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C# Definition:
public struct PixelFormatDescriptor
public ushort Size;
public ushort Version;
public PixelFormatDescriptorFlags Flags;
public PixelType PixelType;
public byte ColorBits;
public byte RedBits;
public byte RedShift;
public byte GreenBits;
public byte GreenShift;
public byte BlueBits;
public byte BlueShift;
public byte AlphaBits;
public byte AlphaShift;
public byte AccumBits;
public byte AccumRedBits;
public byte AccumGreenBits;
public byte AccumBlueBits;
public byte AccumAlphaBits;
public byte DepthBits;
public byte StencilBits;
public byte AuxBuffers;
public byte LayerType;
private byte Reserved;
public uint LayerMask;
public uint VisibleMask;
public uint DamageMask;
//Use this function to make a new one with Size and Version already filled in.
public static PixelFormatDescriptor Build()
var pfd = new PixelFormatDescriptor
Size = (ushort)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PixelFormatDescriptor)),
Version = 1
return pfd;
VB Definition:
Public TODO
End Structure
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