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DwmIsCompositionEnabled (dwmapi)

C# Signature:

[DllImport("dwmapi.dll", PreserveSig=false)]  
static extern bool DwmIsCompositionEnabled();

VB.NET Signature:

<DllImport("dwmapi.dll")> _
Private Shared Function DwmIsCompositionEnabled(ByRef enabled As Boolean) As Integer
End Function

User-Defined Types:


Alternative Managed API:

Download the 'VistaBridge Sample Library' from once downloaded, open the project and then build it (if you want to look through all the code, examine the files in the \Library or \Interop folders). You can now take the DLL from VistaBridge\bin\debug\ and add a reference to it in your project, as well you must add a using statement for each of the different VistaBridge modules. For Example:

using Microsoft.SDK.Samples.VistaBridge.Interop or .Library or .Properties or .Services - Depending on your needs.

The VistaBridge project includes API's for many other Vista Features (such as the TaskDialog, Vista OpenFile and SaveFile Dialogs, and of course the Aero Glass Effects) to try these out, run the VistaBridge Project.


This only appears to be an issue with VS2008, and it may have been fixed by the time you are reading this, so try to run the project first, and if you click on one of the 'TaskDialog' buttons and see it popup (ie you dont see an exception) then you do not need to take these steps, if you do get an exception, follow the steps below:

To Run the VistaBridge Project in Visual Studio 2008, you must re-create the Application Manifest file. To do this, open the manifest already in the project, copy all of the text from it to notepad and then delete the manifest file from the project. Next, right click on the "VistaBridgeDemoApp" project and select Add New Item. Choose an Application Manifest File and MAKE SURE you name it as follows: VistaBridgeDemoApp.exe.manifest and then press enter. Now double click on the new manifest file, select all the text and replace it with the text that was copied out of the old manifest. You can now Build the solution and the Demo App should now operate properly. If you still have problems, try closing Visual Studio and then Re-opening it.

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