[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern int GetScrollPos(IntPtr hWnd, int nBar);
<DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet:=CharSet.Auto)> _
Public Function GetScrollPos(ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal nBar As integer) As Integer
End Function
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private const int SB_HORZ = 0x0;
private const int SB_VERT = 0x1;
/// <summary>
/// Gets and Sets the Horizontal Scroll position of the control.
/// </summary>
public int HScrollPos
get { return GetScrollPos((IntPtr) this.Handle, SB_HORZ); }
set { SetScrollPos((IntPtr) this.Handle, SB_HORZ, value, true); }
/// <summary>
/// Gets and Sets the Vertical Scroll position of the control.
/// </summary>
public int VScrollPos
get { return GetScrollPos((IntPtr) this.Handle, SB_VERT); }
set { SetScrollPos((IntPtr) this.Handle, SB_VERT, value, true); }
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