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private const int MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH = 8;
private const int MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH = 256;
private const int MAX_DHCPV6_DUID_LENGTH = 130;
public struct SOCKADDR
/// u_short->unsigned short
public ushort sa_family;
/// char[14]
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 14)]
public byte[] sa_data;
public struct SOCKET_ADDRESS
public IntPtr lpSockAddr;
public int iSockaddrLength;
public UInt64 Alignment;
public IntPtr Next;
public SOCKET_ADDRESS Address;
public IP_PREFIX_ORIGIN PrefixOrigin;
public IP_SUFFIX_ORIGIN SuffixOrigin;
public IP_DAD_STATE DadState;
public uint ValidLifetime;
public uint PreferredLifetime;
public uint LeaseLifetime;
public UInt64 Alignment;
public IntPtr Next;
public IntPtr AdapterName;
public IntPtr FirstUnicastAddress;
public IntPtr FirstAnycastAddress;
public IntPtr FirstMulticastAddress;
public IntPtr FirstDnsServerAddress;
public string DnsSuffix;
public string Description;
public string FriendlyName;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MAX_ADAPTER_ADDRESS_LENGTH)]
public byte[] PhysicalAddress;
public uint PhysicalAddressLength;
public uint Flags;
public uint Mtu;
public IF_TYPE IfType;
public IF_OPER_STATUS OperStatus;
uint Ipv6IfIndex;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 16)]
public uint[] ZoneIndices;
public IntPtr FirstPrefix;
// Items added for Vista
// May need to be removed on Windows versions below Vista to work properly (?)
public UInt64 TrasmitLinkSpeed;
public UInt64 ReceiveLinkSpeed;
public IntPtr FirstWinsServerAddress;
public IntPtr FirstGatewayAddress;
public uint Ipv4Metric;
public uint Ipv6Metric;
public UInt64 Luid;
public SOCKET_ADDRESS Dhcpv4Server;
public uint CompartmentId;
public GUID NetworkGuid;
public NET_IF_CONNECTION_TYPE ConnectionType;
public TUNNEL_TYPE TunnelType;
public SOCKET_ADDRESS Dhcpv6Server;
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = MAX_DHCPV6_DUID_LENGTH)]
public byte[] Dhcpv6ClientDuid;
public uint Dhcpv6ClientDuidLength;
public uint Dhcpv6Iaid;
public uint FirstDnsSuffix;
public static string MarshalString(IntPtr text)
// !!!: This should only be used with IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES.AdapterName since it can't be marshalled automatically
byte[] cName = new byte[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH];
Marshal.Copy(text, cName, 0, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH);
string name = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(cName, 0, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH);
public static IList<IPAddress> GetIPAddresses(FAMILY family)
List<IPAddress> addresses = new List<IPAddress>();
foreach (IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES addr in GetIPAdapters(family)) {
if (IntPtr.Zero != addr.FirstUnicastAddress)
IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS unicastAddr = (IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.FirstUnicastAddress, typeof(IP_ADAPTER_UNICAST_ADDRESS));
if (IntPtr.Zero != unicastAddr.Address.lpSockAddr)
SOCKADDR socketAddr = (SOCKADDR)Marshal.PtrToStructure(unicastAddr.Address.lpSockAddr, typeof(SOCKADDR));
byte[] saData = socketAddr.sa_data.Skip(2).Take(4).ToArray();
IPAddress ipAddr = new IPAddress(saData);
return addresses;
/// <summary>Logic to return MAC Address for both enabled and disabled adapters.</summary>
public static List<string> GetAllMACAddresses()
List<string> lstMAC = new List<string>();
//Note: Possibly need logic to also go back for FAMILY.AF_INET6.
if (thisAddress.PhysicalAddressLength == 0)
else if (thisAddress.IfType != IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_ETHERNET_CSMACD && thisAddress.IfType != IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_IEEE80211)
else if (thisAddress.IfType == IF_TYPE.IF_TYPE_IEEE80211 && thisAddress.OperStatus == IF_OPER_STATUS.IfOperStatusUp && thisAddress.Ipv4Metric == 0 && thisAddress.Ipv6Metric == 0)
{ //Filtering Metrics only works when the adapter is enabled.
else if (thisAddress.Description.Contains("Virtual"))
if (thisAddress.PhysicalAddressLength == 6)
lstMAC.Add(BitConverter.ToString(thisAddress.PhysicalAddress, 0, 6).Replace('-', ':'));
else if (thisAddress.PhysicalAddressLength == 8)
lstMAC.Add(BitConverter.ToString(thisAddress.PhysicalAddress).Replace('-', ':'));
return lstMAC;
AdapterName is an ASCII string, I was unable to Marshal automatically, you can use this code to get it:
byte[] cName = new byte[MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH];
Marshal.Copy(addr.AdapterName, cName, 0, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH);
string name = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(cName, 0, MAX_ADAPTER_NAME_LENGTH);
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