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NetResource (Structures)
C# Definition:
public struct NetResource
public ResourceScope dwScope;
public ResourceType dwType;
public ResourceDisplayType dwDisplayType;
public ResourceUsage dwUsage;
public string lpLocalName;
public string lpRemoteName;
public string lpComment;
public string lpProvider;
VB.Net Definition:
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure NetResource
Public dwScope As ResourceScope
Public dwType As ResourceType
Public dwDisplayType As ResourceDisplayType
Public dwUsage As ResourceUsage
Public lpLocalName As String
Public lpRemoteName As String
Public lpComment As String
Public lpProvider As String
End Structure
This is defined as a class rather than a structure, so it's only appropriate for passing (by-value) when a pointer to a structure is needed.
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10/13/2016 2:28:10 AM - -
The type of resource. This member can be one of the following values defined in the Winnetwk.h header file.
10/13/2016 2:32:15 AM - -
The display options for the network object in a network browsing user interface. This member can be one of the following values defined in the Winnetwk.h header file.
10/13/2016 2:31:47 AM - -
A set of bit flags describing how the resource can be used.Note that this member can be specified only if the dwScope member is equal to RESOURCE_GLOBALNET. This member can be one of the following values defined in the Winnetwk.h header file.
10/13/2016 2:34:22 AM - -
The WNetAddConnection2 function makes a connection to a network resource. The function can redirect a local device to the network resource.
9/5/2012 10:52:40 PM - -
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