@msdn=http://search.microsoft.com/search/results.aspx?qu=$$$ @pinvoke=http://pinvoke.net/$$$.htm Summary: Indicates the source of the perceived type information. This set of constants is used in the AssocGetPerceivedType function. !!!!C# Constants: [Flags] enum PerceivedFlag { ///<summary>No perceived type was found (PERCEIVED_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED).</summary> Undefined = 0x0000, ///<summary>The perceived type was determined through an association in the registry.</summary> Softcoded = 0x0001, ///<summary>The perceived type is inherently known to Windows.</summary> Hardcoded = 0x0002, ///<summary>The perceived type was determined through a codec provided with Windows.</summary> NativeSupport = 0x0004, ///<summary>The perceived type is supported by the GDI+ library.</summary> GdiPlus = 0x0010, ///<summary>The perceived type is supported by the Windows Media SDK.</summary> WMSDK = 0x0020, ///<summary>The perceived type is supported by Windows compressed folders.</summary> ZipFolder = 0x0040 } !!!!VB Constants: <Flags> _ Enum PerceivedFlag '''<summary>No perceived type was found (PERCEIVED_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED).</summary> Undefined = &h0000 '''<summary>The perceived type was determined through an association in the registry.</summary> Softcoded = &h0001 '''<summary>The perceived type is inherently known to Windows.</summary> Hardcoded = &h0002 '''<summary>The perceived type was determined through a codec provided with Windows.</summary> NativeSupport = &h0004 '''<summary>The perceived type is supported by the GDI+ library.</summary> GdiPlus = &h0010 '''<summary>The perceived type is supported by the Windows Media SDK.</summary> WMSDK = &h0020 '''<summary>The perceived type is supported by Windows compressed folders.</summary> ZipFolder = &h0040 End Enum !!!!Notes: None.
Edit Constants.Perceived
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