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<DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError:= true, CharSet:= CharSet.Auto)> _
Friend Shared Function CreateFileMapping( _
hFile as intptr, _
lpFileMappingAttributes As IntPtr , _
flProtect As FileMapProtection, _
dwMaximumSizeHigh As UInteger, _
dwMaximumSizeLow As UInteger, _
lpName As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> string) as IntPtr
End Function
/// <summary>
/// A managed version of Memory mapped file
/// By SHG at mail@Toolsbox.dk
/// </summary>
public class CMemoryMappedFile : IDisposable
IntPtr _hMMF = IntPtr.Zero;
FileStream _fs;
public uint _AllocationGranularity;
BinaryFormatter _Formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
hMVF = Win32API.MapViewOfFile(_hMMF, Win32API.FileMapAccess.FileMapRead, FileMapStart, (Int32)MapViewSize);
if (hMVF == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Win32Exception();
byte* p = (byte*)hMVF.ToPointer() + iViewDelta;
UnmanagedMemoryStream ums = new UnmanagedMemoryStream(p, MapViewSize, MapViewSize, FileAccess.Read);
byte[] ba = new byte[BytesToRead];
return ums.Read(Buffer, 0, BytesToRead);
if (hMVF != IntPtr.Zero)
/// <summary>
/// returns the streamed size of an object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="T"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public long Size(Object T)
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
bf.Serialize(ms, T);
return ms.Length;
public void Dispose()
if (_hMMF != IntPtr.Zero)
_hMMF = IntPtr.Zero;
if (_fs != null)
internal struct SYSTEM_INFO
internal _PROCESSOR_INFO_UNION uProcessorInfo;
public uint dwPageSize;
public IntPtr lpMinimumApplicationAddress;
public IntPtr lpMaximumApplicationAddress;
public IntPtr dwActiveProcessorMask;
public uint dwNumberOfProcessors;
public uint dwProcessorType;
public uint dwAllocationGranularity;
public ushort dwProcessorLevel;
public ushort dwProcessorRevision;
The CreateFileMapping function creates or opens a named or unnamed file mapping object for the specified file.
12/22/2021 12:26:55 AM -
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