Desktop Functions: Smart Device Functions:
FbwfIsFilterEnabled (fbwflib)
Summary: Retrieves the status of the FBWF for the current and next sessions. C# Signature:
[DllImport("fbwflib.dll", SetLastError=true)] VB Signature:
Declare Function FbwfIsFilterEnabled Lib "fbwflib.dll" (TODO) As TODO User-Defined Types:None. Alternative Managed API:Do you know one? Please contribute it! Notes:Code is tested on Windows Embedded Standard 7 32bit. Tips & Tricks:Considering the parameters of this function are boolean values you can marshal them as such:
static extern UIntPtr FbwfIsFilterEnabled( Sample Code:An example if you want to check whether the FBWF is enabled in the current session:
public bool IsFbwfEnabled() Please edit this page!Do you have...
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