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IWebBrowser2 (Interfaces)
enables applications to implement an instance of the WebBrowser control (Microsoft® ActiveX® control) or control an instance of the InternetExplorer application (OLE Automation).

C# Definition:

    /// <summary><para><c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Web Browser Interface for IE4.</para></summary>
        // Web Browser Interface for IE4.
            public interface IWebBrowser2

            /// <summary><para><c>GoBack</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Navigates to the previous item in the history list.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>GoBack</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT GoBack (void)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Navigates to the previous item in the history list.
            // IDL: HRESULT GoBack (void);
            // VB6: Sub GoBack
            void GoBack ();

            /// <summary><para><c>GoForward</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Navigates to the next item in the history list.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>GoForward</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT GoForward (void)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Navigates to the next item in the history list.
            // IDL: HRESULT GoForward (void);
            // VB6: Sub GoForward
            void GoForward ();

            /// <summary><para><c>GoHome</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Go home/start page.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>GoHome</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT GoHome (void)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Go home/start page.
            // IDL: HRESULT GoHome (void);
            // VB6: Sub GoHome
            void GoHome ();

            /// <summary><para><c>GoSearch</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Go Search Page.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>GoSearch</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT GoSearch (void)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Go Search Page.
            // IDL: HRESULT GoSearch (void);
            // VB6: Sub GoSearch
            void GoSearch ();

            /// <summary><para><c>Navigate</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Navigates to a URL or file.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Navigate</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT Navigate (BSTR URL, [in, optional] VARIANT* Flags, [in, optional] VARIANT* TargetFrameName, [in, optional] VARIANT* PostData, [in, optional] VARIANT* Headers)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Navigates to a URL or file.
            // IDL: HRESULT Navigate (BSTR URL, [in, optional] VARIANT* Flags, [in, optional] VARIANT* TargetFrameName, [in, optional] VARIANT* PostData, [in, optional] VARIANT* Headers);
            // VB6: Sub Navigate (ByVal URL As String, [Flags As Any], [TargetFrameName As Any], [PostData As Any], [Headers As Any])
            void Navigate ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string URL, [In] ref object Flags, [In] ref object TargetFrameName, [In] ref object PostData, [In] ref object Headers);

            /// <summary><para><c>Refresh</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Refresh the currently viewed page.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Refresh</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT Refresh (void)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Refresh the currently viewed page.
            // IDL: HRESULT Refresh (void);
            // VB6: Sub Refresh
            void Refresh ();

            /// <summary><para><c>Refresh2</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Refresh the currently viewed page.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Refresh2</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT Refresh2 ([in, optional] VARIANT* Level)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Refresh the currently viewed page.
            // IDL: HRESULT Refresh2 ([in, optional] VARIANT* Level);
            // VB6: Sub Refresh2 ([Level As Any])
            void Refresh2 ([In] ref object Level);

            /// <summary><para><c>Stop</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Stops opening a file.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Stop</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT Stop (void)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Stops opening a file.
            // IDL: HRESULT Stop (void);
            // VB6: Sub Stop
            void Stop ();

            /// <summary><para><c>Quit</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Exits application and closes the open document.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Quit</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT Quit (void)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Exits application and closes the open document.
            // IDL: HRESULT Quit (void);
            // VB6: Sub Quit
            void Quit ();

            /// <summary><para><c>ClientToWindow</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Converts client sizes into window sizes.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>ClientToWindow</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT ClientToWindow ([in, out] int* pcx, [in, out] int* pcy)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Converts client sizes into window sizes.
            // IDL: HRESULT ClientToWindow ([in, out] int* pcx, [in, out] int* pcy);
            // VB6: Sub ClientToWindow (pcx As Long, pcy As Long)
            void ClientToWindow ([In, Out] ref int pcx, [In, Out] ref int pcy);

            /// <summary><para><c>PutProperty</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Associates vtValue with the name szProperty in the context of the object.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>PutProperty</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT PutProperty (BSTR Property, VARIANT vtValue)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Associates vtValue with the name szProperty in the context of the object.
            // IDL: HRESULT PutProperty (BSTR Property, VARIANT vtValue);
            // VB6: Sub PutProperty (ByVal Property As String, ByVal vtValue As Any)
            void PutProperty ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string Property, object vtValue);

            /// <summary><para><c>GetProperty</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Retrieve the Associated value for the property vtValue in the context of the object.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>GetProperty</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT GetProperty (BSTR Property, [out, retval] VARIANT* ReturnValue)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Retrieve the Associated value for the property vtValue in the context of the object.
            // IDL: HRESULT GetProperty (BSTR Property, [out, retval] VARIANT* ReturnValue);
            // VB6: Function GetProperty (ByVal Property As String) As Any
            object GetProperty ([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string Property);

