@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: TODO - a short description !!!!C# Definition: [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi )] struct MIB_IPADDRROW { UInt32 _address; UInt32 _index; UInt32 _mask; UInt32 _broadcastAddress; UInt32 _reassemblySize; UInt16 _unused1; UInt16 _type; /* Properties(Optional) UInt32 get_Address(){return _address;} UInt32 get_Index(){return _index;} UInt32 get_Mask(){return _mask;} UInt32 get_BroadCastAddress(){return _broadcastAddress;} UInt32 get_ReassemblySize(){return _reassemblySize;} UInt16 get_Type(){return _type;*/ } !!!!VB Definition: Public Structure MIB_IPADDRROW Dim _address As UInt32 Dim _index As UInt32 Dim _mask As UInt32 Dim _broadcastAddress As UInt32 Dim _reassemblySize As UInt32 Dim _unused1 As UInt16 Dim _type As UInt16 ' Properties (Optional) 'Function get_Address() As UInt32 ' Return _address 'End Function 'Function get_Index() As UInt32 ' Return _index 'End Function 'Function get_Mask() As UInt32 ' Return _mask 'End Function 'Function get_BroadCastAddress() As UInt32 ' Return _broadcastAddress 'End Function 'Function get_ReassemblySize() As UInt32 ' Return _reassemblySize 'End Function 'Function get_Type() As UInt16 ' Return _type 'End FunctionEnd Structure !!!!Managed C++ Definition (.NET 1.1): [ StructLayout( LayoutKind::Sequential, CharSet=CharSet::Ansi )] __gc struct MIB_IPADDRROW { UInt32 _address; UInt32 _index; UInt32 _mask; UInt32 _broadcastAddress; UInt32 _reassemblySize; UInt16 _unused1; UInt16 _type; /* Properties(Optional) __property UInt32 get_Address(){return _address;} __property UInt32 get_Index(){return _index;} __property UInt32 get_Mask(){return _mask;} __property UInt32 get_BroadCastAddress(){return _broadcastAddress;} __property UInt32 get_ReassemblySize(){return _reassemblySize;} __property UInt16 get_Type(){return _type;}*/ }; !!!!User-Defined Field Types: None. !!!!Notes: None. Documentation: MIB_IPADDROW@msdn on MSDN
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