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interface IPersistStreamInit {
int GetClassID (out Guid pClassID);
void GetSizeMax ([OutAttribute] ulong[] pcbSize);
void InitNew ();
int IsDirty ();
void Load ([InAttribute] IStream pstm);
void Save ([InAttribute] IStream pstm, [InAttribute] int fClearDirty);
VB Definition:
<ComImport> _
<Guid("7FD52380-4E07-101B-AE2D-08002B2EC713")> _
'TODO: Insert <InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _ if this doesn't derive from IDispatch
Interface IPersistStreamInit
End Interface
User-Defined Types:
// Example -----------------------Note: In C#, use IPersistStreamInit ----------------------
public string _strErrorMsg;
public string GetComObjectGUID(object objComCtrl)
IntPtr pIPStream = IntPtr.Zero;
string strStreamGUID = "NONE";
IntPtr pActiveXObj = IntPtr.Zero;
int iResult;
int S_OK = 0;
int E_FAIL = unchecked((int)0x80004005);
int E_NOINTERFACE = unchecked((int)0x80004002);
Guid IID_IPersistStreamInit = new Guid("7FD52380-4E07-101B-AE2D-08002B2EC713");
if (objComCtrl.GetType().IsCOMObject)
pActiveXObj = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject((object)objComCtrl);
if (pActiveXObj == IntPtr.Zero)
ErrorMsg = "GetIUnknownForObject was zero.";
iResult = Marshal.QueryInterface(pActiveXObj, ref IID_IPersistStreamInit, out pIPStream);
if (iResult == E_NOINTERFACE)
ErrorMsg = "No such interface supported";
else if (iResult == E_FAIL)
ErrorMsg = "PersistStreamInit QueryInit failed.";
else if (iResult == S_OK)
IPersistStreamInit pPersistStream = (
Guid ptrClsId;
IPersist pPersist = (IPersist)pPersistStream ;
pPersist.GetClassID(out ptrClsId);
strStreamGUID = ptrClsId.ToString().ToUpper();
Marshal.Release(pActiveXObj); // not releasing gives a memory leak
return (strStreamGUID);
public string ErrorMsg
get {return _strErrorMsg;}
set {_strErrorMsg = value;}
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