            /// <summary><para><c>Navigate2</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Navigates to a URL or file or pidl.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Navigate2</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT Navigate2 ([in] VARIANT* URL, [in, optional] VARIANT* Flags, [in, optional] VARIANT* TargetFrameName, [in, optional] VARIANT* PostData, [in, optional] VARIANT* Headers)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Navigates to a URL or file or pidl.
            // IDL: HRESULT Navigate2 ([in] VARIANT* URL, [in, optional] VARIANT* Flags, [in, optional] VARIANT* TargetFrameName, [in, optional] VARIANT* PostData, [in, optional] VARIANT* Headers);
            // VB6: Sub Navigate2 (URL As Any, [Flags As Any], [TargetFrameName As Any], [PostData As Any], [Headers As Any])
            void Navigate2 ([In] ref object URL, [In] ref object Flags, [In] ref object TargetFrameName, [In] ref object PostData, [In] ref object Headers);

            /// <summary><para><c>QueryStatusWB</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>QueryStatusWB</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT QueryStatusWB (OLECMDID cmdID, [out, retval] OLECMDF* ReturnValue)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // IOleCommandTarget::QueryStatus
            // IDL: HRESULT QueryStatusWB (OLECMDID cmdID, [out, retval] OLECMDF* ReturnValue);
            // VB6: Function QueryStatusWB (ByVal cmdID As OLECMDID) As OLECMDF
            OLECMDF QueryStatusWB (OLECMDID cmdID);

            /// <summary><para><c>ExecWB</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>IOleCommandTarget::Exec</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>ExecWB</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT ExecWB (OLECMDID cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT cmdexecopt, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvaIn, [in, out, optional] VARIANT* pvaOut)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // IOleCommandTarget::Exec
            // IDL: HRESULT ExecWB (OLECMDID cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT cmdexecopt, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvaIn, [in, out, optional] VARIANT* pvaOut);
            // VB6: Sub ExecWB (ByVal cmdID As OLECMDID, ByVal cmdexecopt As OLECMDEXECOPT, [pvaIn As Any], [pvaOut As Any])
            void ExecWB (OLECMDID cmdID, OLECMDEXECOPT cmdexecopt, [In] ref object pvaIn, [In, Out] ref object pvaOut);

            /// <summary><para><c>ShowBrowserBar</c> method of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Set BrowserBar to Clsid</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>ShowBrowserBar</c> method was the following:  <c>HRESULT ShowBrowserBar ([in] VARIANT* pvaClsid, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvarShow, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvarSize)</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Set BrowserBar to Clsid
            // IDL: HRESULT ShowBrowserBar ([in] VARIANT* pvaClsid, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvarShow, [in, optional] VARIANT* pvarSize);
            // VB6: Sub ShowBrowserBar (pvaClsid As Any, [pvarShow As Any], [pvarSize As Any])
            void ShowBrowserBar ([In] ref object pvaClsid, [In] ref object pvarShow, [In] ref object pvarSize);

            /// <summary><para><c>AddressBar</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Controls whether address bar is shown</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>AddressBar</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL AddressBar</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Controls whether address bar is shown
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL AddressBar;
            // VB6: AddressBar As Boolean
            bool AddressBar
                // IDL: HRESULT AddressBar ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function AddressBar As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT AddressBar (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub AddressBar (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>Application</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns the application automation object if accessible, this automation object otherwise..</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Application</c> property was the following:  <c>IDispatch* Application</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns the application automation object if accessible, this automation object otherwise..
            // IDL: IDispatch* Application;
            // VB6: Application As IDispatch
            object Application
                // IDL: HRESULT Application ([out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Application As IDispatch
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

            /// <summary><para><c>Busy</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Query to see if something is still in progress.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Busy</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL Busy</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Query to see if something is still in progress.
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL Busy;
            // VB6: Busy As Boolean
            bool Busy
                // IDL: HRESULT Busy ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Busy As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]

            /// <summary><para><c>Container</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns the container/parent automation object, if any.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Container</c> property was the following:  <c>IDispatch* Container</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns the container/parent automation object, if any.
            // IDL: IDispatch* Container;
            // VB6: Container As IDispatch
            object Container
                // IDL: HRESULT Container ([out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Container As IDispatch
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

