@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: TODO - a short description !!!!C# Definition: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, Pack = 2)] public struct MIXERLINETARGET { private UInt32 dwType; private UInt32 dwDeviceID; private UInt16 wMid; private UInt16 wPid; private UInt32 vDriverVersion; [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = MixerXPNative.MAXPNAMELEN)] private string szPname; #region Properties /// <summary>MIXERLINE_TARGETTYPE_xxxx</summary> public MIXERLINE_TARGETTYPE Type { get { return (MIXERLINE_TARGETTYPE)this.dwType; } set { this.dwType = (UInt32)value; } } /// <summary>target device ID of device type</summary> public UInt32 DeviceID { get { return this.dwDeviceID; } set { this.dwDeviceID = value; } } /// <summary>of target device</summary> public UInt16 ManufacturerID { get { return this.wMid; } set { this.wMid = value; } } /// <summary></summary> public UInt16 ProductID { get { return this.wPid; } set { this.wPid = value; } } /// <summary></summary> public UInt32 DriverVersion { get { return this.vDriverVersion; } set { this.vDriverVersion = value; } } /// <summary></summary> public string PName { get { return this.szPname; } set { this.szPname = value; } } #endregion } !!!!VB Definition: Structure MIXERLINETARGET Dim dwType As AudioLineType Dim dwDeviceId As UInteger Dim wMid As UShort Dim wPid As UShort Dim vDriverVersion As UInteger <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst:=MAXPNAMELEN)> Dim szPName As String End Structure !!!!User-Defined Field Types: [AudioLineType] public enum MIXERLINE_TARGETTYPE : uint { UNDEFINED = 0, WAVEOUT = 1, WAVEIN = 2, MIDIOUT = 3, MIDIIN = 4, AUX = 5, } public enum MIXERLINE_LINEF : uint { ACTIVE = 0x00000001u, DISCONNECTED = 0x00008000u, SOURCE = 0x80000000u, } public enum MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE : uint { DST_FIRST = 0x00000000u, DST_UNDEFINED = (DST_FIRST + 0), DST_DIGITAL = (DST_FIRST + 1), DST_LINE = (DST_FIRST + 2), DST_MONITOR = (DST_FIRST + 3), DST_SPEAKERS = (DST_FIRST + 4), DST_HEADPHONES = (DST_FIRST + 5), DST_TELEPHONE = (DST_FIRST + 6), DST_WAVEIN = (DST_FIRST + 7), DST_VOICEIN = (DST_FIRST + 8), DST_LAST = (DST_FIRST + 8), SRC_FIRST = 0x00001000u, SRC_UNDEFINED = (SRC_FIRST + 0), SRC_DIGITAL = (SRC_FIRST + 1), SRC_LINE = (SRC_FIRST + 2), SRC_MICROPHONE = (SRC_FIRST + 3), SRC_SYNTHESIZER = (SRC_FIRST + 4), SRC_COMPACTDISC = (SRC_FIRST + 5), SRC_TELEPHONE = (SRC_FIRST + 6), SRC_PCSPEAKER = (SRC_FIRST + 7), SRC_WAVEOUT = (SRC_FIRST + 8), SRC_AUXILIARY = (SRC_FIRST + 9), SRC_ANALOG = (SRC_FIRST + 10), SRC_LAST = (SRC_FIRST + 10), } !!!!Notes: None. Documentation: MIXERLINE@msdn on MSDN
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