@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: Carries information used to load common control classes from the dynamic-link library (DLL). This structure is used with the InitCommonControlsEx function. !!!!C# Definition: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] struct INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX { public int dwSize; public uint dwICC; } !!!!C# Definition: [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)] public struct INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX { private int dwSize; public uint dwICC; public INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX() { dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX)); dwICC = 0; } public INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX(uint dwICC) : this() { this.dwICC = dwICC; } public INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX(CommonControls ICC) : this((uint)ICC) { } public CommonControls ICC { get { return (CommonControls)dwICC; } set { dwICC = (uint)value; } } } !!!!VB Definition: <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Public Structure INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX Public dwSize As Integer Public dwICC As System.UInt32 End Structure !!!!VB Definition: <StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _ Public Structure INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX Private dwSize As Integer Public dwICC As UInteger Public Sub New() dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(GetType(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX)) dwICC = 0 End Sub Public Sub New(dwICC As UInteger) Me.New() Me.dwICC = dwICC End Sub Public Sub New(ICC As CommonControls) Me.New(CUInt(ICC)) End Sub Public Property ICC() As CommonControls Get Return DirectCast(dwICC, CommonControls) End Get Set dwICC = CUInt(value) End Set End Property End Structure !!!!User-Defined Field Types (C#): public enum CommonControls : uint { ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES = 0x00000001, // listview, header ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES = 0x00000002, // treeview, tooltips ICC_BAR_CLASSES = 0x00000004, // toolbar, statusbar, trackbar, tooltips ICC_TAB_CLASSES = 0x00000008, // tab, tooltips ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS = 0x00000010, // updown ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS = 0x00000020, // progress ICC_HOTKEY_CLASS = 0x00000040, // hotkey ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS = 0x00000080, // animate ICC_WIN95_CLASSES = 0x000000FF, ICC_DATE_CLASSES = 0x00000100, // month picker, date picker, time picker, updown ICC_USEREX_CLASSES = 0x00000200, // comboex ICC_COOL_CLASSES = 0x00000400, // rebar (coolbar) control ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES = 0x00000800, ICC_PAGESCROLLER_CLASS = 0x00001000, // page scroller ICC_NATIVEFNTCTL_CLASS = 0x00002000, // native font control ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES = 0x00004000, ICC_LINK_CLASS = 0x00008000 } !!!!User-Defined Field Types (VB.NET): Public Enum CommonControls As UInteger ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES = &H1 ' listview, header ICC_TREEVIEW_CLASSES = &H2 ' treeview, tooltips ICC_BAR_CLASSES = &H4 ' toolbar, statusbar, trackbar, tooltips ICC_TAB_CLASSES = &H8 ' tab, tooltips ICC_UPDOWN_CLASS = &H10 ' updown ICC_PROGRESS_CLASS = &H20 ' progress ICC_HOTKEY_CLASS = &H40 ' hotkey ICC_ANIMATE_CLASS = &H80 ' animate ICC_WIN95_CLASSES = &Hff ICC_DATE_CLASSES = &H100 ' month picker, date picker, time picker, updown ICC_USEREX_CLASSES = &H200 ' comboex ICC_COOL_CLASSES = &H400 ' rebar (coolbar) control ICC_INTERNET_CLASSES = &H800 ICC_PAGESCROLLER_CLASS = &H1000 ' page scroller ICC_NATIVEFNTCTL_CLASS = &H2000 ' native font control ICC_STANDARD_CLASSES = &H4000 ICC_LINK_CLASS = &H8000 End Enum !!!!Notes: None. Documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/shellcc/platform/commctls/common/structures/initcommoncontrolsex.asp
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