), currencyFormat, IntPtr.Zero, 0);
if (0 != lRet)
//Get the formatted currency string
//Shouldn't be here, we should have received the size of the converted string.
//See the error code that was returned.
int error = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error();
Trace.WriteLine("Error converting decimal to currency. Error Number: " + error.ToString());
return sCurrency;
private void cmdTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Setup how the currency is going to be formatted.
CURRENCYFMT currencyFormat = new CURRENCYFMT();
currencyFormat.uiGrouping = Convert.ToUInt32(txtGrouping.Text);
currencyFormat.uiLeadingZero = Convert.ToUInt32(cboLeadingZero.SelectedIndex);
currencyFormat.lpCurrencySymbol = txtCurrencySymbol.Text;
currencyFormat.lpDecimalSep = txtDecimalSep.Text;
currencyFormat.lpThousandSep = txtThousandSep.Text;
currencyFormat.uiNegativeOrder = Convert.ToUInt32(cboNegativeOrder.SelectedIndex);
currencyFormat.uiNumDigits = Convert.ToUInt32(txtNumDigits.Text);
currencyFormat.uiPositiveOrder = Convert.ToUInt32(cboPositiveOrder.SelectedIndex);
Decimal n = 100.53m;
string sFormatted = n.ToString("C");
The GetCurrencyFormat API
10/27/2009 5:41:18 PM - Ken G-
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