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IShellFolder (Interfaces)
The IShellFolder interface is used to manage folders. It is exposed by all Shell namespace folders objects.

C# Definition:

interface IShellFolder
// Translates a file object's or folder's display name into an item
// identifier list.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint ParseDisplayName(
    IntPtr hwnd,        // Optional window handle
    IntPtr pbc,         // Optional bind context that controls the
                // parsing operation. This parameter is
                // normally set to NULL.
    [In(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]
    string pszDisplayName,  // Null-terminated UNICODE string with the
                // display name.
    out uint pchEaten,      // Pointer to a ULONG value that receives the
                // number of characters of the
                // display name that was parsed.
    out IntPtr ppidl,       // Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST pointer that receives
                // the item identifier list for
                // the object.
    ref uint pdwAttributes); // Optional parameter that can be used to
                // query for file attributes.
                // this can be values from the SFGAO enum

// Allows a client to determine the contents of a folder by creating
// an item identifier enumeration object and returning its
// IEnumIDList interface.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint EnumObjects(
    IntPtr hwnd,        // If user input is required to perform the
                // enumeration, this window handle
                // should be used by the enumeration object as
                // the parent window to take
                // user input.
    SHCONTF grfFlags,       // Flags indicating which items to include in the
                // enumeration. For a list
                // of possible values, see the SHCONTF enum.
    out IEnumIDList ppenumIDList);  // Address that receives a pointer to the
                // IEnumIDList interface of the
               // enumeration object created by this method.

// Retrieves an IShellFolder object for a subfolder.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint BindToObject(
    IntPtr pidl,        // Address of an ITEMIDLIST structure (PIDL)
                // that identifies the subfolder.
    IntPtr pbc,         // Optional address of an IBindCtx interface on
                // a bind context object to be
               // used during this operation.
    ref Guid riid,      // Identifier of the interface to return.
    out IntPtr ppv);    // Address that receives the interface pointer.

// Requests a pointer to an object's storage interface.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint BindToStorage(
    IntPtr pidl,        // Address of an ITEMIDLIST structure that
                // identifies the subfolder relative
                // to its parent folder.
    IntPtr pbc,         // Optional address of an IBindCtx interface on a
                // bind context object to be
                // used during this operation.
    ref Guid riid,      // Interface identifier (IID) of the requested
                // storage interface.
    out object ppv);    // Address that receives the interface pointer
                // specified by riid.

// Determines the relative order of two file objects or folders, given
// their item identifier lists. Return value: If this method is
// successful, the CODE field of the HRESULT contains one of the
// following values (the code can be retrived using the helper function
// GetHResultCode): Negative A
// negative return value indicates that the first item should precede
// the second (pidl1 < pidl2).

// Positive A positive return value indicates that the first item should
// follow the second (pidl1 > pidl2).  Zero A return value of zero
// indicates that the two items are the same (pidl1 = pidl2).
int CompareIDs(
    int lParam,         // Value that specifies how the comparison
                // should be performed. The lower
                // Sixteen bits of lParam define the sorting
                // rule.
                // The upper sixteen bits of
                // lParam are used for flags that modify the
                // sorting rule. values can be from
                // the SHCIDS enum
    IntPtr pidl1,       // Pointer to the first item's ITEMIDLIST
                // structure.
    IntPtr pidl2);      // Pointer to the second item's ITEMIDLIST
            // structure.

// Requests an object that can be used to obtain information from or interact
// with a folder object.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint CreateViewObject(
    IntPtr hwndOwner,       // Handle to the owner window.
    ref Guid riid,      // Identifier of the requested interface.
    out object ppv);    // Address of a pointer to the requested
            // interface.

// Retrieves the attributes of one or more file objects or subfolders.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint GetAttributesOf(
    int cidl,           // Number of file objects from which to retrieve
                // attributes.
    [In(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] IntPtr[]
    apidl,          // Address of an array of pointers to ITEMIDLIST
                // structures, each of which
                // uniquely identifies a file object relative to
                // the parent folder.
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] SFGAOF[]
    rgfInOut);          // Address of a single ULONG value that, on
             // entry,
                // contains the attributes that the caller is
                // requesting. On exit, this value contains the
                // requested attributes that are common to all
                // of the specified objects. this value can
                // be from the SFGAO enum

// Retrieves an OLE interface that can be used to carry out actions on the
// specified file objects or folders. Return value: error code, if any
uint GetUIObjectOf(
    IntPtr hwndOwner,       // Handle to the owner window that the client
                // should specify if it displays
                // a dialog box or message box.
    int cidl,           // Number of file objects or subfolders specified
                // in the apidl parameter.
    [In(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray)] IntPtr[]
    apidl,          // Address of an array of pointers to ITEMIDLIST
                // structures, each of which
                // uniquely identifies a file object or subfolder
                // relative to the parent folder.
    ref Guid riid,      // Identifier of the COM interface object to
            // return.
    IntPtr rgfReserved,     // Reserved.
     out object ppv);    // Pointer to the requested interface.

// Retrieves the display name for the specified file object or subfolder.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint GetDisplayNameOf(
    IntPtr pidl,        // Address of an ITEMIDLIST structure (PIDL)
                // that uniquely identifies the file
                // object or subfolder relative to the parent
                // folder.
    SHGNO uFlags,       // Flags used to request the type of display name
                // to return. For a list of possible values.
    out STRRET pName);      // Address of a STRRET structure in which to
                // return the display name.

