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Public Delegate Sub DIFXAPILOGCALLBACK(ByVal EventType As DIFXAPI_LOG, ByVal ErrorCode As Int32, <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)> ByVal EventDescription As String, ByVal CallbackContext As IntPtr)
To use this function you just need difxapi.dll of appropriate architecture from Windows Server 2008/Vista WDK. The DriverStore will be created automatically for you.
Public Sub DIFxAPILogCallbackFunc(ByVal EventType As DIFXAPI_LOG, ByVal ErrorCode As Int32, ByVal EventDescription As String, ByVal CallbackContext As IntPtr)
Select Case EventType
Console.WriteLine("SUCCESS: {0}. Error code: {1}", EventDescription, ErrorCode)
Exit Sub
Console.WriteLine("INFO: {0}. Error code: {1}", EventDescription, ErrorCode)
Exit Sub
Console.WriteLine("WARNING: {0}. Error code: {1}", EventDescription, ErrorCode)
Exit Sub
Console.WriteLine("ERROR: {0}. Error code: {1}", EventDescription, ErrorCode)
Exit Sub
End Select
End Sub
TODO - a short description of this collection of constants
5/15/2017 2:59:47 AM -
The DIFXAPISetLogCallback function registers a caller-supplied callback function that DIFxAPI calls to log information about events that occur during DIFxAPI operations.
TODO - a short description of this collection of constants
5/15/2017 2:59:47 AM -
TODO - a short description of this collection of constants
5/15/2017 2:59:47 AM -
A DIFXAPI_LOG-typed enumerator that indicates the event type.
4/7/2008 1:43:30 PM - anonymous
TODO - a short description
3/2/2014 11:52:51 PM - anonymous
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