            /// <summary><para><c>Document</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns the active Document automation object, if any.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Document</c> property was the following:  <c>IDispatch* Document</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns the active Document automation object, if any.
            // IDL: IDispatch* Document;
            // VB6: Document As IDispatch
            object Document
                // IDL: HRESULT Document ([out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Document As IDispatch
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

            /// <summary><para><c>FullName</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns file specification of the application, including path.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>FullName</c> property was the following:  <c>BSTR FullName</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns file specification of the application, including path.
            // IDL: BSTR FullName;
            // VB6: FullName As String
            string FullName
                // IDL: HRESULT FullName ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function FullName As String
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]

            /// <summary><para><c>FullScreen</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar, menubar, and titlebar.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>FullScreen</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL FullScreen</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Maximizes window and turns off statusbar, toolbar, menubar, and titlebar.
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL FullScreen;
            // VB6: FullScreen As Boolean
            bool FullScreen
                // IDL: HRESULT FullScreen ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function FullScreen As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT FullScreen (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub FullScreen (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>Height</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Height</c> property was the following:  <c>long Height</c>;</para></remarks>
            // The vertical dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.
            // IDL: long Height;
            // VB6: Height As Long
            int Height
                // IDL: HRESULT Height ([out, retval] long* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Height As Long
                // IDL: HRESULT Height (long value);
                // VB6: Sub Height (ByVal value As Long)

            /// <summary><para><c>HWND</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns the HWND of the current IE window.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>HWND</c> property was the following:  <c>long HWND</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns the HWND of the current IE window.
            // IDL: long HWND;
            // VB6: HWND As Long
            int HWND
                // IDL: HRESULT HWND ([out, retval] long* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function HWND As Long

            /// <summary><para><c>Left</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Left</c> property was the following:  <c>long Left</c>;</para></remarks>
            // The horizontal position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.
            // IDL: long Left;
            // VB6: Left As Long
            int Left
                // IDL: HRESULT Left ([out, retval] long* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Left As Long
                // IDL: HRESULT Left (long value);
                // VB6: Sub Left (ByVal value As Long)

            /// <summary><para><c>LocationName</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Gets the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL/file currently viewed.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>LocationName</c> property was the following:  <c>BSTR LocationName</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Gets the short (UI-friendly) name of the URL/file currently viewed.
            // IDL: BSTR LocationName;
            // VB6: LocationName As String
            string LocationName
                // IDL: HRESULT LocationName ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function LocationName As String
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]

            /// <summary><para><c>LocationURL</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Gets the full URL/path currently viewed.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>LocationURL</c> property was the following:  <c>BSTR LocationURL</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Gets the full URL/path currently viewed.
            // IDL: BSTR LocationURL;
            // VB6: LocationURL As String
            string LocationURL
                // IDL: HRESULT LocationURL ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function LocationURL As String
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]

            /// <summary><para><c>MenuBar</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Controls whether menubar is shown.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>MenuBar</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL MenuBar</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Controls whether menubar is shown.
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL MenuBar;
            // VB6: MenuBar As Boolean
            bool MenuBar
                // IDL: HRESULT MenuBar ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function MenuBar As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT MenuBar (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub MenuBar (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>Name</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns name of the application.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Name</c> property was the following:  <c>BSTR Name</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns name of the application.
            // IDL: BSTR Name;
            // VB6: Name As String
            string Name
                // IDL: HRESULT Name ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Name As String
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]

            /// <summary><para><c>Offline</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Controls if the frame is offline (read from cache)</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Offline</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL Offline</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Controls if the frame is offline (read from cache)
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL Offline;
            // VB6: Offline As Boolean
            bool Offline
                // IDL: HRESULT Offline ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Offline As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT Offline (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub Offline (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>Parent</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns the automation object of the container/parent if one exists or this automation object.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Parent</c> property was the following:  <c>IDispatch* Parent</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns the automation object of the container/parent if one exists or this automation object.
            // IDL: IDispatch* Parent;
            // VB6: Parent As IDispatch
            object Parent
                // IDL: HRESULT Parent ([out, retval] IDispatch** ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Parent As IDispatch
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)]

            /// <summary><para><c>Path</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns the path to the application.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Path</c> property was the following:  <c>BSTR Path</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns the path to the application.
            // IDL: BSTR Path;
            // VB6: Path As String
            string Path
                // IDL: HRESULT Path ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Path As String
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]

            /// <summary><para><c>ReadyState</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>ReadyState</c> property was the following:  <c>tagREADYSTATE ReadyState</c>;</para></remarks>
            // IDL: tagREADYSTATE ReadyState;
            // VB6: ReadyState As tagREADYSTATE
            NativeMethods.tagREADYSTATE ReadyState
                // IDL: HRESULT ReadyState ([out, retval] tagREADYSTATE* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function ReadyState As tagREADYSTATE

