@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: The OpenFileMapping API !!!!C# Signature: [DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] static extern IntPtr OpenFileMapping( uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, string lpName); !!!!User-Defined Types: None. !!!!Notes: None. !!!!Tips & Tricks: Please add some! !!!!Sample Code: const UInt32 STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = 0x000F0000; const UInt32 SECTION_QUERY = 0x0001; const UInt32 SECTION_MAP_WRITE = 0x0002; const UInt32 SECTION_MAP_READ = 0x0004; const UInt32 SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE = 0x0008; const UInt32 SECTION_EXTEND_SIZE = 0x0010; const UInt32 SECTION_ALL_ACCESS = (STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED|SECTION_QUERY| SECTION_MAP_WRITE | SECTION_MAP_READ | SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE | SECTION_EXTEND_SIZE); const UInt32 FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS = SECTION_ALL_ACCESS; private IntPtr hHandle; private IntPtr pBuffer; unsafe public void Attach(string SharedMemoryName, UInt32 NumBytes) { if (IntPtr.Zero != hHandle) return; hHandle = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, false, SharedMemoryName); if (IntPtr.Zero == hHandle) return; pBuffer = MapViewOfFile(hHandle, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, &NumBytes); } public void Detach() { if (IntPtr.Zero != hHandle) { CloseHandle(hHandle); //fair to leak if can't close hHandle = IntPtr.Zero; } pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; lBufferSize = 0; } !!!!Alternative Managed API: Do you know one? Please contribute it! Documentation: OpenFileMapping@msdn on MSDN
Edit Kernel32.OpenFile
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