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dðÊ&ÍòCÁRb Ò@T®ˆ÷¡x氍$ ®éði2úÕKlÉÖ'ÚW«b»LàÈÞ6b±4c2m{wîÈ ra†¯öëß=¿'̊àƒs€¹)çåú‚«®\ŠöòÇô†±ƒ6%Ž×ÈD°q³Öñ¢Ø)u°ãš?qóÔx¦ÇÅ-±"ÏQbÕeãYØ•­/]'Ø4YáÁÑ˯3tþ¥\»ùp[Ӂ{ÆLÉãyS¥å"x„ 0ãÔS²¦¨éVú`[­vapiNBö=ð5(


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The ADAPTER_STATUS structure contains information about a network adapter via the (NetBIOS) API call. This structure is pointed to by the ncb_buffer member of the NCB structure. ADAPTER_STATUS is followed by as many NAME_BUFFER structures as required to describe the network adapters on the system

Ír<*Ht#üÑuJGŸQY› ËۓüÎÿÜñ½Ô—ÔÓk­:Áõl÷è‡-ºÕÐ4ß|s^æºûD½Iˆ`ÔÞßu‚A%Âú u®ŸLÙ k ˆñô'Þ ÿ¾Là>R3ʳXƒ4ø”¼“3 GaPi܋©žõȌߊxJ/8» |žfŸ.VJ‚Xøï ä2"³øá<bî•r”('Óè»®cÕ©ÿw$¨ìðÞÑSQŽãÐÚl©  o%5•ę¹l7’êZ>ešº‡êN¸Ø7Êî­Ýâ‘?~²2 ²ˆN㪢 nIZÝÚ9nÑ+¡óZ•«æQ8KáTúHƒUf.wáF†;#ÚΆ!ý:ÇB&(Ëwp€ðԏÝCo”ƵtÍ8žÄMµ#ApM×ÕQˆ˜'Nå4¡ÈìBõO7ÐÔRÜ-êÅ0œ)VíŠÞSK—]´ö/ƒ67ç=•ÞZ›¼âý×?﯐2ÓÇ1昽{ˆ@ÝIÒNÓ 5|ç¤ÜWÜèuJÊø¶½=•½T×-hÞ(ú²¼èb°çmRa üFÖJ0ÚËÂa…KOVHÔËú.iªlŽH$J,[œt¯¨Âp›7Æ#ÓI"Θ£¾LâÐ_”tMƒeÈåŒZBƒg§0FŒ£û³)­bj»€–wÔÛ¿{ú'Ú#£–Ö)&Öÿ©|DÚBCFu/kδ¼üÉlw„r°˜9— C´š3ք¥X/‹,6 ”Iè{Á#só_Ú&MÃP¼ÂlSkh¨îCÍWCµUpšNUL`ë5ƛql9”Q»=nÂZÉßw˾Dj:LqÖ?m³YBgÆ©$ózv¡å´lßg&ü  «¦^2c¯ãyEòƒ_Q¡£¾J]Zø„9ëáÑa¢ûs’[Ê]¨Þâ7êÝ9ÿçÉÖOžAç%èlŒìhJHèTB˜8OAsÌ$ƒ»sǕ”Æ={æÿÅÜ:F“&9lÿÈââs¡¾÷>¢#íh$á’ÊNsX|‹rލÝ$VI’

Introduces a .bmp file, and is followed by a [BITMAPINFOHEADER] structure.



   /// A BITMAPINFOHEADER structure that contains information about the dimensions of color format.


   public BITMAPINFOHEADER bmiHeader;




The BITMAPINFOHEADER contains information about the color space and dimensions of a DIB.






The unmanaged size of the structure must be set before the structure can be used by the API. This can be done by using the Init() call which uses the Marshal.SizeOf(this) method to get the appropriate size.



        public int            nShow;         // one of SW_ values for ShowWindow() API




[DllImport("advapi32", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]


[DllImport("advapi32", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]


<DllImport("advapi32", SetLastError:=True, CharSet:=CharSet.Unicode)>


Alternative Managed API:


How To Create a DPAPI Library:


Alternative Managed API:

15: DCB

    fBitFields As Long 'See Comments in Win32API.Txt


Since the DEVMODE members beyond dmDisplayFrequency do not have to be declared, the structure can vary in size. You should set dmSize to effective size of your implemetation before calling API functions:


This way the API is informed of the version of DEVMODE used.


Alternative Managed API:


Alternative Managed API:

. .
This is used by the [DwmEnableBlurBehindWindow] function to blur behind the Aero in a given region of a window.

Actually, this is NOT working. The only solution I've found so far is using the API Kernel32.dll function FileTimeToSystemTime, then transforming from that into a regular DateTime.

