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GetCharacterPlacement (gdi32)
C# Signature:
[DllImport("gdi32.dll", EntryPoint="GetCharacterPlacementW")]
static extern uint GetCharacterPlacementW(IntPtr hdc, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string lpString,
int nCount, int nMaxExtent, ref GCP_RESULTS lpResults, uint dwFlags);
User-Defined Types:
public struct GCP_RESULTS
public int StructSize;
public string OutString;
public IntPtr Order;
public IntPtr Dx;
public IntPtr CaretPos;
public IntPtr Class;
public IntPtr Glyphs;
public int GlyphCount;
public int MaxFit;
public uint lStructSize;
public IntPtr lpOutString;
public IntPtr lpOrder;
public IntPtr lpDx;
public IntPtr lpCaretPos;
public char* lpClass;
public IntPtr lpGlyphs;
public uint nGlyphs;
public int nMaxFit;
public int GetCaretPostion(string str, int index)
IntPtr OldFont = SelectObject(this.DC, this.Font);
Please add some!
int len = str.Length;
int[] order = new int[len];
int[] dx = new int[len];
int[] caret = new int[len];
byte[] clss = new byte[len];
short[] glys = new short[len];
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