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COMMCONFIG (Structures)
The COMMCONFIG structure is used by the
GetDefaultCommConfig function to return information about a given communications driver.
C# Definition:
[StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential )] struct COMMCONFIG
UInt32 dwSize;
UInt16 wVersion;
UInt16 wReserved;
DCB dcb;
UInt32 dwProviderSubType;
UInt32 dwProviderOffsert;
UInt32 dwProviderSize;
Byte wcProviderDate;
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User-Defined Field Types:
// dwProviderSubType
const UInt32 PST_FAX = 0x00000021; // FAX device
const UInt32 PST_LAT = 0x00000101; // LAT protocol
const UInt32 PST_MODEM = 0x00000006; // Modem device
const UInt32 PST_NETWORK_BRIDGE = 0x00000100; // Unspecified network bridge
const UInt32 PST_PARALLELPORT = 0x00000002; // Parallel port
const UInt32 PST_RS232 = 0x00000001; // RS-232 serial port
const UInt32 PST_RS422 = 0x00000003; // RS-422 port
const UInt32 PST_RS423 = 0x00000004; // RS-423 port
const UInt32 PST_RS449 = 0x00000005; // RS-449 port
const UInt32 PST_SCANNER = 0x00000022; // Scanner device
const UInt32 PST_TCPIP_TELNET = 0x00000102; // TCP/IP Telnet protocol
const UInt32 PST_UNSPECIFIED = 0x00000000; // Unspecified
const UInt32 PST_X25 = 0x00000103; // X.25 standards
// dwProvCapabilities
const UInt32 PCF_16BITMODE = 0x0200; // Special 16-bit mode supported
const UInt32 PCF_DTRDSR = 0x0001; // DTR (data-terminal-ready)/DSR (data-set-ready) supported
const UInt32 PCF_INTTIMEOUTS = 0x0080; // Interval time-outs supported
const UInt32 PCF_PARITY_CHECK = 0x0008; // Parity checking supported
const UInt32 PCF_RLSD = 0x0004; // RLSD (receive-line-signal-detect) supported
const UInt32 PCF_RTSCTS = 0x0002; // RTS (request-to-send)/CTS (clear-to-send) supported
const UInt32 PCF_SETXCHAR = 0x0020; // Settable XON/XOFF supported
const UInt32 PCF_SPECIALCHARS = 0x0100; // Special character support provided
const UInt32 PCF_TOTALTIMEOUTS = 0x0040; // Total (elapsed) time-outs supported
const UInt32 PCF_XONXOFF = 0x0010; // XON/XOFF flow control supported
// dwMaxBaud
const UInt32 BAUD_075 = 0x00000001; // 75 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_110 = 0x00000002; // 110 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_134_5 = 0x00000004; // 134.5 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_150 = 0x00000008; // 150 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_300 = 0x00000010; // 300 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_600 = 0x00000020; // 600 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_1200 = 0x00000040; // 1200 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_1800 = 0x00000080; // 1800 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_2400 = 0x00000100; // 2400 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_4800 = 0x00000200; // 4800 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_7200 = 0x00000400; // 7200 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_9600 = 0x00000800; // 9600 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_14400 = 0x00001000; // 14400 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_19200 = 0x00002000; // 19200 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_38400 = 0x00004000; // 38400 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_56K = 0x00008000; // 56K bps
const UInt32 BAUD_57600 = 0x00010000; // 57600 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_115200 = 0x00020000; // 115200 bps
const UInt32 BAUD_128K = 0x00040000; // 128K bps
const UInt32 BAUD_USER = 0x10000000; // Programmable baud rate.
The GetDefaultCommConfig API
3/16/2007 7:54:34 AM - -
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