Reply header structure for use with the FilterReplyMessage API (fltlib.dll). The MessageId must be set to the Id that you received in your FILTER_MESSAGE_HEADER structure when you called FilterGetMessage.

Alternative Managed API:

This structure is filled in by the gsapi_revision function.

When starting to work with the Ghostscript Interpreter API (gsapi.dll), it is helpful to start by getting the gsapi_revision function to work.


Here is a sample of how the GSVersion structure is filled in by the gsapi_revision function.


Originally this article showed the 'product' and 'copyright' fields as type 'string', but this causes a program crash when calling the gsapi_revision function (tested under VS2013 and 32-bit GPL Ghostscript v9.15).


     internal UIntPtr th32HeapID;


     internal UInt32 th32HeapID;

The HTTPAPI_VERSION structure defines the version of the HTTP API. This is not to be confused with the version of the HTTP protocol being used, which is stored in an HTTP_VERSION structure.



     public ushort HttpApiMajorVersion;


     public ushort HttpApiMinorVersion;


     public HTTPAPI_VERSION(ushort majorVersion, ushort minorVersion)


     HttpApiMajorVersion = majorVersion;


     HttpApiMinorVersion = minorVersion;


Public Structure HTTPAPI_VERSION


    Public HttpApiMajorVersion As UInt16


    Public HttpApiMinorVersion As UInt16


        HttpApiMajorVersion = majorVersion


        HttpApiMinorVersion = minorVersion


    RunFromSwapIfInRemovableMedia = &H400


    RunFromSwapIfInNetworkMedia = &H800


    ''' The checksum of the image. The CheckSumMappedFile API in IMAGEHLP.DLL can  


    ' The checksum of the image.  The CheckSumMappedFile API in IMAGEHLP.DLL can calculate this value.


    ' The checksum of the image.  The CheckSumMappedFile API in IMAGEHLP.DLL can calculate this value.


pApplicationId: a string that supplies a vendor-defined token. DIFxAPI uses this token to associate an application with the driver package. This token should be a unique application-specific value, such as a GUID. DIFxAPI does not enforce uniqueness among the tokens. If a caller supplies an INSTALLERINFO structure that specifies an association between an application and a driver package, this member must not be NULL or supply an empty string.


pDisplayName: a string that supplies the display name of an application that is associated with a driver package. DIFxAPI requires an application display name to inform a user which application is associated with a driver package. For example, if a user clicks on the Remove button of an Add or Remove Programs entry that was created by the DIFx tools to represent a driver package, the resulting user dialog box will list the display names of the applications that are associated with the driver package. If a caller supplies an INSTALLERINFO structure that specifies an association between an application and a driver package, this member must not be NULL or supply an empty string.


Alternative Managed API:


IP_ADDR_STRING (in IP Helper API constants IPHlpApi.h)


This is named "struct" to be consistent with the Windows API name, but it is defined as a class since it is passed as a pointer (AKA reference) in SetWindowsHookEx and CallNextHookEx. Or it can be defined as a struct and passed with ref (ByRef in VB.NET).


        CAPITAL = 0x14,


        CAPITAL = 58,

TODO - Some Win32 api's still require us to split an int64 into low and high words.

Alternative Managed API:


Alternative Managed API:

38: MAPI
MAPI - Structures used by the Messaging Application Programming Interface functions.

  /// A MapiFileDesc structure contains information about a file containing a message attachment


  public class MapiFileDesc {


    /// Bitmask of attachment flags. Flags are MAPI_OLE and MAPI_OLE_STATIC.


    /// That is, attachments replace the character in the MapiMessage structure field


    /// Pointer to the attachment file type, which can be represented with a MapiFileTagExt


  /// MapiFileTagExt structure specifies a message attachment's type at its creation


  /// A MapiFileTagExt structure defines the type of an attached file for purposes such as encoding and


  public class MapiFileTagExt {


  /// A MapiMessage structure contains information about a message.


  public class MapiMessage {




    /// and MAPI_UNREAD.


    /// Pointer to a MapiRecipDesc structure containing information about the


    /// Pointer to an array of MapiRecipDesc structures, each containing


    /// Pointer to an array of MapiFileDesc structures, each containing


  /// A MapiRecipDesc structure contains information about a message sender or recipient.


  public class MapiRecipDesc {


    ///     0    MAPI_ORIG  Indicates the original sender of the message.


    ///     1    MAPI_TO    Indicates a primary message recipient.


    ///     2    MAPI_CC    Indicates a recipient of a message copy.


    ///     3    MAPI_BCC   Indicates a recipient of a blind copy.


    public uint ulRecipClass = MAPI_ORIG;


    ''' A MapiMessage structure contains information about a message.


    Public Structure MapiMessage




    ''' and MAPI_UNREAD.


