Desktop Functions: Smart Device Functions:
ReportFault (faultrep)
C++ Signature:
EFaultRepRetVal APIENTRY ReportFault( EFaultRepRetVal APIENTRY ReportFault(
__in LPEXCEPTION_POINTERS pep, ); C# Signature:
[DllImport("faultrep.dll", SetLastError=true)] VB Signature:
Declare Function ReportFault Lib "faultrep.dll" (TODO) As TODO User-Defined Types:None. Alternative Managed API:Do you know one? Please contribute it! Notes: Not recommended to use for Vista and later. For winver >= 6 use wer.WerReportCreate and wer.WerReportSubmit, instead. Tips & Tricks:Enables an application to "manually" report faults to Microsoft. Although you can use this function to report application crashes, Microsoft recommends that applications not handle fatal errors directly but instead rely on the crash reporting capability provided by the operating system. Sample Code:Please add some! Sample Code:Please add some! Please edit this page!Do you have...
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