@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: TCM_* - Tab Control Message constants !!!!C# Constants: // This list is based on a WinCE SDK -- not sure if it's the same on the desktop public const UInt32 TCM_FIRST = 0x1300; public const UInt32 TCM_GETIMAGELIST = (TCM_FIRST + 2); // (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0L) public const UInt32 TCM_SETIMAGELIST = (TCM_FIRST + 3); // (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)(UINT)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) public const UInt32 TCM_GETITEMCOUNT = (TCM_FIRST + 4); // (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0L) public const UInt32 TCM_GETITEMA = (TCM_FIRST + 5); public const UInt32 TCM_GETITEMW = (TCM_FIRST + 60); // (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM FAR*)(pitem)) public const UInt32 TCM_SETITEMA = (TCM_FIRST + 6); public const UInt32 TCM_SETITEMW = (TCM_FIRST + 61); // (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM FAR*)(pitem)) public const UInt32 TCM_INSERTITEMA = (TCM_FIRST + 7); public const UInt32 TCM_INSERTITEMW = (TCM_FIRST + 62); // (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(const TC_ITEM FAR*)(pitem)) public const UInt32 TCM_DELETEITEM = (TCM_FIRST + 8); // (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), 0L) public const UInt32 TCM_DELETEALLITEMS = (TCM_FIRST + 9); // (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0L) public const UInt32 TCM_GETITEMRECT = (TCM_FIRST + 10); // (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(RECT FAR*)(prc)) public const UInt32 TCM_GETCURSEL = (TCM_FIRST + 11); // (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) public const UInt32 TCM_SETCURSEL = (TCM_FIRST + 12); // (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)i, 0) public const UInt32 TCM_HITTEST = (TCM_FIRST + 13); // (int)SNDMSG((hwndTC), TCM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(TC_HITTESTINFO FAR*)(pinfo)) public const UInt32 TCM_SETITEMEXTRA = (TCM_FIRST + 14); // (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndTC), TCM_SETITEMEXTRA, (WPARAM)(cb), 0L) public const UInt32 TCM_ADJUSTRECT = (TCM_FIRST + 40); // (int)SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM)(BOOL)bLarger, (LPARAM)(RECT FAR *)prc) public const UInt32 TCM_SETITEMSIZE = (TCM_FIRST + 41); // (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, MAKELPARAM(x,y)) public const UInt32 TCM_REMOVEIMAGE = (TCM_FIRST + 42); // (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_REMOVEIMAGE, i, 0L) public const UInt32 TCM_SETPADDING = (TCM_FIRST + 43); // (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETPADDING, 0, MAKELPARAM(cx, cy)) public const UInt32 TCM_GETROWCOUNT = (TCM_FIRST + 44); // (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETROWCOUNT, 0, 0L) public const UInt32 TCM_GETCURFOCUS = (TCM_FIRST + 47); // (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETCURFOCUS, 0, 0) public const UInt32 TCM_SETCURFOCUS = (TCM_FIRST + 48); // SNDMSG((hwnd),TCM_SETCURFOCUS, i, 0) public const UInt32 TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH = (TCM_FIRST + 49); // (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, x) public const UInt32 TCM_DESELECTALL = (TCM_FIRST + 50); // (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DESELECTALL, fExcludeFocus, 0) public const UInt32 TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM = (TCM_FIRST + 51); // (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)MAKELONG (fHighlight, 0)) public const UInt32 TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE = (TCM_FIRST + 52); // optional wParam == mask // (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, dw) public const UInt32 TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE = (TCM_FIRST + 53); // (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0) !!!!VB Constants: Private Const TCM_FIRST As Int32 = &H1300 Private Const TCM_GETIMAGELIST As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 2) ' (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETIMAGELIST, 0, 0L) Private Const TCM_SETIMAGELIST As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 3) ' (HIMAGELIST)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETIMAGELIST, 0, (LPARAM)(UINT)(HIMAGELIST)(himl)) Private Const TCM_GETITEMCOUNT As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 4) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0L) Private Const TCM_GETITEMA As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 5) Private Const TCM_GETITEMW As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 60) ' (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM FAR*)(pitem)) Private Const TCM_SETITEMA As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 6) Private Const TCM_SETITEMW As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 61) ' (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(TC_ITEM FAR*)(pitem)) Private Const TCM_INSERTITEMA As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 7) Private Const TCM_INSERTITEMW As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 62) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_INSERTITEM, (WPARAM)(int)iItem, (LPARAM)(const TC_ITEM FAR*)(pitem)) Private Const TCM_DELETEITEM As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 8) ' (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DELETEITEM, (WPARAM)(int)(i), 0L) Private Const TCM_DELETEALLITEMS As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 9) ' (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DELETEALLITEMS, 0, 0L) Private Const TCM_GETITEMRECT As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 10) ' (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETITEMRECT, (WPARAM)(int)(i), (LPARAM)(RECT FAR*)(prc)) Private Const TCM_GETCURSEL As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 11) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETCURSEL, 0, 0) Private Const TCM_SETCURSEL As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 12) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)i, 0) Private Const TCM_HITTEST As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 13) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwndTC), TCM_HITTEST, 0, (LPARAM)(TC_HITTESTINFO FAR*)(pinfo)) Private Const TCM_SETITEMEXTRA As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 14) ' (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwndTC), TCM_SETITEMEXTRA, (WPARAM)(cb), 0L) Private Const TCM_ADJUSTRECT As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 40) ' (int)SNDMSG(hwnd, TCM_ADJUSTRECT, (WPARAM)(BOOL)bLarger, (LPARAM)(RECT FAR *)prc) Private Const TCM_SETITEMSIZE As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 41) ' (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETITEMSIZE, 0, MAKELPARAM(x,y)) Private Const TCM_REMOVEIMAGE As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 42) ' (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_REMOVEIMAGE, i, 0L) Private Const TCM_SETPADDING As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 43) ' (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETPADDING, 0, MAKELPARAM(cx, cy)) Private Const TCM_GETROWCOUNT As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 44) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETROWCOUNT, 0, 0L) Private Const TCM_GETCURFOCUS As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 47) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETCURFOCUS, 0, 0) Private Const TCM_SETCURFOCUS As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 48) ' SNDMSG((hwnd),TCM_SETCURFOCUS, i, 0) Private Const TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 49) ' (int)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH, 0, x) Private Const TCM_DESELECTALL As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 50) ' (void)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_DESELECTALL, fExcludeFocus, 0) Private Const TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 51) ' (BOOL)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)MAKELONG (fHighlight, 0)) Private Const TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 52) ' optional wParam == mask ' (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_SETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, dw) Private Const TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE As UInt32 = (TCM_FIRST + 53) ' (DWORD)SNDMSG((hwnd), TCM_GETEXTENDEDSTYLE, 0, 0) !!!!Notes: None.
Edit Constants.TCM_
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