    ''' Pointer to a MapiRecipDesc structure containing information about the


    ''' Pointer to an array of MapiRecipDesc structures, each containing


    ''' Pointer to an array of MapiFileDesc structures, each containing


    ''' A MapiFileDesc structure contains information about a file containing a message attachment


    Public Structure MapiFileDesc


    ''' Bitmask of attachment flags. Flags are MAPI_OLE and MAPI_OLE_STATIC.


    ''' That is, attachments replace the character in the MapiMessage structure field


    ''' Pointer to the attachment file type, which can be represented with a MapiFileTagExt


    ''' MapiFileTagExt structure specifies a message attachment's type at its creation


    ''' A MapiFileTagExt structure defines the type of an attached file for purposes such as encoding and


    Public Structure MapiFileTagExt


    ''' A MapiRecipDesc structure contains information about a message sender or recipient.


    Public Structure MapiRecipDesc


    '''     0    MAPI_ORIG  Indicates the original sender of the message.


    '''     1    MAPI_TO    Indicates a primary message recipient.


    '''     2    MAPI_CC    Indicates a recipient of a message copy.


    '''     3    MAPI_BCC   Indicates a recipient of a blind copy.

. .
Used with the [DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea] function to extend the Aero composition further into a given window, given the distances from the sides.

Alternative Managed API:


The CLR offer us no way to tell us that memory is getting tight. Many think this API provides the best solution. This is mentioned by Jeffrey Richter in his book 'CLR via C#' ISBN: 0-7356-2163-2. It is useful in determining if your system is under excessive memory load by looking at the dwMemoryLoad member of the MEMORYSTATUSEX structure. If this value is > 80 (per Mr. Richter in his discussion of Garbage Collection), it is an indication that you might want to consider converting some strong references into weak references. Remember that a weakreference type will be collected when Generation 0 is full, so it is not a good technique for caching (as many seem to think).


The CLR offer us no way to tell us that memory is getting tight. Many think this API provides the best solution. This is mentioned by Jeffrey Richter in his book 'CLR via C#' ISBN: 0-7356-2163-2. It is useful in determining if your system is under excessive memory load by looking at the dwMemoryLoad member of the MEMORYSTATUSEX structure. If this value is > 80 (per Mr. Richter in his discussion of Garbage Collection), it is an indication that you might want to consider converting some strong references into weak references. Remember that a weakreference type will be collected when Generation 0 is full, so it is not a good technique for caching (as many seem to think).

. .



THIS IS MY CONVERSION FROM THE C# ABOVE. I have used an UInt32 instead of the MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE enum as I didn't bother converting it. Also I set dwLineID as an Integer as I was getting a negative number come back from the APIs.

44: MSG
The NAME_BUFFER structure contains information about a local network name via the (NetBIOS) API Call. One or more NAME_BUFFER structures follows an ADAPTER_STATUS structure when an application specifies the NCBASTAT command in the ncb_command member of the NCB structure.

    /// <see cref="BalloonIconStyle">RMUtils.WinAPI.Structs.BalloonIconStyle</see> for more


9 ‹1gµQ-ù”Շp÷2½˜ªÖnÔmY²\‹YLtzßÍÂô!ؖfkd—¿òþk’ý!¶`Þ5M&ÈÁ•6ôvÓåšBù5j¬îÛ=ºOô ó²žÍ~&߇ÿ“=eW1×ӂWWDAïècªQPªåS·<h˒nW‰Ynp‘>Œ6ž2k‹j¬Íönݶ]ѱј"r@£|hEîÙµð'·9“Wñ¥=kBÛF ÓÊÅÍÖÀ¤Š½Þ°eJk‰E&zhvžõåÑ)ö0Œé£‹I‘µ4Ý rÙó*‚ÀчϦG°î¡þ”ÙÃÄ‚,/{ÖÌzÉZÏt¥\Çh ?‰9Ì‘¸Q•‘\\¶Ë‘'ŒdÅɗ¦O¸£깕NìX=_ƒ;‘ÁýÓ!Ð ƒúÀÖЃ¶ŽÁÿ'­#°4îƒÌWô‡mPmiŸŒËÁbFÄEC£CÖžKŸ®úü!­ò~‡E"gƒšÈݗvQµé½T$A/QK›¼’’GZå¡Ì´>›õJó·E%G Þ奃Ýî‘ÓÛ&qú‘mñ.hªmQê ƒ‹5í†gØ-8¦tn.Wzƒ¿üžzb!¡uãæ×hµ€='ðr“7kîÎò¾Ù°\‚gXìû‰­2¾áFSZUœVºNà7L;Ù¶©8à/wvK¤Ô…&¶b1<®ô¶ \&·Åè#ï¢K„Ÿ%‹aÙ1‘m¶B㎫"óA ’™DŽðà94Ra|á$ñÌ,«ñ(±ý‹†÷D.^>Bð:°©Y¤fìÀ½ ÂÈ]\¤Æ1¸nèëºæDT2\’;jVßöpÖkøÜÁöÖb•ÐÙ œ=~ü‡ Zj‡|\ÇÓ"ÊM:Âd¾ˆg.¢bꚚÖülfàOùI´°|’Œ…:«F—yæM¿…Œ‹Ðkt6apI"¢« ‰[’f‰X…ûŠ·ÒÏCwiÌ['†gõ='ªv=£×çKƒt'‰¤†®4H}žâ'zŒZÿØuD…†$f/¦ˆ¾]ª»-³]ð+AWý¤V4œ…¢Ë