            /// <summary><para><c>RegisterAsBrowser</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Registers OC as a top-level browser (for target name resolution)</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>RegisterAsBrowser</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL RegisterAsBrowser</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Registers OC as a top-level browser (for target name resolution)
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL RegisterAsBrowser;
            // VB6: RegisterAsBrowser As Boolean
            bool RegisterAsBrowser
                // IDL: HRESULT RegisterAsBrowser ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function RegisterAsBrowser As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT RegisterAsBrowser (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub RegisterAsBrowser (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>RegisterAsDropTarget</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Registers OC as a drop target for navigation</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>RegisterAsDropTarget</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL RegisterAsDropTarget</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Registers OC as a drop target for navigation
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL RegisterAsDropTarget;
            // VB6: RegisterAsDropTarget As Boolean
            bool RegisterAsDropTarget
                // IDL: HRESULT RegisterAsDropTarget ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function RegisterAsDropTarget As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT RegisterAsDropTarget (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub RegisterAsDropTarget (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>Resizable</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Controls whether the window is resizable</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Resizable</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL Resizable</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Controls whether the window is resizable
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL Resizable;
            // VB6: Resizable As Boolean
            bool Resizable
                // IDL: HRESULT Resizable ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Resizable As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT Resizable (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub Resizable (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>Silent</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Controls if any dialog boxes can be shown</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Silent</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL Silent</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Controls if any dialog boxes can be shown
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL Silent;
            // VB6: Silent As Boolean
            bool Silent
                // IDL: HRESULT Silent ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Silent As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT Silent (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub Silent (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>StatusBar</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Turn on or off the statusbar.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>StatusBar</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL StatusBar</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Turn on or off the statusbar.
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL StatusBar;
            // VB6: StatusBar As Boolean
            bool StatusBar
                // IDL: HRESULT StatusBar ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function StatusBar As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT StatusBar (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub StatusBar (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>StatusText</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Text of Status window.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>StatusText</c> property was the following:  <c>BSTR StatusText</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Text of Status window.
            // IDL: BSTR StatusText;
            // VB6: StatusText As String
            string StatusText
                // IDL: HRESULT StatusText ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function StatusText As String
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]
                // IDL: HRESULT StatusText (BSTR value);
                // VB6: Sub StatusText (ByVal value As String)

            /// <summary><para><c>TheaterMode</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Controls if the browser is in theater mode</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>TheaterMode</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL TheaterMode</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Controls if the browser is in theater mode
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL TheaterMode;
            // VB6: TheaterMode As Boolean
            bool TheaterMode
                // IDL: HRESULT TheaterMode ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function TheaterMode As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT TheaterMode (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub TheaterMode (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>ToolBar</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Controls which toolbar is shown.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>ToolBar</c> property was the following:  <c>int ToolBar</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Controls which toolbar is shown.
            // IDL: int ToolBar;
            // VB6: ToolBar As Long
            int ToolBar
                // IDL: HRESULT ToolBar ([out, retval] int* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function ToolBar As Long
                // IDL: HRESULT ToolBar (int value);
                // VB6: Sub ToolBar (ByVal value As Long)

            /// <summary><para><c>Top</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Top</c> property was the following:  <c>long Top</c>;</para></remarks>
            // The vertical position (pixels) of the frame window relative to the screen/container.
            // IDL: long Top;
            // VB6: Top As Long
            int Top
                // IDL: HRESULT Top ([out, retval] long* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Top As Long
                // IDL: HRESULT Top (long value);
                // VB6: Sub Top (ByVal value As Long)

            /// <summary><para><c>TopLevelContainer</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns True if this is the top level object.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>TopLevelContainer</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL TopLevelContainer</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns True if this is the top level object.
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL TopLevelContainer;
            // VB6: TopLevelContainer As Boolean
            bool TopLevelContainer
                // IDL: HRESULT TopLevelContainer ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function TopLevelContainer As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]

            /// <summary><para><c>Type</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Returns the type of the contained document object.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Type</c> property was the following:  <c>BSTR Type</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Returns the type of the contained document object.
            // IDL: BSTR Type;
            // VB6: Type As String
            string Type
                // IDL: HRESULT Type ([out, retval] BSTR* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Type As String
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)]

