@msdn=https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winternl/nf-winternl-ntqueryinformationprocess @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: Retrieves information about the specified process. This function is available in Windows 2000 and Windows XP, but it may be altered or unavailable in subsequent versions. !!!!C# Signature: [DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError=true)] static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(IntPtr processHandle, int processInformationClass, IntPtr processInformation, uint processInformationLength, IntPtr returnLength); !!!!or: [DllImport("NTDLL.DLL", SetLastError=true)] static extern int NtQueryInformationProcess(IntPtr hProcess, PROCESSINFOCLASS pic, out PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION pbi, int cb, out int pSize); !!!!or: [DllImport("ntdll.dll", PreserveSig = false, SetLastError = true)] public static extern void NtQueryInformationProcess(IntPtr ProcessHandle, PROCESSINFOCLASS ProcessInformationClass, out PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION ProcessInformation, uint ProcessInformationLength, out uint ReturnLength); !!!!VB Signature: Declare Function NtQueryInformationProcess Lib "ntdll.dll" ( _ processHandle As IntPtr, processInformationClass As Integer, _ processInformation As IntPtr, processInformationLength As Integer, _ returnLength As IntPtr) As Integer !!!!Boo Signature: [DllImport("ntdll.dll", SetLastError : true)] def NtQueryInformationProcess( hProcess as IntPtr, processInformationClass as PROCESSINFOCLASS, ref processInformation as PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION, processInformationLength as UInt32, ref returnLength as UInt32) as UInt32: pass !!!!User-Defined Types: [PROCESSINFOCLASS], [PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION], [PROCESS_EXTENDED_BASIC_INFORMATION] // deleted a lot of unused entries enum PROCESSINFOCLASS: ProcessBasicInformation = 0x00 ProcessDebugPort = 0x07 ProcessExceptionPort = 0x08 ProcessAccessToken = 0x09 ProcessWow64Information = 0x1A ProcessImageFileName = 0x1B ProcessDebugObjectHandle = 0x1E ProcessDebugFlags = 0x1F ProcessExecuteFlags = 0x22 ProcessInstrumentationCallback = 0x28 MaxProcessInfoClass = 0x64 [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION: Reserved1 as IntPtr PebAddress as IntPtr [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst : 2)] Reserved2 as (IntPtr) UniquePid as IntPtr Reserved3 as IntPtr !!!!Notes: See also OpenProcess, CloseHandle. !!!!Tips & Tricks: Please add some! !!!!Sample Code: public static IntPtr GetPEBAddress() { //Get a handle to our own process IntPtr hProc = OpenProcess(0x001F0FFF, false, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); //Allocate memory for a new PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION structure IntPtr pbi = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION))); //Allocate memory for a long IntPtr outLong = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(sizeof(long)); IntPtr outPtr = IntPtr.Zero; int queryStatus = false; //Store API call success in a boolean queryStatus = NtQueryInformationProcess(hProc, 0, pbi, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)), outLong); //Close handle and free allocated memory CloseHandle(hProc); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(outLong); //STATUS_SUCCESS = 0, so if API call was successful querySuccess should contain 0 ergo we reverse the check. if(!queryStatus ) outPtr = PtrToStructure<PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION>(pbi, typeof(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION)).PebBaseAddress; //Free allocated space Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pbi); //Return pointer to PEB base address return outPtr; } !!!!Or: public static int GetParentProcessId() { PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION pbi = new PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION(); //Get a handle to our own process IntPtr hProc = OpenProcess((ProcessAccessFlags)0x001F0FFF, false, Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id); try { int sizeInfoReturned; int queryStatus = NtQueryInformationProcess(hProc, (PROCESSINFOCLASS)0, ref pbi, pbi.Size, out sizeInfoReturned); } finally { if (!hProc.Equals(IntPtr.Zero)) { //Close handle and free allocated memory CloseHandle(hProc); hProc = IntPtr.Zero; } } return (int)pbi.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId; } !!!!Alternative Managed API: Do you know one? Please contribute it! Documentation: NtQueryInformationProcess@msdn on MSDN
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