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Declare Function CertGetNameString Lib "Crypt32.dll" Alias "CertGetNameStringW" ( _
ByVal pCertContext As Long, _
ByVal dwType As Long, _
ByVal dwFlags As Long, _
pvTypePara As Any, _
ByVal pszNameString As Long, _
ByVal cchNameString As Long _
) As Long
Declare Function CertGetNameString Lib "crypt32.dll" (TODO) As TODO
Ensure you use StrPtr and that the function signature is "CertGetNameStringW", or you will regularly crash your program!
Tips & Tricks:
You can call this first with a null buffer and null cchNameString to return just the required buffer length, then size the buffer appropriately and call again as above!
Please add some!
Sample Code:
while ((certContext = CertEnumCertificatesInStore(hCertStore, certContext)) != IntPtr.Zero)
StringBuilder Buffer = new StringBuilder(255);
UInt32 cchString = 255 ;
System.UInt32 nChars = CertGetNameString(certContext,
// use Buffer.ToString() to use the cert's name string
Dim bfr As String, bPtr As Long
bfr = String(szNameString, vbNullChar)
bPtr = StrPtr(bfr)
szNameString = CertGetNameString(hCert_Context&, _
0&, _
0&, _
bPtr&, _
128& _
The CertGetNameString function obtains the subject or issuer name from a certificate CERT_CONTEXT structure and converts it to a null-terminated character string.
6/26/2012 2:50:24 PM - -
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