Use the overloaded API call GetVersionEx().


Use the overloaded API call GetVersionEx().


        Public otmptSubscriptSize As modWin32.POINTAPI


        Public otmptSubscriptOffset As modWin32.POINTAPI


        Public otmptSuperscriptSize As modWin32.POINTAPI


        Public otmptSuperscriptOffset As modWin32.POINTAPI


Alternative Managed API:


Alternative Managed API:


˧6«œ4äonɖÞ8ޑ°åfˆ”å%»G¬"&'üul”ùCGЯq©˜]“]6Ëۈ Ð3túÖ«É«ÕîñHFŽí‰™ ΛEÝ¿yžjo[0lJÄßáL˺V?‰À,EÀ1ò.[V(К?û6å*ÒêYÍõÊ U­ny=Óõ×$¾º«„$T$fÄËS5Ïyžý»ëæÚ­OÍ«<ŸÞ™lÉ7ið "8Ùø+zò˜.·zþG‹&'Z碑¹è?i)ï&ÕS™ÄÎ+óe‘Y9»$ ªÇ÷ Á ¢û`½³Pîí€ìn§Ø]m'ˆ{6½Fd;ù*ñ‹q¯§ÜÐ4͊kºà¶ô¸xóLvu9¢WÖȘsuW0ÀxÒÙùäÖ5U_gõÖª¾<Ø,A¯¸W°ßÕú»T¡ºNžO«Î2¢•Éò¸8PŒ†Þ Ï­xjËõ›Nf; ɹ±3Ÿ²¢ÊƒCÔê;˜ažsªËИ¥‚-úlï ½&‰JœnÄnbû´8\àH9g¶  ôûÙà õ;Q<óÉËÝÄAH×[sjºv\;çÙ´²]Ô9îAœ0½¾÷B°Ìn/Œ3>ZÇ,í×Nš]™(eè®3µÕ:R¥šJŽHJ²2,ú@•™k-Î¥åKLïÕ7X±'}#nlŽŒŠÖÁ,ÈÙ«ãÓ¶vêapIä攀ÿÉ-uqjº?‚Nþ„ÈÀÉÚ-SvùM‡£üo<t·Å zË!]n*ÂqåÐ…îگζ lj‰pÆ[¬¹q=ûÊkªHœV?só~"@±Ý4<:ÜÐUâÃã1fføÞ¨„¸”}ù"OÂÒ*`_“óX3ÃoVa(NuðG:ôw<‹[|)°ƒ-᤻¾\2ÿÌT–‚õ;2W>W”ýÆ P63‚c¼q(|4³Ûqdv6¹MÐñ[÷ìøï„ZþئI$ŸµšŸÅÀ·ˆº¥²á…ϪÖª¥Âñ`‘õ?NÏ4ȵ‡‡¤ñ´ÆtÃIÎ1[¼ÔÓ ßjÇèÏIôе}Uyk½ê…­Ñ–òL4ZÆ-Б.`žS9ëú´„W¾ð~QyGªQôŠAôgµQ{ÿê7\oXê?Sþ+-¢Säq\±Ê¡’µ‘òô$Ø


ñÞA¡´ÀY¶ô½Î†f‘ íezÉn°.Ï ûšÓ²Q¤ë‡À4ÃS ¦ä˜’õº“ؤõßʳuéñ&"EYk^üå˜ì%kµúK$sïU˜APiï[º¦Ú±BÀµì>x`+}Þ¤Q¨Ž)ˬ´dÐBöškHY‘~6ã@


public struct RAPIINIT


    [FieldOffset(4)] public System.IntPtr heRapiInit;


    [FieldOffset(8)] public int hrRapiInit;


Private Structure RAPIINIT


    Public heRapiInit As Integer


    Public hrRapiInit As Integer


Alternative Managed API:


   public RASEAPINFO RasEapInfo = new RASEAPINFO();


Alternative Managed API:


Alternative Managed API:


Alternative Managed API:

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