// Sets the display name of a file object or subfolder, changing the item
// identifier in the process.
// Return value: error code, if any
uint SetNameOf(
    IntPtr hwnd,        // Handle to the owner window of any dialog or
                // message boxes that the client
                // displays.
    IntPtr pidl,        // Pointer to an ITEMIDLIST structure that
                // uniquely
                // identifies the file object
                // or subfolder relative to the parent folder.
    [In(), MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]
    string pszName,     // Pointer to a null-terminated string that
                // specifies the new display name.
    SHGNO uFlags,       // Flags indicating the type of name specified by
                // the lpszName parameter. For a list of possible
                // values, see the description of the SHGNO
                // enum.
    out IntPtr ppidlOut);   // Address of a pointer to an ITEMIDLIST
                // structure
                // which receives the new ITEMIDLIST.

VB Definition:

<ComImport> _
<Guid("TODO")> _
'TODO: Insert <InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _ if this doesn't derive from IDispatch
Interface IShellFolder
End Interface

User-Defined Types:






I use this code a lot.

I can't read the previous version.

Too verbose.


// modified from Arik Poznanski


using System;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace splitter7


    /// <summary>
    ///  managed equivalent of IShellFolder interface
    /// </summary>
    public interface IShellFolder
    void ParseDisplayName(
        IntPtr hwnd,
        IntPtr pbc,    
        String pszDisplayName,
        UInt32 pchEaten,
        out IntPtr ppidl,    
        UInt32 pdwAttributes);    

    void EnumObjects(
        IntPtr hwnd,
        ESHCONTF grfFlags,
        out IntPtr ppenumIDList);    

    void BindToObject(
        IntPtr pidl,        
        IntPtr pbc,        
        [In] ref Guid riid,        
        out IntPtr ppv);    

    void BindToStorage(
        IntPtr pidl,
        IntPtr pbc,    
        [In] ref Guid riid,        
        out IntPtr ppv);    

        Int32 CompareIDs(
        Int32 lParam,    
        IntPtr pidl1,    
        IntPtr pidl2);    

    void CreateViewObject(
        IntPtr hwndOwner,    
        [In] ref Guid riid,        
        out IntPtr ppv);    

    /*      this version is good if cidl is one
* void GetAttributesOf(             UInt32 cidl,
            ref IntPtr apidl,
            ref ESFGAO rgfInOut);
    void GetAttributesOf(
        UInt32 cidl,
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=0)]
        IntPtr[] apidl,
        ref ESFGAO rgfInOut);

    void GetUIObjectOf(
        IntPtr hwndOwner,
        UInt32 cidl,    // number of IntPtr's in incoming array
        [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex=1)]
        IntPtr[] apidl,
        [In] ref Guid riid,
        UInt32 rgfReserved,
        out IntPtr ppv);

    /*    this version is good if cidl is one
          void GetUIObjectOf(
          IntPtr hwndOwner,
          UInt32 cidl,
          ref    IntPtr apidl,
          [In] ref Guid riid,
          UInt32 rgfReserved,
          out IntPtr ppv);

    void GetDisplayNameOf(
        IntPtr pidl,
        ESHGDN uFlags,
        out STRRET pName);

    void SetNameOf(
        IntPtr hwnd,    
        IntPtr pidl,    
        String pszName,    
        ESHCONTF uFlags,    
        out IntPtr ppidlOut);    

    // from ShObjIdl.h
    public enum ESFGAO : uint
    SFGAO_CANCOPY     =  0x00000001,
    SFGAO_CANMOVE     =  0x00000002,
    SFGAO_CANLINK     =  0x00000004,
    SFGAO_LINK        =  0x00010000,
    SFGAO_SHARE       =  0x00020000,
    SFGAO_READONLY    =  0x00040000,
    SFGAO_HIDDEN      =  0x00080000,
    SFGAO_FOLDER      =  0x20000000,
    SFGAO_FILESYSTEM      =  0x40000000,
    SFGAO_HASSUBFOLDER    =  0x80000000,

    public enum ESHCONTF
    SHCONTF_FOLDERS = 0x0020,
    SHCONTF_STORAGE = 0x0800  
      // from shlobj.h
    public enum ESHGDN
    SHGDN_NORMAL         = 0x0000,
    SHGDN_INFOLDER       = 0x0001,
    SHGDN_FOREDITING     = 0x1000,
    SHGDN_FORADDRESSBAR    = 0x4000,
    SHGDN_FORPARSING     = 0x8000,

    public  enum ESTRRET : int
    eeRRET_WSTR     = 0x0000,            // Use STRRET.pOleStr
    STRRET_OFFSET   = 0x0001,    // Use STRRET.uOffset to Ansi
    STRRET_CSTR     = 0x0002            // Use STRRET.cStr

    // Microsoft's sample and it works too.
    see sample,    Unions.cs

    union MYUNION2
    int i;
    char str[128];

    [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=128 )]
    public struct MyUnion2_1
    [ FieldOffset( 0 )]
    public int i;
    // shlobj.h

    // this works too...from Unions.cs
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit, Size=520)]
    public struct STRRETinternal
    public IntPtr pOleStr;

    public IntPtr pStr;  // LPSTR pStr;   NOT USED

    public uint  uOffset;


    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential )]
    public struct STRRET
    public uint uType;
    public STRRETinternal data;

    public class Guid_IShellFolder
    public static Guid IID_IShellFolder =
        new Guid("{000214E6-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}");


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