@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: A HandleRef is essentially an IntPtr to a handle and a reference to the object the handle belongs to. Using HandleRef prevents the GC from collecting the object until the native method is done with it. !!!!C# Signature: // NATIVE SUPPORT HandleRef handle; !!!!Notes: HandleRef is only needed when there's a chance the Garbage Collector will collect the object the handle refers to. !!!!Tips & Tricks: Please add some! !!!!Sample Code: When to use HandleRef myFlawedFunction() { myObject o = new myObject(); IntPtr hWnd = o.handle; //At this point the GC can run and //collect myObject o since it's //"not used" anymore. Win32.A_Function(hWnd); } myCorrectFunction() { myObject o = new myObject(); IntPtr hWnd = o.handle; //The GC will not collect "o" here since //there's a later reference to it. Win32.A_Function(new HandlRef(o, hWnd)); } Documentation: HandleRef@msdn on MSDN
Edit user32.HandleRef
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