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C# Definition:
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 4)]
private UInt32 cbStruct; /* size in bytes of MIXERLINECONTROLS */
private UInt32 dwLineID; /* line id (from MIXERLINE.dwLineID) */
// private UInt32 dwControlType; //UNIONED with dwControlID /* MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE */
private UInt32 cControls; /* count of controls pmxctrl points to */
private UInt32 cbmxctrl; /* size in bytes of _one_ MIXERCONTROL */
private IntPtr pamxctrl; /* pointer to first MIXERCONTROL array */
#region Properties
/// <summary>size in bytes of MIXERLINECONTROLS</summary>
public UInt32 StructSize
get { return this.cbStruct; }
set { this.cbStruct = value; }
/// <summary>line id (from MIXERLINE.dwLineID)</summary>
public UInt32 LineID
get { return this.dwLineID; }
set { this.dwLineID = value; }
public UInt32 ControlID
get { return this.dwControlID; }
set { this.dwControlID = value; }
get { return (MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE)this.dwControlID; }
set { this.dwControlID = (uint)value; }
/// <summary>count of controls pmxctrl points to</summary>
public UInt32 Controls
get { return this.cControls; }
set { this.cControls = value; }
/// <summary>size in bytes of _one_ MIXERCONTROL</summary>
public UInt32 MixerControlItemSize
get { return this.cbmxctrl; }
set { this.cbmxctrl = value; }
/// <summary>pointer to first MIXERCONTROL array</summary>
public IntPtr MixerControlArray
get { return this.pamxctrl; }
set { this.pamxctrl = value; }
VB Definition:
THIS IS MY CONVERSION FROM THE C# ABOVE. I have used an UInt32 instead of the MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE enum as I didn't bother converting it. Also I set dwLineID as an Integer as I was getting a negative number come back from the APIs.
<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, Pack:=4)> _
Private cbStruct As UInt32 '/* size in bytes of MIXERLINECONTROLS */
Private dwLineID As Integer '/* line id (from MIXERLINE.dwLineID) */
'private UInt32 dwControlType; //UNIONED with dwControlID /* MIXER_GETLINECONTROLSF_ONEBYTYPE */
Private cControls As UInt32 '/* count of controls pmxctrl points to */
Private cbmxctrl As UInt32 '/* size in bytes of _one_ MIXERCONTROL */
Private pamxctrl As IntPtr '/* pointer to first MIXERCONTROL array */
'/// <summary>size in bytes of MIXERLINECONTROLS</summary>
Public Property StructSize As UInt32
Return cbStruct
End Get
Set(ByVal value As UInt32)
cbStruct = value
End Set
End Property
'/// <summary>line id (from MIXERLINE.dwLineID)</summary>
Public Property LineID As Integer
Return dwLineID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
dwLineID = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property ControlID As UInt32
Return dwControlID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As UInt32)
dwControlID = value
End Set
End Property
Public Property ControlType As UInt32
Return dwControlID
End Get
Set(ByVal value As UInt32)
dwControlID = value
End Set
End Property
'/// <summary>count of controls pmxctrl points to</summary>
Public Property Controls As UInt32
Return cControls
End Get
Set(ByVal value As UInt32)
cControls = value
End Set
End Property
'/// <summary>size in bytes of _one_ MIXERCONTROL</summary>
Public Property MixerControlItemSize As UInt32
Return cbmxctrl
End Get
Set(ByVal value As UInt32)
cbmxctrl = value
End Set
End Property
'/// <summary>pointer to first MIXERCONTROL array</summary>
Public Property MixerControlArray As IntPtr
Return pamxctrl
End Get
Set(ByVal value As IntPtr)
pamxctrl = value
End Set
End Property
End Structure
User-Defined Field Types:
The winmm dll may not execute properly on 64-bit systems. Consequently, the StructLayout must be Sequential, with CharSet = Ansi, and Pack = 4. This particular type has some special layout considerations (the c union keyword) which typically means developers would use the explicit layout. However, the explicit layout breaks down on 64-bit systems for any type with an IntPtr in the type. Consequently, the C# types have been redesigned to use Sequential layout so that they will automatically adjust to 64-bit systems. This means private fields with public properties which perform the gunky work of making it look like there is a union.
Sample Code:
There is more code that is necessary to use the C# types listed above.
TODO - a short description of this collection of constants
4/6/2012 12:59:20 AM - anonymous
TODO - a short description
3/16/2007 8:11:30 AM - -
Click to read this page
4/6/2008 7:23:14 AM - anonymous
An IntPtr is a pointer to a memory location (unmanaged) that adapts to the platform it is running on (64-bit, etc.) UNLIKE a standard int/Integer. You should always use this type for unmanaged calls that require it, even though an int will appear to work on your development machine.
1/13/2008 4:00:13 AM - Damon Carr-
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