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GetNamedSecurityInfo (advapi32)

Резюме: Функция GetNamedSecurityInfo возвращает копию дескриптора безопасности для объекта, заданного именем.

Синтаксис C#:

[DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
static extern uint GetNamedSecurityInfo(
    string pObjectName,
    SE_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectType,
    out IntPtr pSidOwner,
    out IntPtr pSidGroup,
    out IntPtr pDacl,
    out IntPtr pSacl,
    out IntPtr pSecurityDescriptor);

Синтаксис VB:

Declare Function GetNamedSecurityInfo Lib "advapi32.dll" ( _
    ByVal pObjectName As String, _
    ByVal ObjectType As SE_OBJECT_TYPE, _
    ByVal SecurityInfo As SECURITY_INFORMATION, _
    ByRef pSidOwner As IntPtr, _
    ByRef pSidGroup As IntPtr, _
    ByRef pDacl As IntPtr, _
    ByRef pSacl As IntPtr, _
    ByRef pSecurityDescriptor As IntPtr) As Integer

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Пример кода на C#:

public static string GetFileObjectOwner(string objectName)

    IntPtr pZero = IntPtr.Zero;
    IntPtr pSid = pZero;
    IntPtr psd = pZero;
    int errorReturn = GetNamedSecurityInfo(objectName, SE_FILE_OBJECT,
        out pSid, out pZero, out pZero, out pZero, out psd);

    if(errorReturn != 0)
        Console.WriteLine("GetNamedSecurityInfo: {0} ", errorReturn);
        return null;

    int _bufferSize = 64;
    StringBuilder _buffer = new StringBuilder();
    int _accounLength = _bufferSize;
    int _domainLength = _bufferSize;
    int _sidNameUse= 0;

    StringBuilder _account = new StringBuilder(_bufferSize);
    StringBuilder _domain = new StringBuilder(_bufferSize);

    errorReturn = LookupAccountSid(null, pSid, _account, ref _accounLength, _domain, ref _domainLength, out _sidNameUse);
    if(errorReturn == 0)
        Console.WriteLine("LookupAccountSid: {0}", Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
        return null;
    return _buffer.ToString();

Пример кода на VB.Net:

    ' Type of Securable Object we are operating in this sample code
    Private Const SE_FILE_OBJECT = 1&

    ' The Security Information constants required

    Dim pSecDesc, pOldDACL As IntPtr
    Dim Win32Error As Win32Exception
    Dim ret As Integer

    ' get the Security Descriptor and DACL
    ret = GetNamedSecurityInfo(strPath, SE_FILE_OBJECT, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, Nothing, Nothing, pOldDACL, Nothing, pSecDesc)
    If ret <> 0 Then
        Win32Error = New Win32Exception(ret)
        Throw New Exception(Win32Error.Message)
    End If

Альтернативное управление API:

С .NET v2.0 Вы можете использовать классы из System.Security.AccessControl для большинства этих функциональностей.

  using System.Security.AccessControl;
  using System.Security.Principal;

  public static string GetFileObjectOwner(string objectName)
    FileSecurity pSD = new FileSecurity(objectName, AccessControlSections.Owner);

    NTAccount ownerName = (NTAccount)(pSD.GetOwner(typeof(NTAccount)));
    /* The username is returned in SAM form (domain\username) */

    return ownerName.ToString();

Документация: GetNamedSecurityInfo на MSDN

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