@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: The DuplicateTokenEx function creates a new access token that duplicates an existing token. This function can create either a primary token or an impersonation token. !!!!C# Signature: [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError=true)] public extern static bool DuplicateTokenEx( IntPtr hExistingToken, uint dwDesiredAccess, ref SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpTokenAttributes, SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, TOKEN_TYPE TokenType, out IntPtr phNewToken ); !!!!C# Signature [DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)] public extern static bool DuplicateTokenEx( IntPtr hExistingToken, uint dwDesiredAccess, IntPtr lpTokenAttributes, uint ImpersonationLevel, uint TokenType, out IntPtr phNewToken); !!!!VB Signature: Declare Auto Function DuplicateTokenEx Lib "advapi32.dll" ( _ ByVal ExistingTokenHandle As IntPtr, _ ByVal dwDesiredAccess As UInt32, _ ByRef lpThreadAttributes As SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES, _ ByVal ImpersonationLevel As Integer, _ ByVal TokenType As Integer, _ ByRef DuplicateTokenHandle As System.IntPtr) As Boolean <DllImport("advapi32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, SetLastError:=True)> Public Shared Function DuplicateTokenEx(hExistingToken As IntPtr, dwDesiredAccess As UInteger, lpTokenAttributes As IntPtr, ImpersonationLevel As SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL, TokenType As TOKEN_TYPE, ByRef phNewToken As IntPtr) As Boolean End Function !!!!User-Defined Types: [SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES] [SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL] [TOKEN_TYPE] !!!!Alternative Managed API: Do you know one? Please contribute it! !!!!Notes: None. !!!!Tips & Tricks: Please add some! Since you can't use UInt32 constants in VB.NET, here is one way of passing in a value for dwDesiredAccess Const GRANTED_ALL As String = "10000000" ret = DuplicateTokenEx(Token, UInt32.Parse(GRANTED_ALL, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber), sa, SecurityImpersonation, TokenType, DupedToken) !!!!Sample Code: Please add some! Documentation: DuplicateTokenEx@msdn on MSDN
Edit advapi32.Duplicat...
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