            /// <summary><para><c>Visible</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>Determines whether the application is visible or hidden.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Visible</c> property was the following:  <c>VARIANT_BOOL Visible</c>;</para></remarks>
            // Determines whether the application is visible or hidden.
            // IDL: VARIANT_BOOL Visible;
            // VB6: Visible As Boolean
            bool Visible
                // IDL: HRESULT Visible ([out, retval] VARIANT_BOOL* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Visible As Boolean
                [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)]
                // IDL: HRESULT Visible (VARIANT_BOOL value);
                // VB6: Sub Visible (ByVal value As Boolean)

            /// <summary><para><c>Width</c> property of <c>IWebBrowser2</c> interface.  </para><para>The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.</para></summary>
            /// <remarks><para>An original IDL definition of <c>Width</c> property was the following:  <c>long Width</c>;</para></remarks>
            // The horizontal dimension (pixels) of the frame window/object.
            // IDL: long Width;
            // VB6: Width As Long
            int Width
                // IDL: HRESULT Width ([out, retval] long* ReturnValue);
                // VB6: Function Width As Long
                // IDL: HRESULT Width (long value);
                // VB6: Sub Width (ByVal value As Long)

VB Definition:

    <ComImport(), Guid("D30C1661-CDAF-11D0-8A3E-00C04FC9E26E"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIDispatch), DefaultMember("Name"), SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity()> _
    Public Interface IWebBrowser2
    ' Methods
    <DispId(301)> _
    Sub ClientToWindow(<[In](), Out()> ByRef pcx As Integer, <[In](), Out()> ByRef pcy As Integer)
    <DispId(502)> _
    Sub ExecWB(ByVal cmdID As OLECMDID, ByVal cmdexecopt As OLECMDEXECOPT, <[In]()> ByRef pvaIn As Object, <[In](), Out()> ByRef pvaOut As Object)
    <DispId(303)> _
    Function GetProperty(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> ByVal [Property] As String) As Object
    <DispId(100)> _
    Sub GoBack()
    <DispId(101)> _
    Sub GoForward()
    <DispId(102)> _
    Sub GoHome()
    <DispId(103)> _
    Sub GoSearch()
    <DispId(104)> _
    Sub Navigate(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> ByVal URL As String, <[In]()> ByRef Flags As Object, <[In]()> ByRef TargetFrameName As Object, <[In]()> ByRef PostData As Object, <[In]()> ByRef Headers As Object)
    <DispId(500)> _
    Sub Navigate2(<[In]()> ByRef URL As Object, <[In]()> ByRef Flags As Object, <[In]()> ByRef TargetFrameName As Object, <[In]()> ByRef PostData As Object, <[In]()> ByRef Headers As Object)
    <DispId(302)> _
    Sub PutProperty(<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> ByVal [Property] As String, ByVal vtValue As Object)
    <DispId(501)> _
    Function QueryStatusWB(ByVal cmdID As OLECMDID) As OLECMDF
    <DispId(300)> _
    Sub Quit()
    <DispId(-550)> _
    Sub Refresh()
    <DispId(105)> _
    Sub Refresh2(<[In]()> ByRef Level As Object)
    <DispId(503)> _
    Sub ShowBrowserBar(<[In]()> ByRef pvaClsid As Object, <[In]()> ByRef pvarShow As Object, <[In]()> ByRef pvarSize As Object)
    <DispId(106)> _
    Sub [Stop]()

    ' Properties
    Property AddressBar() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    ReadOnly Property Application() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)> Object
    ReadOnly Property Busy() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    ReadOnly Property Container() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)> Object
    ReadOnly Property Document() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)> Object
    ReadOnly Property FullName() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> String
    Property FullScreen() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property Height() As Integer
    ReadOnly Property HWND() As Integer
    Property Left() As Integer
    ReadOnly Property LocationName() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> String
    ReadOnly Property LocationURL() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> String
    Property MenuBar() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    ReadOnly Property Name() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> String
    Property Offline() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    ReadOnly Property Parent() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IDispatch)> Object
    ReadOnly Property Path() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> String
    ReadOnly Property ReadyState() As tagREADYSTATE
    Property RegisterAsBrowser() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property RegisterAsDropTarget() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property Resizable() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property Silent() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property StatusBar() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property StatusText() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> String
    Property TheaterMode() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property ToolBar() As Integer
    Property Top() As Integer
    ReadOnly Property TopLevelContainer() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    ReadOnly Property Type() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)> String
    Property Visible() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.VariantBool)> Boolean
    Property Width() As Integer
    End Interface

User-Defined Types:



Required referenece to System, System.Security, System.Runtime.InteropServices, System.Reflection Namespaces


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