@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: MAPILogon - Begins a Simple MAPI session, loading the default message store and address book providers. !!!!C# Signature: /// <summary> /// The MAPILogon function begins a Simple MAPI session, loading the default message store /// and address book providers. /// </summary> [DllImport("MAPI32.DLL", CharSet=CharSet.Ansi)] public static extern uint MAPILogon(IntPtr ulUIParam, string lpszProfileName, string lpszPassword, uint flFlags, uint ulReserved, ref IntPtr lplhSession); !!!!VB Signature: <DllImport("MAPI32.dll", SetLastError:=True)> _ Private Shared Function MAPILogon(ByVal uiParam As Integer, _ ByVal user As String, _ ByVal password As String, _ ByVal flags As Integer, _ ByVal reserved As Integer, _ ByRef session As Integer) As Integer End Function !!!!User-Defined Structures: None. !!!!User-Defined Constants: [MAPI] !!!!Notes: The calling application's working directory may be changed after using this function. Microsoft Important Note: MAPI32 is not supported in a managed environment, memory leaks may be seen. Use the current alternatives: System.Net.Mail or WebDav or Exhange 2007 webservice interface. !!!!Tips & Tricks: Please add some! !!!!Sample Code: uint error = MAPILogon(hwnd, null, null, MAPI_LOGON_UI, 0, ref session); return error == 0; !!!!Alternative Managed API: Do you know one? Please contribute it! Documentation: MAPILogon@msdn on MSDN
Edit mapi32.MAPILogon
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