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enum UnDecorateFlags
UNDNAME_COMPLETE = (0x0000), // Enable full undecoration
UNDNAME_NO_LEADING_UNDERSCORES = (0x0001), // Remove leading underscores from MS extended keywords
UNDNAME_NO_MS_KEYWORDS = (0x0002), // Disable expansion of MS extended keywords
UNDNAME_NO_FUNCTION_RETURNS = (0x0004), // Disable expansion of return type for primary declaration
UNDNAME_NO_ALLOCATION_MODEL = (0x0008), // Disable expansion of the declaration model
UNDNAME_NO_ALLOCATION_LANGUAGE = (0x0010), // Disable expansion of the declaration language specifier
UNDNAME_NO_MS_THISTYPE = (0x0020), // NYI Disable expansion of MS keywords on the 'this' type for primary declaration
UNDNAME_NO_CV_THISTYPE = (0x0040), // NYI Disable expansion of CV modifiers on the 'this' type for primary declaration
UNDNAME_NO_THISTYPE = (0x0060), // Disable all modifiers on the 'this' type
UNDNAME_NO_ACCESS_SPECIFIERS = (0x0080), // Disable expansion of access specifiers for members
UNDNAME_NO_THROW_SIGNATURES = (0x0100), // Disable expansion of 'throw-signatures' for functions and pointers to functions
UNDNAME_NO_MEMBER_TYPE = (0x0200), // Disable expansion of 'static' or 'virtual'ness of members
UNDNAME_NO_RETURN_UDT_MODEL = (0x0400), // Disable expansion of MS model for UDT returns
UNDNAME_32_BIT_DECODE = (0x0800), // Undecorate 32-bit decorated names
UNDNAME_NAME_ONLY = (0x1000), // Crack only the name for primary declaration;
// return just [scope::]name. Does expand template params
UNDNAME_NO_ARGUMENTS = (0x2000), // Don't undecorate arguments to function
UNDNAME_NO_SPECIAL_SYMS = (0x4000), // Don't undecorate special names (v-table, vcall, vector xxx, metatype, etc)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(255);
UnDecorateSymbolName("Mangled String", builder, builder.Capacity, UnDecorateFlags.UNDNAME_COMPLETE);
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