&@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: The DhcpGetClientInfo function returns information about a specific DHCP client. !!!!C# Signature: /// <summary> /// The DhcpGetClientInfo function returns information about a specific DHCP client. /// </summary> /// <param name="ServerIpAddress">[in] Unicode string that specifies the IP address of the DHCP server.</param> /// <param name="SearchInfo">[in] DHCP_SEARCH_INFO structure that contains the parameters for the search. </param> /// <param name="ClientInfo">[out] Pointer to a DHCP_CLIENT_INFO structure that contains information describing the DHCP client that most closely matches the provided search parameters. If no client is found, this parameter will be null.</param> /// <returns>This function returns ERROR_SUCCESS upon a successful call. Otherwise, it returns one of the DHCP Server Management API Error Codes.</returns> [DllImport("dhcpsapi.dll")] static extern UInt32 DhcpGetClientInfo( [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] String ServerIpAddress, ref DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_IP_ADDRESS si, out IntPtr ci); !!!!VB Signature: ''' <summary> ''' The DhcpGetClientInfo function returns information about a specific DHCP client. ''' </summary> ''' <param name="ServerIpAddress">[in] Unicode string that specifies the IP address of the DHCP server. ''' </param> ''' <param name="SearchInfo">[in] DHCP_SEARCH_INFO structure that contains the parameters for the search. ''' </param> ''' <param name="ClientInfo">[out] Pointer to a DHCP_CLIENT_INFO structure that contains information describing the DHCP client that most closely matches the provided search parameters. If no client is found, this parameter will be null. ''' </param> ''' <returns>This function returns ERROR_SUCCESS upon a successful call. Otherwise, it returns one of the DHCP Server Management API Error Codes. ''' </returns> <DllImport("dhcpsapi.dll", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)> _ Public Shared Function DhcpGetClientInfo( _ ByVal ServerIpAddress As String, _ ByRef SearchInfo As DHCP_SEARCH_INFO, _ ByRef ClientInfo As IntPtr) As UInt32 End Function !!!!User-Defined Types: [DHCP_SEARCH_INFO], [DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_IP_ADDRESS] !!!!Alternative Managed API: Do you know one? Please contribute it! !!!!Notes: VB Signature and sample code added by BlUNt, adapted from C# Samples !!!!Tips & Tricks: Completed library DHCP functions. http://www.rupj.net/portfolio/dhcp-web-services.html !!!!Sample VB Code: Public Function GetClientInfo(ByVal serverIP As String, ByVal clientIP As String) Dim DHCPResult As UInt32 = 0 Try Dim searchInfo As New DHCP_SEARCH_INFO Dim searchInfoType As DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE = DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE.DhcpClientIpAddress searchInfo.SearchType = searchInfoType searchInfo.ClientIpAddress = ConvertIPAddress(clientIP) Dim hClientInfo As IntPtr DHCPResult = DhcpGetClientInfo(serverIP, searchInfo, hClientInfo) If DHCPResult = ERROR_SUCCESS And Not hClientInfo = IntPtr.Zero Then Dim clientInfo As DHCP_CLIENT_INFO = Marshal.PtrToStructure(hClientInfo, GetType(DHCP_CLIENT_INFO)) Return clientInfo End If Return Nothing Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) Return Nothing End Try End Function Public Shared Function ConvertIPAddress(ByVal ipAddress As String) As UInt32 Dim dot As Char() = ".".ToCharArray() Dim zero As Char() = "0".ToCharArray() Dim Octets As String() = ipAddress.Split(dot(0)) Dim HexIP As String = "" For Each Octet As String In Octets HexIP += Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(Octet), 16).PadLeft(2, zero(0)) Next Return Convert.ToUInt32(HexIP, 16) End Function !!!!Sample Code: static void Main() { String ServerIpAddress = ""; UInt32 DHCPResult = 0; try { DHCP_SEARCH_INFO searchInfo = new DHCP_SEARCH_INFO(); DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE searchInfoType = DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE.DhcpClientIpAddress; searchInfo.SearchType = searchInfoType; searchInfo.ClientIpAddress = ConvertIPAddress(""); IntPtr pClientInfo; DHCPResult = DhcpGetClientInfo(ServerIpAddress, ref searchInfo, out pClientInfo); if (DHCPResult == 0 && pClientInfo != IntPtr.Zero) { DHCP_CLIENT_INFO clientInfo = (DHCP_CLIENT_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(pClientInfo, typeof(DHCP_CLIENT_INFO)); Console.WriteLine(DHCPResult.ToString() + " Client Info: " + clientInfo.ClientName); } else { Console.WriteLine(DHCPResult.ToString() + " Failed"); } } public static UInt32 ConvertIPAddress(string ipAddress) { char[] dot = ".".ToCharArray(); char[] zero = "0".ToCharArray(); string[] Octets = ipAddress.Split(dot[0]); string HexIP = ""; foreach (string Octet in Octets) { HexIP += Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt16(Octet), 16).PadLeft(2, zero[0]); } return Convert.ToUInt32(HexIP, 16); } !!!!C# Sample for getting a MAC-Address to a specified IP public string GetClientInfoByIp(string server, string client) { DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_IP_ADDRESS si = new DHCP_CLIENT_SEARCH_IP_ADDRESS(); si.SearchType = (int)DHCP_SEARCH_INFO_TYPE.DhcpClientIpAddress ; si.ClientIpAddress = StringIPAddressToUint32(client); UInt32 res = 0; try { IntPtr oInfo; res = DhcpGetClientInfo(new String(server.ToCharArray()), ref si, out oInfo); if (res == 0 && oInfo != IntPtr.Zero) { DHCP_CLIENT_INFO info = (DHCP_CLIENT_INFO)Marshal.PtrToStructure(oInfo, typeof(DHCP_CLIENT_INFO)); String mac = String.Format("{0:x2}-{1:x2}-{2:x2}-{3:x2}-{4:x2}-{5:x2}", Marshal.ReadByte(info.ClientHardwareAddress.Data,0), Marshal.ReadByte(info.ClientHardwareAddress.Data,1), Marshal.ReadByte(info.ClientHardwareAddress.Data,2), Marshal.ReadByte(info.ClientHardwareAddress.Data,3), Marshal.ReadByte(info.ClientHardwareAddress.Data,4), Marshal.ReadByte(info.ClientHardwareAddress.Data,5)); return mac; } else { Console.WriteLine("Failed!"); return "00-00-00-00-00-00"; } } catch(Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); return "00-00-00-00-00-00"; } } public uint StringIPAddressToUint32(string ip_string) { IPAddress ipa = IPAddress.Parse(ip_string); byte[] ip_bytes = ipa.GetAddressBytes(); uint ip_uint = (uint)ip_bytes[0] << 24; ip_uint+= (uint)ip_bytes[1] << 16; ip_uint+= (uint)ip_bytes[2] << 8; ip_uint+= (uint)ip_bytes[3]; return ip_uint; } static void Main() { String dhcpServerIP = ""; String clientIP = ""; Console.WriteLine("MAC-Adress for " + clientIp + " is " + GetClientInfoByIp(dhcpServerIP, clientIp)); } Documentation: DhcpGetClientInfo@msdn on MSDN
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