@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: Retrieves an array of the device property keys that represent the device properties that are set for a device instance. !!!!C# Signature: [DllImport("CfgMgr32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] static extern ConfigManagerResult CM_Get_DevNode_Property_Keys(uint devInst, [Out]DEVPROPKEY[] propertyKeyArray, ref uint propertyKeyCount, uint zeroFlags); !!!!User-Defined Types: struct DEVPROPKEY { public DEVPROPKEY(Guid guid, uint pid) { _guid = guid; _pid = pid; } public Guid _guid; public uint _pid; } enum ConfigManagerResult : uint { Success = 0x00000000, Default = 0x00000001, OutOfMemory = 0x00000002, InvalidPointer = 0x00000003, InvalidFlag = 0x00000004, InvalidDevnode = 0x00000005, InvalidDevinst = InvalidDevnode, InvalidResDes = 0x00000006, InvalidLogConf = 0x00000007, InvalidArbitrator = 0x00000008, InvalidNodelist = 0x00000009, DevnodeHasReqs = 0x0000000A, DevinstHasReqs = DevnodeHasReqs, InvalidResourceid = 0x0000000B, NoSuchDevnode = 0x0000000D, NoSuchDevinst = NoSuchDevnode, NoMoreLogConf = 0x0000000E, NoMoreResDes = 0x0000000F, AlreadySuchDevnode = 0x00000010, AlreadySuchDevinst = AlreadySuchDevnode, InvalidRangeList = 0x00000011, InvalidRange = 0x00000012, Failure = 0x00000013, NoSuchLogicalDev = 0x00000014, CreateBlocked = 0x00000015, RemoveVetoed = 0x00000017, ApmVetoed = 0x00000018, InvalidLoadType = 0x00000019, BufferSmall = 0x0000001A, NoArbitrator = 0x0000001B, NoRegistryHandle = 0x0000001C, RegistryError = 0x0000001D, InvalidDeviceId = 0x0000001E, InvalidData = 0x0000001F, InvalidApi = 0x00000020, DevloaderNotReady = 0x00000021, NeedRestart = 0x00000022, NoMoreHwProfiles = 0x00000023, DeviceNotThere = 0x00000024, NoSuchValue = 0x00000025, WrongType = 0x00000026, InvalidPriority = 0x00000027, NotDisableable = 0x00000028, FreeResources = 0x00000029, QueryVetoed = 0x0000002A, CantShareIrq = 0x0000002B, NoDependent = 0x0000002C, SameResources = 0x0000002D, NoSuchRegistryKey = 0x0000002E, InvalidMachinename = 0x0000002F, // NT ONLY RemoteCommFailure = 0x00000030, // NT ONLY MachineUnavailable = 0x00000031, // NT ONLY NoCmServices = 0x00000032, // NT ONLY AccessDenied = 0x00000033, // NT ONLY CallNotImplemented = 0x00000034, InvalidProperty = 0x00000035, DeviceInterfaceActive = 0x00000036, NoSuchDeviceInterface = 0x00000037, InvalidReferenceString = 0x00000038, InvalidConflictList = 0x00000039, InvalidIndex = 0x0000003A, InvalidStructureSize = 0x0000003B } !!!!Sample Code: uint devInst = ...; uint keyCount = 0; result = CM_Get_DevNode_Property_Keys(devInst, null, ref keyCount, 0); if (result != ConfigManagerResult.BufferSmall) { throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve key count: " + result + "."); } var keys = new DEVPROPKEY[keyCount]; result = CM_Get_DevNode_Property_Keys(devInst, keys, ref keyCount, 0); if (result != ConfigManagerResult.Success) { throw new Exception("Failed to retrieve keys: " + result + "."); } Documentation: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/hardware/hh780221.aspx
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